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100% War Will Start In The Month Of February

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Wondering302
why do people even post these predictions.

My guess.....because this is Above/Below Top Secret.

They're never correct

I thought we were judging these by originality not accuracy.....

and how could they be. No one can see the future with absolute certainty

I beg to differ.....i have no real valid argument but i just like to differ.

so why put your credibility on the line.

Ahhh yes, the credibility of your virtual reality.

Keep the doom and gloom predictions to yourself.

Let's not. I am still judging these by originality.

I am happy that this failed, we really do not need WWIII anytime soon.

I'll drink to that!!!!


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:36 AM
Now that this thread is in BTS, might I suggest that we allow this thread to do what all terrible threads do in BTS, die a quiet death.

Just a suggestion.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:20 AM
And then..............

No more and then ...... no more and then!


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:25 PM

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:32 PM
And where is our friend and OP'er, Emerald the Paradigm??? He logged on today, I just checked his profile... Hmmm, not man enough to show up here and say something??? ANYTHING???

Guess not... too busy coming up with the next EPIC FAIL, perhaps...

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Lets reflect on some golden moments of this OP and see why he has received such opposition. I may make a collected book of prophetic works. And people are defending this guy???? lol

Anyone with a brain can see war is on its way...

LOL the opposite would have been quite prophetic indeed

If nothing comes to pass the MODS can delete my account,
but if they do come (which they will 100%) then you... should get your accounts deleted.

Lucky for the OP other members didnt indulge such a ridiculus bet, so he is safe for another day to spam us.....

OZ you should really stop commenting on this thread. You can't even man up and put your accusations on the line.

Ummm man up?? Yooohoo calling the Emerald Paradigm, has anyone seen EP? "man up" lmao!!!!

This will be one of the MOST watched Olympics ever, and it will simply be because there will be no more Olympics ever after this...

Go Canada!!!!

It's funny how people come into threads and say all this crap, then when it comes to their accounts on the line they squirm and look away.

My account is officially on the line is yours?

Don't comment on this thread ever again if it's a no. I don't like having discussions with people who sit there from one thread to another saying how it won't happen so and so regardless of all the facts SHOWING it will happen. And they ignore the facts and say, "Oh but 2 months ago you said Venezuela will be invaded and it wasn't". Well this time around I'm saying 100% so if you think it WON'T happen, then take the bet.

Just as well this is a discussion thread and not a blog....

I could go on, but its almost saddening to reread.

All said and and done I still do feel a little sorry for you OP, I know I shouldn't mock you, but you do need to be taken down a peg or two, and I do believe you behave this way online for one of several reasons.

*You require attention from strangers, and you will take negative along with positive as long as it fulfills that attention seeking need.

*You truly believe your rantings , which is also a health condition that requires attention.

*Prophet/savior complex, look that one up or discuss with it a professional, it causes more angst for you than for anyone around you.

*You are quite anti Semitic and pro Iran (by your sources) If I was you I would look at why I believe in made up "nationalities or religions" which such fervor that I put my reputation and sanity on the line for it. At the end of the day this is all just learned behaviors and cultural collective justifications designed to keep us divided via false sense of collective identity.

This last part of my post is not designed to insult you, though I doubt you will look inside yourself and process why you do as you do.
Best of luck managing this angst your future, but please leave us out of this personal battle next time.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Well Said

And people were asking why others were being aggresive the OP......those statements pretty much sum it up.

I know emerald is here, he is online, I guess he's too ashamed to post. He cant even man up and apologise

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:25 PM
LOL I just accidentally flagged this thread!!!!


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
LOL I just accidentally flagged this thread!!!!


Well at least the OP has one of the most flagged threads in BTS now

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:39 PM
Well did it happen !!! are there a war.!!!.............................................
I missed it didn't I?....

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Now that this thread is in BTS, might I suggest that we allow this thread to do what all terrible threads do in BTS, die a quiet death.

Just a suggestion.

Good suggestion!!!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Wheres Emerald The Paradigm???

He hasn't posted since the end of february?


[edit on 2-3-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

He's gone off to war.......


posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:14 PM
Well I still have March, so this thread is alive and doing well for another 30 or so days.


posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 11:08 AM
The one thing i hate about people who make bold predictions (and state them as FACT) is when the just slip out the back door once the date has past...

At least be man enough to hold your hands up and say you are wrong...

What makes me laugh is all the flags that threads like this get... WHY??

Are people that delusional?? Or are they that unhappy with life they actually want it to end...

Remember all the 2006 bible code end of the world prophesies?? How many of them doom mongers stepped up afterwards to say they were wrong?? None... they just crept off and then reappeared later saying "2012... the world is gonna end"

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:36 PM
I am sure that all of you would do the same thing that you are demanding
from OP now that he was wrong.

(yeah, right)

OP gave very good analysis of the situation and the matter has yet to develop.

The fact that he was wrong about the date is not something I would
make him suffer for.
The man chewed the info for you and you didn't even say 'thank you'.

If I had done the research he did, I would probably come with some date too.
No big deal.

And I would probably be wrong too cause it is hard to guess the plans
that someone have made to kill a lot of people.

Why don't you come with such prediction and let's see if you will be right.

This should be enough for reasonable people to understand.

No, I don't know the OP, nor this is his alternative account.

I was a reader until now, I just registered to be able to comment on this,
because it is a sad thing to do, to dance on someone's grave.

By doing so, you show that you are not a person worthy of my or
any other good man's time.

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Valar God

I am sure that all of you would do the same thing that you are demanding
from OP now that he was wrong.

(yeah, right)

OP gave very good analysis of the situation and the matter has yet to develop.

The fact that he was wrong about the date is not something I would
make him suffer for.
The man chewed the info for you and you didn't even say 'thank you'.

If I had done the research he did, I would probably come with some date too.
No big deal.

And I would probably be wrong too cause it is hard to guess the plans
that someone have made to kill a lot of people.

Why don't you come with such prediction and let's see if you will be right.

This should be enough for reasonable people to understand.

No, I don't know the OP, nor this is his alternative account.

I was a reader until now, I just registered to be able to comment on this,
because it is a sad thing to do, to dance on someone's grave.

By doing so, you show that you are not a person worthy of my or
any other good man's time.

Thank you.

Er... that’s why sensible people don’t try and make dates regarding possible future events!!!

I believe that one day there will be another large war (possibly a world war) If i make this statement out loud it’s not too farfetched and will have some people listening...

However, if i attach a date to this prediction... and then state it as fact "we are going to have a world war in March 2010" i suddenly look a little bit mad... and once the date has past... i look stupid.

The reason i don’t like it when people attach dates to predication is because...

1) They have no proof!!

2) They take the topic of conversation away from the future event and focus it on themselves!

3) It almost comes across as a cry for attention... If somehow they get one of their predictions right, they can stand back with arms apart waiting for the week minded followers to poor their admiration over something that is nothing more than a, part lucky part educated, guess!!!

Sorry but it annoys the hell out of me

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:05 AM
This is a good thing people.

This prediction didnt happen, nobody else has to die. yay.

Why hasnt he come back yet?
Who Knows but him?

Now you all can pat each other on the back for making this guy out
to be some whacko. By the looks of this thread, I wouldnt respond to half of you either if I were him. This thread is basically saying "look how wrong you are, and look how right I am" and its pretty childish.

Besides that, a little personal integrity can go a long way.
Should he come on here and state that he was wrong? Yes.
Should he have to put up with personal attacks because he made a "prediction" in a conspiracy forum? NO.

I understand members get sick and tired of other peoples ways from time to time, hell I do, but the best thing to do in that situation is just ignore it and find a new outlet. Not all members are going to be 100 percent 'there' if you know what I mean, especially on a conspiracy site(eventhough we do have some of the brightest and most intellectual minds out there on this site everyday).

100% War Will Start In The Month Of Febuary-

Yea, its a pretty bold statement, but it also goes without saying that such a bold prediction is already doomed for failure, especially from someone who has no inside knowledge of the current affairs(the real current affairs).

I think we should do what another poster above(whatUkno)stated..
We should just let this thread die a slow death in BTS.
Its best for everyone that way.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Common Good]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:14 AM
HE MEANT 2011!
Yep, early next year this thread will get revived...and it can start all over again.
It makes such a fine distraction from the war on our wallets.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Valar God

Lucky you , you have one friend for your one post on ATS, and its the OP

SO we know the OP is alive and well and still reading this thread.

Just not "manning up" as he lashed out and demanded others do in this thread.

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