posted on Apr, 28 2017 @ 10:45 PM
The crown is a mixture of the throat cakra(blue wheel)or truth body(dhammakaya) and the root cakra red (shambogakaya) the purple is a transmission
from the Nirmanakaya.
Of course the three bodies can go through all six realms or manifestations of being... the six wheels or cakras. All of them need to be turned of
course in Tibetan Buddhism... it is suggested to cut off the lower four cakras until the crown opens and then the 7 are in the crown itself... then
slowly the others are opened again.
This rectifies the "higher" and "lower" so called self. Since all is mind, then all one is as a being as an "I" is the attachments one has. If one
does not have attachments; then ignorance starts to give way to wisdom.
The crown of purple is reflecting what the higher self is trying to achieve in bringing all things to balance and equality. Of course attachment to
any one specific color... starves the rest that needs to come to balance in being. So the giving and receiving light of that aura helps "feed" the
energies and waves.
The crown cakra is the "god/godess/deva/asura/titan" realms they are very dualistic in good and evil. So feeding just that does not really bring
anything into an as above so below balance where the middle ground is just that of being itself... simply aware in equanimity the middle ground that
neither sinks nor rises neither comes nor goes but simply is. So no matter where one ends up in the wheel of being in that moment of awareness;
whether heavens or hells there is simply awareness of being.
The five senses of contact each have a consciousness of attachment or bias in awareness there is simply what is occurring sight, sound, taste, touch,
smell etc. the I am in contact wants to form a bias or discrimination of that contact... the good or bad then further into the identification of those
sights, sounds, tastes, smells and touch.
Since each of these are a yin and yang of positive and negative, then they must be balanced in non bias and discrimination to reach a state of balance
or equanimity in order to rise or fall through all of the realms of existence unhindered by those beings attached to a self or being that seek to
control a self as a subject or slave.
Freedom means to extinguish these biases of attachment so that one may be an aid or medicine instead of a sickness... imagine as if one is dead, and
all five senses are dreaming separate dreams and all of them deluded or clouded in awareness of concept and this makes up the entire world or system
in which one finds oneself, and holds all others hostage as if in a prison instead of frees the entire world.
If the eye holds bias then it imprisons and judges all the eye falls on. Instead of simply sees without labels or discrimination, the same eventually
occurs in the other five consciousnesses and of course the more one moves to be the medicine the more attachments try to grasp and attach as a
sickness instead of a cure. The truth of the three worlds or spheres; body, speech and mind.
These three are known and cannot ever be hidden; so if one dwells in untruth or some intent of conscious formation due to attachment then it is known
as the intent as a karma whether good or bad that wheel turns and turns... who could climb such a thing if the ladder keeps spinning in some ego that
has ceased the crown for their own?
So be the cure contact and simply aware of what is arising and passing moment to moment in becoming or birth; eventually the whole chain of causation
or sickness will end and death, old age and suffering from being the sickness ends.
It is easy to get stuck, but like the lotus it can still bloom no matter how muddy/muddled or deep the water or well in which one finds awareness of
being in the moment of it's arising.
Meditation... many want to say it is not a good thing and well that is a test to see if you will bite and get hooked to allow them to feed of of you
so that that craving may continue... saying a them allows oneself to be hooked, and then you feed all of them. "meditate both day and night" is a good
parry to such games.
In equanimity such is the nature of giving and receiving and the light or wheels of being; balances these more and more towards equanimity than one of
opposites and extremes.
So keep moving through the senses and attachments into one of non-bias until all attachment skandas/kelsas end.