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911, Non-Believers of OS Can We Agree?

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:52 AM
This thread is aimed at “non believers” of the OS. I think it is about time we all start agreeing on some things, as a group, if we are going to push the truth of 911.

The first topic I will present has to do with the destruction of the WTC.

Do you, “non believers” of the OS, believe “demolition” with the help of nano-Thermate & nano-Thermite is the most creditable hypothesis? Was the proven science that backs this claim the reason you believe this?
If not, explain why you do not support this science. Remember, I am addressing this to non believers of the OS

The 911-commission report and the NIST report have been proven false. We have seen NIST “science” does not stand up to credible science. Do you agree with this?

My source of this credibility is:

Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth.

If we can start coming to an agreement with the supporting evidence, we can drive this issue forward as a group.

OS believers are using the fact that the “non believers” of the OS (that’s us) cannot seem to agree on anything and this is one reason they will not support one proven thing against the OS.

For OS believers, this thread “IS NOT” about who or how they brought the demolition materials into the WTC. This is about coming to an agreement on the facts that have been uncovered.

Please keep your response to the point and please do not insult or ridicule others on this thread.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by impressme
For OS believers, this thread “IS NOT” about who or how they brought the demolition materials into the WTC.

Of course you want to ignore that, as it totally destroys your conspiracy theory - you know that they could not have bought the tonnes of materials into the WTC's, so you want that fact ignored!

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:10 AM
Here here I agree
But if we are to look at this with a broad sense then we need to stick to one thing at a time.
The Official Story being that.
Because out of all the theories it is the fact that what we were told, what they said and what actually happened does not sync up.

For many it is easy to get heated in argument when dealing with the vast topics covering 9/11..As it is a vitally important event in American history especially as of late.
Theres is much to be debated yes but we atleast must come to the decision that any theory whatever one has stems from the fact that the Offical Story does not add up

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Akoostikreiki

but there is creatable science that supports this claim. If we can work with this and come to an agreement, I believe we can get somewhere.
Since the OS has been discredit by most, we have to start looking at what really brought down the WTC.

Americans have no information from our government or their paid scientist, absolutely nothing.

Are we to just ignore this event every happened and except the government proven lies? No this would be unamerican to accept this nonsence.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:45 PM
Truthers and agreement go together like fish and bicycles !

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by impressme

Not only do I agree but I suspected the buidlings were brouight down on purpose while I watched it unfold on September 11, 2001.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 04:54 PM
I try to avoid discussing topics , that I am not to Familiar with.

I wont discuss planes, banking angles , G Forces as I have very little knowledge of them.

I can and will say, Bush and his Neocon Merry men knew about the attacks

and did everything in their power to make sure it happened. We are at a disadvantage as we KNOW the truth, but we have to reverse engineer as to the how.

I am familiar with the de-bunking process , the OS side on ATS are not

that good to be honest. Mostly insults and ridicule , 3rd stage debunking.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:26 AM
I thought I would try and bump this thread to get a better response.

Can we all agree the WTC were demolish with some kind of sophisticated technology probably unknown to demolition Co, or at lease agree the WTC were blown to pieces.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by impressme
I thought I would try and bump this thread to get a better response.

Can we all agree the WTC were demolish with some kind of sophisticated technology probably unknown to demolition Co, or at lease agree the WTC were blown to pieces.

Ah yes, when none of the alternative scenarios the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are suitable enough to explain the events of 9/11 any better than the one they're contesting, to fill in the considerable gaps, they start making up stuff on their own that's impossible to prove or deny I.E. super secret gov't explosives noone has ever seen before. This isn't proving anything. You're simply restating the original conspiracy in different terms. That's the definition of "circular logic", in case you didn't know.

What evidence do you have that proves the gov't has super secret explosives that noone knows about? You're the one adamant about everything having a verifiable reference, after all.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:29 PM
Hey Everyone,

To Impressme,

I responded to your poll (page 4) about 9/11 and broadly agree with your intentions on this thread. There is no need to really ask OSers their opinion, it is enough to imagine their position yourself. Edward de Bono uses a thinking tool called POV which directs you attention to all possible viewpoints. I believed the OS for roughly 5 years, there was no need for me to question the event. There is a document on ae911truth with is 14 points of agreement with the offical story which is 'peer reviewed' I think. half way down, its funny because now the OS says Building 7 did fall at free fall for like 2.5 seconds, something we can all agree on lol. Great poll, I loved how the OSers only attack the messenger and never the message.


Planes hit the buildings I watched them collapse and I know US policy globally is terrible and some people really want to take revenge. The trouble is with the idea of the BIG LIE, people cant see past it, like a magician. Anyways check out the site for a minute and empathize with people who do believe the OS fantasy (which I said was me for 5 years)

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by impressme

The Schopenhauer quote is apt, are we now at the third stage, nearly everyone I know, knows the OS is a lie, the only ones who don't say that, say it's not possible for the US to pull off because it's too difficult - I say nothing is impossible with a suitable plan and that the inner workings of the secret part of the CIA is not for them to know - they do not understand my reasoning

Power and Equality

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by Akoostikreiki

but there is creatable science that supports this claim. If we can work with this and come to an agreement, I believe we can get somewhere.
Since the OS has been discredit by most, we have to start looking at what really brought down the WTC.
[edit on 26-1-2010 by impressme]

This typo, misspelling creditable as “creatable” made me chuckle out load. I think that sums up the conspiracy theorists' motive… if they don’t understand the science or facts, they will create science or facts that they can better live with.

I really am not trying to throw gas on a dying fire, but hopefully everyone can see the humor in that.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 09:27 PM
Yes, I agree. Cutter charges made of nanothermate / thermite are definitely the most plausible primary destructive device. There may have been more than one method used simultaneously, but cutter charges could have brought down the buildings by themselves. I think the other methods used simultaneously might have been used just to test it out basically, and as a backup measure to make it go along smoother.

I suspect that there may have been secondary methods used that day (scalar weaponry) but that really isn't even relevant. If scalar weaponry (HAARP) was used, my belief is that is that it was because basically the military likes to test out their toys, especially when it comes to exotic weaponry.

Mainly I think that these stories of exotic weaponry are truly pushed by disinfo agents to lead the public in a wrong direction. They want us to sound completely crazy so that nobody will lend any credibility to the story. They want believers of the OS to laugh at us.

That is also part of the reason that even though I believe there were no airplanes on that day either, I don't think it truly matters. I mean, it does matter, but on the other hand there are more important things that need to be told to people who still believe the OS. That way they will be more liable to convert to non-believers.

It takes a foot in the door before you can "make the sale" to a believer of the OS.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 09:36 PM
I agree that the buildings could not have been taken down by a plane, and the thermate/mite theory seems to make the most sense.

kudos on trying to get us all on the same page...something tells me later on it won't be so easy.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Jake the Dog Man

Your childish belittling is pathetic; attacking my grammar does not make you creditable.
Not only are you off topic, but your comments having nothing to do with my OP.

Why don’t you attack the Topic, not the messenger?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by Jake the Dog Man

Your childish belittling is pathetic; attacking my grammar does not make you creditable.
Not only are you off topic, but your comments having nothing to do with my OP.

Why don’t you attack the Topic, not the messenger?

I wasn’t attacking your grammar nor belittling you, I simply pointed out a typo that made me laugh. Why would that add or detract from my (or your) creditability?

Not only was my comment on topic, but I am on record as pointing out that conspiracy theorists can’t even agree to disagree. There are so many theories out there that one is bound to strike fancy with disillusioned people everywhere. I was clearly stating the irony of your typo.

I’d also like to point out the irony of conspiracy theorists thinking they now need to settle on one out of dozens/hundreds of theories all attempting to dispel the official story (which I believe is basically correct), which hasn’t changed much from day one. If the OS is so clearly wrong, why does it take such a growing number of people to prove it and they still haven’t?

Don’t expect me to respond because your behavior has already shown your capacity for discussion.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
to fill in the considerable gaps,

Thanks for admitting thier are considerable gaps in the official story.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by impressme
For OS believers, this thread “IS NOT” about who or how they brought the demolition materials into the WTC.

Of course you want to ignore that, as it totally destroys your conspiracy theory - you know that they could not have bought the tonnes of materials into the WTC's, so you want that fact ignored!

They had the time and the access, something you would know if you looked into things a little deeper.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by someguy420

They had the time and the access, something you would know if you looked into things a little deeper.

The towers were all heavily occupied by tens of thousands of people, so they did NOT have the time, and they did NOT have the access, and despite how deep you conspiracy theorists claim to have looked into things, you can't even agree amongst yourselves who the THEY even are.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
The towers were all heavily occupied by tens of thousands of people,

Actually a lot of floors were empty.

The occupancy of the WTC towers short before 9-11 2001

WTC: The occupancy in the North tower
-- 50% of the empty floors are over the 70th floor
-- 25% of the empty floors are over the 90th floor (p.212)

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