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Intro Thread :)

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Read ATS on and off over the years. My interest in fringe topics waxes and wanes, though my interest in cryptozoology has remained strong from early childhood. My active reading about CZ has trailed off because of lack of interesting new things. You would think that with the ubiquity of cheap digicams, *someone* would have gotten a 'squatch vid by now

Anyways, I finally registered after lurking for a long long time because I have a newfound interest in several things that have information about them in these circles but are decidedly *not* speculative, but the interest in them comes from speculators.

I have strong knowledge about aerospace and aircraft (I've been to the EAA show ~ 20 times, since I was very young.) I've seen the B-2 fly, I've seen the Blackbird fly, I've seen the 117 fly.

As far as some minor tidbit for my intro thread --- This isn't secret info, persay, but I think it would interest some of the same people. Military planes have popped through the soundbarrier at least twice in my life at a major urban-area Airshow I go to every year. Once, it was a B1-B and you could see the vapor cone from the ground, with skyscrapers in the background. Pretty cool stuff.

If anyone wants to point me to info/threads about how the early (late 40s and 50s) underground bases in the U.S were built, I would be appreciative. I've gone through the appropriate forums and found little. Everyone seems mostly interested in the black-budget activities/projects in these bases. I want to know specifics about what is known concerning who built them, how they were built. I'm specifically interested in what companies/military agencies were involved, and more specifically if the engineers who were the brains behind these civil engineering projects are known and who they were.

I'm undecided about Aliens. Something goofy has/is going on, but I just don't think I buy the alien angle. I'd love to see/read something that convinces me, but imho all of it eventually points back to Lazar an he doesn't impress me.

Definetly a bigfoot believer, I'll pass on chupacabra, mogle-mimbie (sp?) and the moth-man.

The nuclear program has always held strong interest for me from a variety of angle, most of them sensationalist to be honest

When it comes to actual conspiracy theories, I try and keep my mind out of it. Whispers of truths get painted bright with pattern-identification in chaos. I DO believe that we are run by a small group of elites, but I DON'T think they are coherent. Take that for what you will.

I'm a grad student and live in a big urban center in the midwest. I'm in my late 20s and engaged. I'm a video game dork, and currently fly about in internet spaceships. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about, knows what I'm talking about

Anyways, hello everyone!

Anyone who has the kind of under-ground base info that I'm looking for, please point me at it!

*Edit -- Another interest. I have a strong interest in ancient civil engineering and technology. Tangentially, I am quite interested in the "ancient spaceman" stuff, but as I said I don't quite buy into "Aliens are here" so I don't quite know how to reconcile the two. In a more grounded way I am VERY interested in the time period when Neaderthals and HSS were coexistant. IMHO, they had full speech, and this is interesting because it means that for a time, two different modern hominids were hanging around on earth. As per ancient civil engineering, IMHO Giza is too mixed up with pure speculation and other sites are neglected from peoples interest for why I know not.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by somedudesomeguy]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:04 PM
Welcome, I like the bigfoot thing too. Not sure what I think about the whole Phil Sneider story. You've probably heard of him eh? Anyway sounds interesting form the engineering point of view. I look forward to future threads.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by sparrowstail
Welcome, I like the bigfoot thing too. Not sure what I think about the whole Phil Sneider story. You've probably heard of him eh? Anyway sounds interesting form the engineering point of view. I look forward to future threads.

Hi! Thanks for the reply.

My interests have nothing to do with Sneider, Dulce, etc. Imho, that is all bunk. I'm interested specifically in how, who and when we started building our underground bases. Think -- Cheyenne Mountain -- not supposed aliens living underneath New Mexico. My interests here are pretty mundane. They have implications that are unsettling if the kernel of my idea is right, but have decidedly *nothing* to do with aliens, etc.

Regards and thanks,


P.S -- 'squatch is awesome

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 09:26 PM
I'm a lurker myself. You seem to be a well grounded person.I think there is something to Big-Foot. Some of the Native Americans have stories of the migration of Big-Foot up the west coast of the United States.Apparently they would travel certain times of the year.
Welcome aboard matey!

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by apollos84
I'm a lurker myself. You seem to be a well grounded person.I think there is something to Big-Foot. Some of the Native Americans have stories of the migration of Big-Foot up the west coast of the United States.Apparently they would travel certain times of the year.
Welcome aboard matey!

Thanks for the welcome

I don't know what I think about the Patterson film, but so many people claiming to have had a run in with 'squatch really, really have nothing to gain by it. Small town cops, rangers, etc. The body cast is pretty strong stuff, in my humble opinion. It is unfortunate that there have been so many proven 'squatch hoaxes because it delegitimizes 'squatch research in the mainstream. It can be toxic to anthropology careers, which is really a bummer. The only difference between 'squatch and the ivory bill, from a social phenomena perspective, is 'squatch is sensationalist because it is hominid. The ivory bill was spotted for decades after it was pronounced extinct and it never got the derision. Academics LOVED ivory bill sightings because they wanted specimens to be found (which, of course, they have been). By academics. With research money. On the other hand, with 'squatch because it lends itself to sensationalism, academics won't touch it with grant writing which is sad.


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