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Could this be how the nwo puts foreign troops on our streets?

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:33 AM
The truth of the matter boils down to one thing...the reason.

The reason troops would come (American or foreign) is because of lost control. There are a few options we have if this is our future; we band together now and oust the leaders responsible (rothschilds, rockefellers, the entire senate/house, every single corporate master be eliminated) which is not impossible, but highly unlikely and before anything could establish, the "control" would already be over our heads with the handcuffs and/or shotgun ready.

I can truly see this happening at some point. Chinese/Russian soldiers patrolling streets with curfews, tanks, APC's on city highways...FORCED labor or something along the lines of accepting an RFID chip to be a part of society (commerce, etc.)....these are signs of the end of life as we as american humans know it. for some people, the end of the world (antichrist, etc.)

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Darky5K

There will always be a black market but the tobacco mobsters you refer to are a very small percentage when compared to the syndicate involved in black marketeering of prohibited drugs. Most people who smoke cigarettes buy those cigarettes on the free and open market, even now at a time where excessive taxation on them encourages black market sales.

In terms of justifying large numbers of police by pointing to prohibition laws that do little to prevent drug use and much to create industries such as police states, the pirates and black marketeers you describe would a welcome change.

Actually, La Cosa Nostra and others are involved with the tobacco and alcohol rings. Aside from that however, you still got the CIA and others like the Bushes and Zapata, profiting off of the illegal drug sale. We know why it's done- it doubles money for all involved. So no, it's not much better, both sets of thugs are working together. How many times has it been said the Mob and others work with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers on here?

Even still, you legalize it, then what? Will you still arrest those who use it irresponsibly, like driving while high, or goes ape# on PCP?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Darky5K

Indeed, that is the way it should have always been! Creating "laws" that are "intended" to "prevent" future crimes that have not yet happened are ludicrous and is not the way justice works. There are countless drug users who function in society without committing any other crime than the use of that drug and that so called "crime" is circumstantial and predicated on the prohibition laws that made use of it a "crime" to begin with. All crimes come with victims. It is folly to make criminals out of certain people simply because their behavior may lead to criminal activity.

There are plenty of sober people who do not smoke, do not drink, and do not use drugs who commit crimes. It would be just as ludicrous to point to sober people and link them to all the sober people who committed crimes and declare that sobriety can lead to criminal behavior. It is no less ludicrous to make such declarations about drug use.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:58 AM
drugs are things. things that can alter our thoughts and consciousness, sometimes...a lot of times...provoking thought...which then makes us question the status-quo...they don't want they prohibit it...with prohibition comes imprisonment, seizures, fines, rolls in and society is controlled (to a given point)

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by SRHAZE420

Yes, all this I understand, but governments are things, artifices created by We the People and it is irrelevant what "they" want when We the People are united in our efforts to remain self governed and free.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:10 AM
link theory.

sadly, we are placated by so many things that such an awareness would never reach a level until something catastrophic happens.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by SRHAZE420 theory.

sadly, we are placated by so many things that such an awareness would never reach a level until something catastrophic happens.

Actually, theory is the testing of hypothesis that may or may not lead to discovery of law. That We the People are the holders of the inherent political power is not theory, it is law.

That said, I understand your point, and as long as apathy and ignorance reigns supreme, this law will never be properly enforced.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by CookieMonster09
Nonsense. They want you to believe that they are broke, so that they can tax you even more than they already do.
Well, I dunno about the state you live in, but here in virginia, in a neighboring county, the town of Tazewell has it's local police officers doing patrol work in town limits in, get this now, "GolfCarts"!

That's because they said the town was underbudgeted for fuel costs last summer! When an officer sees a crime going down inside town limits, they call dispatch and send out a car.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:02 PM
Again, though, it's not a revenue issue, it's a spending issue. If they are crying about cutbacks, and job losses in the government sector (fire, police, etc.), it's because they spent too much.

Look up CAFR. Find your state's CAFR and look at the amount of money they bring in. We're talking tens of billions in revenue each year.

The issue is that they overspend - That's when the news stories come out about layoffs at the local police station and then we idiot taxpayers get convinced that we need more taxes. We don't. We need less spending.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:18 PM
In an ideal city, all police officers would be peace officers and would be 100% liabilities on the cities books. Instead, in almost all cities the police officer is not a peace officer but a profit center, a ticket salesman for the mob. The criminal practices and misdirection of resources is a major financial burden to every community. It isn't necessarily bad to reduce the police. In fact, at least half of all police officers are of no need to a community. They are predators victimizing the public and in collusion with the biggest criminals in the city, the traffic court judges.

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