List of Legendary Creatures
Snip-it of list as an example:
Adhene (Manx) - Nature spirit
Adlet (Inuit) - Vampiric dog-human hybrid
Adroanzi (Lugbara) - Nature spirit
Adze (Ewe people) - An African vampiric-forest being.
Aerico (Macedonian) - Disease demon
Afanc (Welsh) - Lake monster (exact lake varies by story).
Agathodaemon (Greek) - Spirit of vinefields and grainfields.
Agloolik (Inuit) - Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen.
Agogwe (East Africa) - Small, ape-like humanoid.
Ahkiyyini (Inuit) - Animated skeleton that causes shipwrecks.
Ahuizotl (Aztec) - Anthropophagous dog-monkey hybrid.
Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Anthropophagous humanoid with eyes in its instep.
Aigikampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed goat
Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Man-eating Ogres
Aitu (Polynesian) - Malevolent spirits or demons
Each one has a link to the creature.
List of Cryptids
This is a list of cryptids in alphabetical order, with there location, a short description, and other various information.
It is also categorized with this.
* Unconfirmed – cryptids whose existence is alleged but not demonstrated.
* Discredited – [Explanation] – cryptids that have a body of evidence against their existence.
* Proposed [animal name] – cryptids with an accepted alternative explanation.
* Extinct – animals that are generally believed to be extinct, but which cryptozoologists believe may have an extant relict population.
Animals no longer considered cryptids are marked:
* Confirmed [animal name or cause] – animals once thought to be cryptids but whose existence has now been confirmed.
* Hoax – cryptids once thought to be real but later conclusively proven to be hoaxes.
A lot of this stuff is really interesting, be sure to check it out.
[edit on 23-1-2010 by Phlynx]