reply to post by marg6043
The time when home owners were able to own something are gone, that was during my parents time, they own their home fair and square, with not property
taxes and anything attach to it, but they are the lucky ones, my husband parents were in that same group.
But who's fault is that? Who's fault is it that they don't own their homes? If you bought your first house in 1986 (year I was born) for $50,000
(how much me parents house cost when they bought it, when I was born) by 2009 it's worth $200,000+ easily.. they still live in the same house, they
have been for 23 years, they should be at the last stretch of their mortgage.. in fact, the last 7 years on a 50k mortgage could be paid off in one
simple lump sum right? Why then do they owe more on the house than what it's worth now? First mortgage, second mortgage, dear god, I believe a
third mortgage..
People live beyond their means, they don't pay off their homes because they don't want to.. when they gain equity (wealth) they spend it (credit)
and pay interest on their own equity: STUPIDITY!! It's gotten so far out of control that new comers to the market, for the first time EVER,
literally have to buy a house underwater (negative equity).
If 80% of your wealth originates through real estate (equity), how does one acquire it to begin with? It depends on the average cost per house to
income levels.. right now, house prices are astronomically high compared to income, ESPECIALLY intro income earners .. for instance, houses in my area
average $250,000 for a "beginner" lower mid class home. No one my age makes enough to realistically afford that, we sure as hell cannot buy it in
cash, and we sometimes spend years coming up with 10%-20% down.. So we do what our parents teach us is right: Interest only loans, ARM's, Teaser
Loans, 0% Loans, FHA Loans (higher interest buy 3% down) Then you add PMI (mortgage insurance) and it's like #!% .. how the hell are we supposed to
cope with this?
But who created that scenario? Every generation born after the WWI .. I say, WWI, because after WWI the economy did not see the same gross economic
boom as after WWII, WWII vets came home to a super power that sat on top of the World.. we literally rebuilt everything .. people extended not only
their cash, but their equity and their credit.. and now we have to pay for it. Not for abuse by banks, or by Government, both of which are criminal
in their own rights, but because of our habitual way of wanting everything for nothing, to live like kings and queens when really we live so far
beyond our means, the slightest hiccup in our income and our world comes crashing down.
Maybe it will be lesson, though I doubt it... we won't see the errors of our way until the economy is destroyed by our greedy impulsive life style
choices.. until the country fractures and we get tossed into a living hell.
Anyway, yes Capitalism is failing the regular people while enriching those on the top.
Capitalism can be summed up like this: There always has to be someone to clean the toilet.
Does that person work hard? Yes. More than a CEO? Perhaps, in a different kinda way. Does that person deserve a McMansion?
Capitalism failed because it was apart of a Democratic process.. the Republic failed for the same reason, Republics will never remain indefinite so
long as it's attached to a Democratic process.. Democracy demands regulation and control, voted officially never meet to say "well everything seems
fine, see yall next summer!" .. No .. They find things that are wrong, regulate them.. they find potential laws, and enforce them.. because
Capitalism is regulated, enforced, molded by a Democratic process... some would say Capitalism invites mega banks and assist the super wealthy:
If we had a Capitalistic system, every major bank would have failed, every wealthy CEO would have been downgraded to destitute poverty over night, the
captains of industry would have been rendering homeless and another generation would have taken up the seats of economic power, and we would have seen
a new era. We would have been better, stronger, and more versatile.
Now we are nothing more than an animated corpse injected with steroids, trying to run a system that no longer functions in a World that no longer
needs us.