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Hidden sensors In Washington suburbs? We know of Area51 sensors, but they're even in residential a

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posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:56 AM
Hey guys,

Recently, the Coast to Coast website ran an article from a security website about the hidden sensors near Area 51. Homer Jay started a thread about these on ATS here:

....When I read the story on the Coast to Coast site I immediately put a link up to it on an alumni page my old college has (that allows people to edit a mini-blog for themselves). Within a few minutes I received a letter from the girl who was my RA (Resident Advisor) from my first year at college. Her father had worked for the State Department... and I remember her telling me a variety of interesting stories in school about weird things she saw around the house (mostly regarding telecommunications protocols her father had to use)... so I opened her letter immediately. This is part of what she wrote:

"...I wanted to let you know there's another [alumnus of our college] aware of the government's hidden sensors. In the DC area, particularly in Northern Virginia, there are hidden sensors in strange places that have an unknown government purpose. When ordinary civilians get too close to them, actual G-men in black vans (probably SUVs these days) appear and tell you to go away. This is crazy in a populated area, and there are lots of stories floating around about people who have come upon them. One is supposed to be in my home town, Reston. (Reston was developed in the 1960s in part because it is just outside of the nulear blast zone for Washington and is an easy commute from both Langley and DC.) There's a major concert venue in Manassas that had to redo some of its access road plans because one road apparently would have interferred with a sensor."

Now... that's what she wrote. I have no reason to doubt her.

I know that stories that are based on anonymous sources can be criticized for their legitimacy... and that saying that a girl you know has a dad who works for the state department doesn't prove anything... but I consider this a legitimate source of info. Yes, ATS (and the net, in general) is loaded with "I know a guy..." stories... but, I think her comments DO point to a bigger story.

And WHY is it a bigger story? Because, if she's right, the government has sensors in residential areas that are far away from military bases. The Area 51 sensors (even the ones on public lands) can be excused for defense reasons (almost)... but, if the remote suburbs of washington are bugged... does this imply that there's something in the area the government wanst to make sure is hidden? An underground base near DC, for example?

I don't mean to take away from Homer Jay's thread... I just thought that, when you think about it, that this is a different subject (but one that involves the same equipement)... so i started this thread. If the mods think it's the same subject they can lock it if they'd like to.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 03:58 AM
What kind of sensors are you referring to? There seem to be all kinds of unidentifyable stuff around here.

I am currently in Woodbridge, but grew up in Annandale. Most lights around this area have cameras. There are devices hanging off telephone poles with little antennas pointing down. Crome cilindrical tubes on the road sides.

I believe it was a Washington post writer said he was down in DC (not that long ago....a year maybe) and went up to an object like the crome cilynder barells/tubes, and was immediatly approached by park police for taking a picture and writing something down.

If you have any spisific (sp?) locations, I could check them out.

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by baked]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 04:08 AM
Here is that article. It's kind of old.

The sign above the highway leading into the nation's capital advised motorists to "Report Suspicious Activity" and gave an 800 number for the Office of Homeland Security. As a reporter, I figured this was right up my alley and set out yesterday to report on things that struck me as suspicious.
For instance, near the Jefferson Memorial, I saw a five-foot-tall metal box that was hooked up to an electrical outlet and equipped with a high-tech antenna and chrome-dome receptor. What was it?

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
An underground base near DC, for example?

There are probably too many underground structures in the D.C. area to count. Forget about the White House and the Pentagon, I'm sure even places like the National Archives and even certain embassys have huge underground storage areas and bunkers.
Outside of Georgetown, I'm surprised that a dog could even bury a bone without being shot.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:02 PM
Having sensors in residential areas doens't surprise me. They could be a simple type that the highway department uses to check road conditions or record traffic patterns.

But I also know of at least one "business" in Reston whose investigative employees operate out of a residential home to help hide their identities. There's nothing to say the military isn't doing something similar. They could have facilities spread out in residential areas for any number of reasons, monitors stations for bio or chem attacks or other types of operational redundencies in case of a nuclear attack.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Homer Jay

There are probably too many underground structures in the D.C. area to count. Forget about the White House and the Pentagon, I'm sure even places like the National Archives and even certain embassys have huge underground storage areas and bunkers.
Outside of Georgetown, I'm surprised that a dog could even bury a bone without being shot.

Look at a map of the DC metro and how deep the metro is downtown. And how many parts of downtown the metro has to avoid. Not only that, but most parts of the metro are very very deep. The exits around the capitol must be at least 5 floors down (Capitol South, Smithsonian, ect.).

And all of the capitol hill buildings are connected by undergroud passages, Sub-Levels, and a private "subway" for staff between the Senate offices and the Capitol as well as the house offices and the capitol. Although the house side is little more than a tram on a track. All these offices also have a few levels of underground parking. Now they are talking about establishing a secure zone around all of the capitol building with a fence and sensors. But every once in awhile the Capitol Police still find a way into the complex that bypasses security. That place is a nightmare to secure, it was never intened to be fully locked down.

While downtown it would be hard to keep people away from these underground structures, going further out, there are more restricted underground facilities, even at places such as the FDA, and other government sites that seem to have less of an affiliation. Most of these have sensors around them. There was a bunker site behind my old hhouse that supposedly belonged to the department of agriculture, but had impressive security interms of fencing for such a large lot with only one small shack. The point is, in DC, it's hard NOT to find an underground something with security. Bust most of them have nothing shady about them.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 09:12 PM

Here is a link to the complete map.

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by AZLS1]


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