posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:03 PM
I have lived in Florida for 57 years, and I can tell you that it is definitly getting colder.
It used to be that when there was a heavy frost, there would be Red Letter headlines in the newspaper.
Even into the 80's when there was a freeze coming there would be continuous coverage on TV as to temp drops in various areas.
Now it is so common that they don't bother any more.
For instance:
•The 1957 freeze occurred near the end of the year on December 12-13 and was the most severe to hit the state since 1940.
•This freeze hit exactly five years (to the day) after the freeze of 1957. The freezing temperatures arrived in Florida on December 12-13, creating
the third *impact freeze in the state of Florida. It was considered an *impact freeze because it caused the most damage to trees and fruit of any
other 20th century freeze to date.
•This freeze occurred on January 18-20 and is comparable to the 1962 freeze. This freeze created the rare conditions in Florida for snow to stick to
the ground.
The freeze of 1977 also reinforced and accelerated grower movement south.
At one time they were wanting to raise Citrus in Southern Ga. and N. Fla.,but the freezes sent them South, and they are still going further South.
For the complete list see: