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Purple light when mind is free of thought

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posted on Apr, 30 2017 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: hardstyleaz

Greeting, my friend!

From my experiences, this purple light (sometimes green, blue, etc) is the astral plane. You can use deep breathing techniques to enhance the 'color', and to make your experiences more vivid.

As you continue to explore this plane, you will begin to 'see' more. Other beings are easy to identify on this plane (almost like different colored pixelated clouds) and some really cool, elaborate geometrical shapes reside here.

While you are 'looking' at the purple space, look around for 'tunnels', you will know what I'm talking about when you find them. You can Will yourself into these and travel deeper and deeper. Sometimes a spinning feeling and motion will accompany traveling, go with it :^)

I suggest keeping a journal close by. At first, these experiences will seem dreamy, and they will quickly slip your memory. As you put more emphasis on the experiences, they will become as real as the world around you.

Happy travels, my friend!


posted on May, 2 2017 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: ka119

Nice advice; I was sleeping the other day it felt like I rolled out of bed and landed on my feet on the ground under and I started to walk through the wall almost like rolling out of a trap door but I am like wait a minute not only am I naked but even though I fell there was a "tree" standing and well having cut that tether or cord where I can end up anywhere... all sorts of adventures typically ensue; so I dreamed there was mention of a "nude man" on the news and of course being more of the modest sort, knowing it may haps been myself I changed into cat form to avoid that the "all seeing eye is upon you" and then went about some odd escapades in various forms.

So yeah chasing the rainbow not attached to various forms is an interesting one; to observe.

More on direct topic; the night after this occurred a transmutation sort of circle in purple showed above my head and then spun and I felt the "mind seal" and then in the minds eye saw a "shadow" like my dead body from the fall out drift by like an old log upon which I mentally picked up. Today I saw someone saying and this is where I killed and buried him and saw what appeared to be a tomb stone with some numbers; to which I said and the numbers are on the back of your prison uniform... and poof.

The third eye being clear makes for an interesting transition, between literary or internal conversation in the mind become instead pictures of thought... or more like dream, but yet awake.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: hardstyleaz

Could it be that the purple light is there suddenly if you have certain thoughts or worries, read a certain sentence in a book, are worried about something or during a frightening event?

It can be a energy that is watching over you. A family member thats not longer on earth and guards over you, probably female.

Just my two cents.

posted on May, 20 2018 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: hardstyleaz

My friend...I have been seeing this since 2006. I've asked around online on many forums. Your description is spot on.

This is my summed up experience with the purple flame and a few other odd experiences as well. There's even a correlation with other poster's in there about grid patterns and pixelations.

one constant phenomena I've had since 2006; The Purple Flame. It started when I woke one morning in fall of 2006 I saw a purple/indigo/violet 'hue' around my vision for a good 6-10 seconds. After this I would start to see the flame as I was waking from sleep 'with my eyes closed only' or drifting off into sleep. That stage where you are very relaxed and not quite engaged in the world. I would also see it when I was getting a back rub from my wife or with my eyes closed after getting very relaxed. I call it a 'flame' because it flickers around -- it is ever changing and never stays still.

I've seen so many shapes and even faces in the flame. Sometimes it's like purple clouds passing over with breaks in them of black, other times it is like going through a tunnel that starts far away then gets closer and bigger only to pass and another one comes from far away and passes -- like it's building on itself. It was only purple/violet until I had surgery in 2014. When I came to I had the most powerful feeling of bliss and love all throughout every part of me. I could hear people around me saying they had never seen someone so happy and smiling after surgery. I smiled for over an hour. As I came to I had my eyes closed and was engaged in the exact same 'trance' like feeling I've had when seeing the purple flame since 2006. This time it was a green flame pulsating like waves caressing over me. I could feel the pulses.

Next, a white flame accompanied this green one and they both started working together giving these pulsating waves that felt like they were going to the center of my forehead just above my eyes and would run all throughout my body. I felt they were smiling at me -- but without physical lips or eyes, just a feeling you know? and I was smiling as well. The nurse asked me 'Am I an angel?" I got the feeling that perhaps I told her I was talking to angels or that she had observed me communicating with an unseen source. Now, this could be explained away as the after effects of anesthesia, but these flames behaved exactly like the purple flame from before only they were green and white -- and much more intense, but in a good way. Another surgery was needed in 2015 and this time as I awoke there was only one white flame and was less intense -- but comforting nonetheless.

Since then I've awoken from sleep to a yellow/golden flame only once and on a handful of occasions to a somewhat of a red flame. But, all throughout since 2006 this purple/indigo/violet flame has been the constant centerpiece of this phenomena and it has never ceased to stop visiting me. I may go 2 weeks or 2 months without seeing it but then it will come back in the morning while waking up. I don't even open my eyes when waking anymore. I keep them closed to look for it.

About a year ago in the doctors office while waiting I closed my eyes and got relaxed then it came. I had the idea to put my hand over my eyes and see if it made a difference. Well, it 'pixelated ' so to speak. Every part of it broke down to a small dot and then it zoomed in very closely only to turn a deep blue. That was the first time that ever happened. I've also had a vivid experience when falling to sleep. I got a pressure in between my eyes and up around my sinus area "while in sleep state," I've felt it before and am familiar with it. Next, I got the very strong sensation of my head rushing forward like I was the hood ornament on a vehicle going 90 mph down the highway.

The sound coming from my alarm clock radio started to slow down like when you slow audio. Next, I felt myself being pulled up from my bed only to look down and see my 'self' still laying there sleeping. I got startled and broke free but ended up standing beside my bed with my body still asleep on it. Then, I looked down and I still had humanoid anatomy but it wasn't 'me' anymore. I was something like plasma? Glowing like energy? I was blue with a white hue. There was also a disembodied voice speaking to me in a slow and foreign tongue.

I spoke back to it in it's tongue. And for some reason shot up white energy like beams from my 'hands' at this disembodied voice 'Perhaps I was just scared from this experience?' Lastly, I awoke in my bed with full awareness that all of this had happened outside of 'me.' I've also been awoken late at night with the feeling of being 'beckoned' to look out of the window only to see 2 orbs looking right back at me. They were white but a bit translucent. A soft white glow.

edit on 20-5-2018 by Gumerk because: clarification

posted on Dec, 23 2018 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: hardstyleaz

When I was warming up during wrestling practice in highschool I asked my coach to take a piss. I go to the locker room and its dark I stand at the urinal to piss and look down. All around my spectrum of vision a purple squigly line was wavy up and down but in a circle around my vision. And that was 12 years ago now anytime I close my eyes and focus I see a purple spot like a 50 cent piece in the middle of my vision. Not to mention the geometrical shapes that come at me when I press my fists into my eyes.

posted on Dec, 23 2018 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: hardstyleaz

I see a white pin point, and the usual shadows
Sometimes see catacombs overlapping, it's hard though to describe cause like yous say as soon as you notice it, it disappears.
It's early days for me though, next step is to remain passive to the images that appear.

Ps more likely u create the purple hue not RM
And it's the colour of magick to some

edit on 23-12-2018 by ManyMasks because: (no reason given)

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