posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Some say it's Jesus, Others, the shroud of Tehran.
In other NEWS, The Messiah is a Cheetos, coined as Cheesus.
Not to be outdone, The reporter on these *reports*
has created Jesus out of chest and body hair.
The reporter does weigh in on the newsworthiness of these National news broadcast reports.
This may come as a shock to some, but if this is what is fed through our airwaves as news and consistently gobbled up en masse, is but fodder for
intellectal devolution Indeed at large society is surely mad, no longer able to think rationally. Mentally crippled in the extreme, no longer
independent of powerful globalist manipulators who have effectively put our mentality under the knife, making our minds nothing but a quadrapolegic
torso of inner thought, disconnected from biophysicalities of our existence here. Defeating any threat to challenge their self-imposed authority over
the common people of our earth, strutting in a materialistic wallow, they cross into a god-complex-like state, compulsively glorifying themselves
repeatedly, unsuccessfully achieving different results;
Hence, global insanity.
It was a match of immense proportion, but alas, it is over.