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Your life is Meaningless.

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Part 1: What Our Lives Are.
We live in a world where us humans work day on end preforming tasks to please our managers.
We are used as monkeys to feed the corporal agenda, that is our corrupt government. Truth be told, we are not free. We are not living life, we are dying. We spend a quarter of our life going to school being taught and brainwashed what the leaders want us to know. Then the another quarter actually working for these elite few. Ask yourself, are you happy with you life? Do you go to work day in and day out doing what you hate and doing whatever you are told?. This is not a way to live life, this is a way to ruin it. Do we want our children to do the exact same thing every day as we do, with a meaningless life? No! It makes me sick how we are nothing but tools, I want to live my life as it was intended. But we will never have that until we get rid of that in which is ruining our lives. The government, the CEO'S, these are the people. The control every aspect of our life. Its like a sink, you have the nozzle or water (the elites), you have the drain (our lives), and the soap (what our life could be). The soap will go down the drain unless we stop the water.

Part 2: What our Lives can be.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you get the achieve it?, for 95% of you the answer is no. We could be climbing that mountain you read about right now, or you could be in Hawaii scuba diving for your dream trip. But why cant we? Its because of greed, power, and selfishness. Its because the powerful want to be above everyone else. If I could I would quit my job, go do charity work for the next three years. Try convincing your boss to give you enough money to do something like that. Do you think he will let you? We could live a life we were intended but how?

Part 3: What we can do to regain the beauty in life.
One person could never change the world today. The Declaration of Independence states, when a government has become corrupt, it is the peoples duty to overthrow it. We don't need the government. They don't do $*&%. What we need is each other. I want to leave this life behind, we all do, but we can't. Unless we get some real change. Dont listen to the bias politics. You are your own president. You are your own nation. You are you. And once that's taken away you have nothing. No one can control you, and once we all realize that, you regain your life. So quit your job leave this corrupt life behind if you can. Go live life! Until we all can, its your right as a human being. One day we will find out how to destroy this corrupt society and build one based around the principle of you control your own life. But until then, we must stand up against our government! Freedom to you! Freedom to Us! And Freedom to man kind!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by bonzye
So's your mom's

People have different ideas about what a meaningful life is. Your conclusion may think their lives are meaningless, but it doesn't change the fact that we all find meaning in one shape or other. Who'd even get out of bed if they didn't believe in a meaning?

Maybe you could take a moment to reappraise YOUR life? Go ahead, give it a some overlooked corner of your life there's a fat heap of meaning.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:41 PM
You mean YOUR life is meaningless.

We all create our own reality.

Stop blaming others about you life and create your own reality!

You do know those people that show up after a disaster from the Red Cross are paid employees don't you?

They may have been volunteer coffee and donuts types at first but now they get paid to help people.

There are so many opportunities to change your life.

Want to work for a charity?Frigging do it.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by calcoastseeker]

[edit on 24-1-2010 by calcoastseeker]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:44 PM
LOL What?

I haven't had a job in 15 yrs, live on the side of that mountain your talking about climbing there and tested my way out of public school early on... (my son just made the state gifted program and will do the same too)

Can't be so general...

Not all of us bro... not all of us...

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Hello, I say: Your life is NOT meaningless!

I'm so very tired with reading about how our lives are meaningless... I'm tired about making threads that always end with the fact that we mean nothing! But, if that's a fact, then why not talk about it?

Personally I don't think my life is meaningless, because it means something to me and it means something to my loved ones; and their lives mean to me what they mean to them also (sort of). It's only meaningless if you think to yourself 'My life is meaningless, I can't be bothered to live any more' and then die, however that may occur, because then you have no part to play in this 'game' that we're all in- unless you leave people behind that care for you.

To me, everything is meaningless, especially society, but it's life, and it does mean something to us meaningless creatures as a whole.

In order to enjoy life, don't tell yourself it's meaningless, just do what you've got to do to the best of your abilities and one day you can look back and say 'I made the best of my time.'

Ramadwarf on making a meaningless existence meaningful.

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