posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:50 PM
[Don't believe this.] (You can play along though.)
Once it was raining, and I tried something. The rain stopped.
A few instances later it was raining more seriously, so I tried the same with the same results. I was very happy and thankful, yet imagined it as
This winter seemed colder and different. A day before the warming I did the same thing I had done only instead thinking more for "homeostasis and
life" in general.
I was surprised a little (though very thankful) when warmth spread. Though now that it's cooling again I am more surprised. Wow, ya know. We
really can be friends and even laugh with nature... In the face of a loving unknown, I find myself laughing as though it was an inside joke when I
sees them.
I hope it can't be used for catastrophic damage. Some of our bodies, with their free will, may have grown the wrong way. When I connect I realize
I'm in a human body (a main cause of death on her) so my idea of good may differ. In these cases I hope the higher idea of good manifests
I posted this and how it was done on these boards months before (on a public account), but it was deleted. No worries though; perhaps safety was in
I don't know what to do now though. Are quakes, floods, hurricanes, and the others something I should connect thinking upon with the intent of
stopping? They cause these akward bodies pain and death, but is it wrong? I would be more sure if I knew TPTB were the cause, but I dunno for sure.
Maybe these bodies have evolved the wrong way and more good would result in their absence (or a different evolutionary path).
My guess is it's not only the physical evolution (something currently very hard to change) allowing free will. I think it's how we've been taught,
the "mental evolution." I would think, then, that our bodies still have hope for true good.
(I'm treading on a weird line here; I could find answers I'm curious of with the post, but it could also cause too many bad ripples. I don't know
who reads the forum so delete if more good would result in your opinion without it.)
(Sorry for any "errors" in language usage; I'm new to doublespeak so I figure there's a lot.)
[/Don't believe this.]