posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 12:27 PM
For those who think this is normal and or desirable:
If you think he writes his own speeches, you are sadly mistaken.
Sure he has input and the staff writers are excellent at making it sound like it is genuine, but it is not.
I am not saying that is a bad thing either. However, it must be made clear that he does not write his own speeches.
Secondly, a president should be intelligent and genuine enough to be able to give a speech at a school on the fly. He chose the venue, he should
also be smart enough to tailor the message. This guy is supposed to deal with international life and death decisions...what is he like behind closed
doors when his charm doesnt matter?
If you think that a guy who is supposed to lead the country can go around to a school and not even look the kids in the eyes because he has to look at
these ridiculous teleprompters to "talk" to them and you do not see the horror/hilarity of it, then I feel sorry for you.
Just imagine a movie coming out in the 70's where they showed this freakin' world we are living now and you would have called it science fiction! A
puppet president sold on the people with chants of h(r)ope and c hang e.
Read the comments on the linked website where it came from. Even those who were fooled and voted for him feel they have been duped. It is beginning.
Get on the right side of history.