posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:23 AM
This is a personal view point that I have sat thinking about for the last couple of months, it's irked me, made me think of what I believe in and why
I bother to carry on.
I have visited ATS for many years, mostly lurking, I post here and there trying to give valid input rather than just posting because I like the sound
of my own typing, it's a subject I believe in very seriously and I have seen 2 UFO's (whatever they were) so it's a subject I have some real
attachment to.
Sadly I have become somewhat disillusioned as of late, I had hoped with our now more powerful technology that we would be seeing major steps into
identifying these objects but we still get the same grainy tiny little blobs floating here and there. In fact the technology we have now has clouded
the whole subject even deeper with fraud and alike.
Some wonderful images pop up here and there but pretty much every one is the production of a CGI program or Photoshop, daily there are 100's of
video's posted declaring REAL UFO's but it's clear even to a poor person like me that there are just natural phenomena, fakes and most definitely
NOT UFO's. The whole subject has become a media circus and has lost pretty much all credibility because it's rampant with money making fakes,
'experts' whose only expertise is counting the cash into the bank from people all too willing to believe anything and people who just inhabit the
virtual world wanting to become 'known' by publishing white lights behind tree's, night vision birds etc etc desperate to pass them off as UFO's
hoping for some celebrity status amongst the media circus.
I've looked at too many lanterns that are obvious lanterns that despite this have countless long threads regarding them, threads that are normally
filled with no real content, threads that have become all to frequent, threads that are as useless as the object in question. Every time there's a
shuttle launch you can guarantee a thousand and one threads on UFO's around the shuttle, indepth discussions about what clearly are small spinning
flecks of ice, only rarely is there something in the video's which actually DO catch the eye and are worth the time to look at.
You see, this is what's making people like me step back and wonder what the hell have I been looking for all these years, there's no more proof than
there was in Kenneth Arnold's days but if you look on the Internet you would think we had all the proof we need, instead we are stuck with 98% fakes
and the same unrecognisable tiny objects in photo's.
I'm not a religious person, to be honest I could never claim to be and say I was a believer for obvious reasons but I feel like a person who says
they have lost their religion, I look with tired eyes at the same threads, the same objects, the same lies and the same nonsense knowing I'm no
nearer knowing anything more let alone this widely vaunted Disclosure that people have stuck on their minds..
And who talks of disclosure, the same money orientated 'experts' who have made other absurd claims all of which line their pockets.
All this technology has merely made it harder to see the honest from the dishonest, it's given a new platform to frauds and in some cases mentally
deluded people, people grasping at anything to feed their demon. The number of times I have seen posts regarding them being in contact with Aliens yet
when you ask certain questions of this person you get the normal evasive 'I'm not allowed to say' complete rubbish. Yet another painful cancer in
Ufology, people eating away at the very fabric of the subject they claim to believe in yet make it stink with lies and delusions.
Yet despite this I do believe in the term UFO, I have seen 2 things I have never seen any aircraft do but I have no idea what they were, for that fact
I cannot just jump on the little green man bandwagon, that would be illogical and pathetic.
I do believe in life elsewhere, it's scientifically almost let alone a mathematical guarantee but whether they are flying here at this point in time
I don't know but I do believe they have been here early in this planets life, I base that on drawing that are too technical in aspect to be much else
from tribes that had no technology of any kind let alone technical building skills.
But I digress, the main point of this post is to highlight how much the subject has lost it's zest, the fire for it in me is almost out, the childish
numerous youtube posts of fakes by people who are old enough to know better is staggering, the level of profiteering from the subject is vulgar, the
level to which people will bend to make something fit is disgusting. People are starting to lose the very items they need most, the power to
rationalise, the power to study, research and investigate has been watered down in many, they get fed their UFO snacks without stepping back and
looking at it.
It's starting to look like a net version of the American publication the National Enquirer in here, it really is and too much attention is wasted on
obvious STORIES, too much jabber is allowed regarding them. Mods should cut short threads once it has lost track, if a claim is made and no proof
provided then it's a nice STORY and the thread should close soon after, instead they become sidetracked and in a lot of cases are hijacked by sets of
people who post for flags, points and to be seen hoping they get some 'elite status in a clique.
Cliques are the very worst a site can have, positive sceptical intelligent minds are fantastic, people like Phage, Internos etc but sadly there's all
to many who post fo non ethical reasons, they drag a subject into derision and make claims they cannot back up (be it for many reasons but mostly
because it's a figment of their imagination). Sorry, but this breaking down on the cohesion of the subject is just making the place a laughing stock
and making people like me worry that each thread will be full of BS and surfer dude talk.
I say all this because I care, there's no novelty value for me, no imaginary power to be gained, just a person watching a whole lot of nothing carry
on going around and around.
Such a shame...
[edit on 27-1-2010 by Mclaneinc]