posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 04:31 PM
Hey everybody^^ I'm KainRich, a somewhat new member of ATS. I actually registered about a year ago, but i've been a lurker for years. Throughout the
year ive made a few obscure posts with no actual intro thread, but now i'm hoping to dig into ATS a bit deeper.
About myself, I'm in my mid-twenties (today is actually my birthday), I'm a cook for a living, and i'm generally a very shy person. Even writing
this now i have to keep reading it over to make sure i don't make a fool of myself and say something embarrassing.
My fav topics here at ATS are Fragile Earth, NWO, Prophecy, UFO's, Ancient Civ, Global Meltdown, etc. I'm pretty much interested in anything^^
I'll be happy to answer any questions you guys may have for me, if any. Thanks for letting me share a bit about myself!