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Has anyone discovered Maitreya's first interview on US television yet?

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by Israel Versus Iran

That guy stutters too much, who could stand to listen to him for more than thirty seconds?


[edit on 24-1-2010 by timewalker]

Yes i tend to agree with you... this guy does seem a bit boring to listen to. zzzzzz

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by Israel Versus Iran

That guy stutters too much, who could stand to listen to him for more than thirty seconds?


[edit on 24-1-2010 by timewalker]

Yes i tend to agree with you... this guy does seem a bit boring to listen to. zzzzzz

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Check this brand new news article out. You probably think I'm nuts about Wyclef but for some reason he just stands out too me. I don't know that much about Creme or his description of Maitreya but Wyclef seems to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

ABC News

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
Check this brand new news article out. You probably think I'm nuts about Wyclef but for some reason he just stands out too me. I don't know that much about Creme or his description of Maitreya but Wyclef seems to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

ABC News

So Maitreya needs a Zonda.....?

I thought "it" would zap around like Dr Who or something.


[edit on 24-1-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:27 AM
Maybe I'm missing something, but just because this Mr. Creme says so, everybody is going through youtube videos etc.? Wow..

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
Wyclef Jean really stood out to me. "It's Apocalypse". I know it is down there but I remembered it. Jan 13th

His interview here, he says he went inside the "belly of the beast". He keeps talking about the U.N as well

The Fugees - Ready or not- Pay attention to the word cation in the beginning. Creme keeps saying Maitreya will bring justice. There are some pretty cryptic lyrics in here as well, at 1:38 "a born again hooligan only to be king again"

Yele Haiti Charity to share the worlds resources.

I might be way off here but he is already an international personality.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by timewalker]

Interesting. I might not be hearing this right but um, at 3:12 of the Ready Or Not song does he say.."On the 12th by am I Obama?"?

And this is from 1996?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:55 AM

Interesting. I might not be hearing this right but um, at 3:12 of the Ready Or Not song does he say.."On the 12th by am I Obama?"?

And this is from 1996?

He's saying "On the twelfth hour, fly by in my bomber"

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:56 AM
Has anyone thought that by looking for this elusive interview that you have started a snowball effect.
People are curious by nature and 1 person asks 5 people who in turn will ask 5 people each until millions are looking for a shadow.

Looking for a shadow is hard because there are so many of them which makes people question each other now about who has discovered the right shadow.

1 month down the track, we get another message saying that he has given another interview which in turn gets people chasing this new shadow trying to find a link.

In other words, an inconspicuous person gave a speech which then get people showing all sorts of videos on places like here, after 6 months you may narrow down the field as to who it is, you no longer question is the Maitreya real, because you have found him after your long search.

now for people on a conspiracy site, we discover the Maitreya and we question the validity of this man, remember the 5 people you asked to help you find the video? out of them 3 may question and 2 accept him as the Maitreya, those 5 people who then asked 5 people each for help will have almost a 4 in 5 chance of these people believing they found him having no direct link to a conspiracy.

Just something to think about, this question could infact help promaote what it is you fear.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Don't waste your time finding that which is not meant to be found, more so the world Teacher.

Creme, like any other mortal, while may had a vision, but is also incapable of giving the exact time and place for predictions. For those who wish to subscribe to Creme, do know that he said the world Teacher

1.) is not ready yet, until another year and a half

2.) before that day, his message would have been heard, understood and followed.

This, in fact, is a truth many must realize rather than expending efforts to search and indulge in rumours. Religion is NOT a cult of personality, but the teachings instead.

A true religion does not require you to believe in dogmas, but comprehend the message and live it, within your heart and not simply a dress you put on to show your faith to others, but inside you is empty.

A true religion does not require you to take that leap of faith, but to practise what was preached and taught, so that you may realize if what had been illuminated, is true and works in your life, for that is the true purpose of religion - to educate us primates to evolve beyond the jungles, to know the gift of life, the gift of civilisation and the gift of love.

You, are the world teacher, if you would open your eyes, look around the hate and hurt we mankind do to one another in the name of power and greed, and seek to rise above it, by beginning with yourself and me, and then to explain and convince our family, relatives and friends of a better evolution beyond the jungles with pragmatic solutions to daily living without the need to resort to cheating, lying and hurting others.....

Waste not your efforts anymore....

[edit on 24-1-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:20 AM
What TV announcement are you talking about? He tends to make a few being the President and all.

So are you saying that Obama is or could be Share Internationals Maitreya, and if you are saying that, why has Benjamin Creme repeatedly stated that Obama is not the Maitreya?

Maybe it's the upcoming State of the Union address?? I think it is scheduled for early February. It's broadcast every year at about the same time.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by timewalker

Ole Wycliff, exactly who I was thinking.
Especially after watching VH1's "Hope For Haiti" shindig. Telecast all over the world...come on, wayyyyyyy more convincing then Raj Patel on the colbert report as maitreya.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:03 AM
I think he's saying anyone who talks about justice can be the Maitreya.

Big Error. The Maitreya would be interested in COMPASSION, Not Justice. You can accomplish a lot more positivity with compassion.

The Maitreya is a Buddha and according to Buddhist texts he is not scheduled to appear for at least anohter 1000 years, they don't give an exact date or year, but certain prophecies have to come true first. Many of these prophecies havent been fulfilled yet.

So anyone who comes out and says "I am the Maitreya" is definitely NOT the real Maitreya.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Perhaps it is a good thing nobody knows for sure who or when?

The way the World is right now, there are many who would not want this (if true) to be out in the open, there are those who would go to great lengths to destroy or kill them, or try at least.

If it is true, it would be a futile attempt because I deep in my heart believe what is going to be will happen, and any events either trying to destroy or even help are just part of what is intended.

We as Humans have it in our heads we are all mighty and capable of controlling everything, but in reality, all of our every day actions will eventually lead to the outcome that is spoken about.

Destiny is destiny, we can not take or do deliberate actions to create a destiny, destiny is always intended to happen, and will happen for everyone, we all have a destiny of one shape or another, and we can not make ourselves into something we are not, we can lie and convince people we are, but the truth or lies are always discovered it just takes time.

Any interview like what the OP is looking for, I imagine would have been right in your face so to speak, so obvious we could not see it, and reading through this thread nobody really knows, it is just guess work, IMHO the best way really, if it is true, when the identity is known, they will have people coming out of the woodwork to be their best friend, every one of them for their own reasons and agenda.

What I would suggest is to sit back and wait, enjoy the ride, and enjoy the intended outcome, nothing can or would be achieved by being the first person to discover the secret, because guaranteed for certain, when their name is known, they will be pursued by one side in order to destroy them, and worshiped by the other side to be a part of it, the rest will sit on the fence waiting for the winning side.

The World may have gone to pot in the last 10 years, but I myself feel we are living in great times which will change Humanity forever.

[edit on 24/1/2010 by azzllin]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:14 AM
More on Wyclef.
An interview given with oprah was done. With rihanna leading the group in song afterwords. TPTB seem to be letting wyclef on with the big public spectacles now.

Can't find the exact interview however.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:00 PM
Raj Patel became a US citizen in January 2010.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by Israel Versus Iran

That guy stutters too much, who could stand to listen to him for more than thirty seconds?


[edit on 24-1-2010 by timewalker]

On the contrary, I find Raj Patel a very engaging speaker with a great sense of humour. And stutter is probably deliberate.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 06:28 AM
The message of maitreya is confusing

Why build a 500ft statue that cost 195 million us dollars when and where poverty is the issue

maitreya project

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by iamnot
The message of maitreya is confusing

Why build a 500ft statue that cost 195 million us dollars when and where poverty is the issue

maitreya project

It should be borne in mind that the Maitreya Project that is building the large and expensive statue of Maitreya is sponsored by the Buddhists, and using statues for worship and meditation is their tradition. Although Maitreya appears in their prophesy as the "next Buddha", they are not affiliated with Share International, especially financially and should not be confused with the Maitreya being discussed here. Regarding other posts in this thread, according to the Ageless Widsom teachings and the information from Mr. Creme, Maitreya is an actual individual, and not represented through other personalities mentioned. His form used for the interview will be a Mayavirupa, or body created by his spiritual will, it's material, and will not be recognized as a celebrity or known person. The message is what counts, and will be up to each individual to respond to it as wisdom, or bunk. Until that time if inquiring minds want to know, each should do their own research; many of these questions can be answered at the parent site of share international:

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:56 PM
I think there is a lot of value to what Raj Patel is saying. Though there are alot of people out there sharing similar messages on tv shows and Books - like Peter Singer, who advocates personal sharing, living simply and eating right to address global poverty.

I don't think Raj Patel is Creme's 'World Teacher'. But if there is one to come for this age, then It wouldn't surprise me that He would talk about the need for sharing, social justice, trust, brotherhood (sisterhood) and world peace.

I think without a doubt, if the nations of the world were to share the resources of the world more equally, then we would solve most of our pressing problems.

Poverty and the Starving millions
Over population
Global warming.

So why don't we do it? - Seems simple enough.

Because there are so many individuals and organisations (TPTB) that profit immensly from the status quo. They are the ones that will resist change, and resist the practice of sharing. Just look at the resistance to the Health Reform Bill. All the money, lies and propaganda, time spent by the entrenched health insurance and big pharma corporations, The Media, and 'conservative' politicians. It is completely astounding the lengths they went through to stop the Bill.

Rather than guessing and create images of who the enemy supposedly is - we should be spending our energies standing up to corporate greed, corrupt politicians, and those that use fear and lies to mislead and create mistrust between people.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:17 PM
The announcement from Share International indicated that Maitreya will "neither confirm nor deny" His true identity as Maitreya until the Day of Declaration. Until that time, and during this present period where he will continue doing interviews on major television networks, he will present Himself as an ordinary man under a common name. He is carefully avoiding claiming any "titles" so as not to infringe upon the free will of humanity. For at least this reason, the identity of Maitreya would not be Raj Patel who has recently denied being Maitreya.

The real choice that humanity must make at this time in history is not whether Maitreya is the Christ, etc,...or who Maitreya is...but whether we are going to go forward into the future based on the principle of love, cooperation, unity, justice and sharing, or whether we will choose to continue with war, hatred, separation, competition, militarization and greed. The latter will lead to total anihilation of the human race, while the former will usher in the new Aquarian age of peace and brotherhood. But the choice is completely ours (humanity), and the impetus for such a choice will arise out of the events that will continue to unfold in the coming months.

A perfect example of this "choice" is the profound response of compassion and authentic outpouring of the human heart for the Haitian people during the recent earthquake. Of course, there have also been some nefarious (militarized) aspects to that response as well but, overall, there has been a powerful heart-felt response from humanity to aid the Haitian people. Crisis will continue to grip the world in greater and greater intensity throughout the coming year until a real choice will have to be made as to whether we need to share (redistribute) the world's resources more equitably, or whether to revert back to some nightmarish Hobbesian apocolyptica. Along this process, Maitreya will continue speaking to the world (anonymously) about the need to see ourselves as one family, to find it in ourselves to help one another, and to restore our world to one of true justice and brotherhood.

So it should make perfect sense why He is not looking for followers. That is not, and never has been, what this event of Maitreya's emergence has been about. It is the message of unity and sharing, leading to justice and peace, which He is putting forth to the world, and which the world must respond to over the coming months/years, the world's situation progressively deteriorates. Many "fundamentalists" have mistaken Maitreya as some sort of "guru" or new religious leader looking for followers, or even the "antichrist"". That couldn't be further from the truth, and I think that perhaps many people probably mix their own pre-conceived fears and cynicism into the story after only making a "casual" interpretation of the story. If the conspiracy theorists can simply suspend their long held conclusions for just a little longer, they might see that the long delay in Maitreya's emergence into the world has been due largely to the resistance of humanity to the message of sharing, rather than any their belief that it is somehow a hoax.

For instance, there seems to be a widespread misunderstanding that Maitreya has been calling for a "One World Government", or is promoting some sort of "Theocratic leadership", or perhaps a "new world religion". In fact, if read closely and understood in context, these things have not appeared in any of His writings or statements, books, statements by Benjamin Creme, or through Share International.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you will know him by this sign, that all the dunces are in confederacy against him." — Jonathan Swift

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