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Ahmadinejad serves up bitter-sweet world view

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:22 AM
You have some very valid points Vincent84. One thing I have noticed over the years that is almost comical is the captions that the news networks run at the bottom of the screen to describe what we are supposed to think about them.

They usually appear like this:

“Israeli Prime Minister gives brave speech to the U.N.”
“Authoritarian Strongman President of Iran warns Western Nations”
“Popular German Leader gives speech on Climate Change”
“Communist leaning President of Venezuela accuses United States of”

They constantly market World Leaders and their ideas and speeches based on how they want us to perceive that world leader and react to them.

In Ahmadinejad’s case his actual speeches often touch on many of the New World Order conspiracy elements that we discuss so often here on ATS.

Yet because of how the media markets not just him, but how they market and purport versus report on various political elements within Iran even most of the ‘Awake’ crowd here on ATS falls for various parts of the New World Order propaganda machine even as they rail against and reject other elements of the New World Order propaganda machine.

It’s all based on emotional appeals and not factual or intellectual appeals that the media and the governments are constantly exploiting and reinforcing through the elaborate word games and peer pressure system that they rule over and control.

I like a lot of the things Ahmadinejad’s speeches touch on, he is a pretty honest and soft spoken and intelligent speaker. I don’t care too much for his constant references to G-d and the almighty and scriptures, but no more so than with any other religious inspired leader whether they are Christian, Jewish or Muslim. I tolerate the religious references in his case a little bit more because Iran is a theocracy/democracy but don’t personally approve of mixing religion with politics.

The truth that escapes most people who either are too young or too uninformed to understand history is from the moment of Iran’s student revolution back in 1978 they have had to exist with the playing field stacked against them in the form of frozen state bank accounts and sanctions against it and trade restrictions against it.

The truth is not only has Iran moved incredibly forward from a nation of mostly impoverished and uneducated and undereducated people to a far more progressive one with a much higher average standard of living and education and health for the common people, but also no leader who would attempt to rule Iran would get Western Support because of the power and influence that the Pahlavi dynasty of the former deceased Shah and his very active son the prince can manipulate within the Western Governments and Corporate World.

Ultimately Iran will never catch a break from the New World Order Corporate Globalists until the Shah’s son is sitting back on the Peacock Throne in Iran.

They are though in stead just interested in keeping Iran in as much political turmoil as punishment for resisting against the Corporate Globalist Rule and Agenda and the fact of the matter is that the main opposition leader was the same former President of Iran that not only helped to found and found Hezbollah but played a hand in the Marine Barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1986 and a decade of Americans being taken hostage in Lebanon by elements of Hezbollah.

Anyone who thinks that anyone within our Government would like to see him in power is simply ignorant of history and politics. Rather all the Globalists are trying to do is to keep Iran in enough turmoil to keep them from becoming a regional power and pave the way for a return to Pahlavi monarchal rule through internal political upheaval in Iran the Globalists and the Western Intelligence agencies are funding and manipulating.

The bottom line is as long as we think with our emotions and in religious terms and perspectives we will continue to be manipulated by the Media and the Government to support keeping the world an angry, violent, and destructive war torn place where the people with the best ideas, and most peaceful ways are always going to be ridiculed and ostracized.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Um did you miss the part where he imprisoned thousands of protesting civilians? Also the other fact where he said the jews are the root of all evil in this world? Like all political leaders (well most) he's carasmatic and can whoa a crowd... Big Deal the guy has also got plenty of issues clearly. Also lets not forget that the guy running against Ahmadinejad was supposable ahead a million votes with the popular vote before election day. So in conclusion Ahmadinejad shouldnt be president at all.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

You seem to be confusing the abrahamic religion of jewish people with the Zionist agenda prevalent throught the region, and other parts of the world.

Indeed, thie zionist conspiracy is well documented here on ATS, and some argue forms the basis for the NWO.

Ahmadinejad has never attacked the jewish people or religion - Iran has the largest regional population of Jews outside of Israel - he has only ever attacked what he calls the "Zionist regime" and frankly, it's hard to argue with him on that point, given modern history.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by budski

Really never insulted the jews???? Do a google search genius. Also zionist is another word for jewish to the isreali community. Also he's breeding hate speech through talking about the "zionist agenda" and just about everything that comes out of this puppets mouth. He doesn't even have real power anyway, we should be discussing the guy with the strings Mr. Ayatollah. Also I see you didn't comment on him imprisoning thousands of protestors but we can clearly see this is a troll thread anyway. Enjoy.

Also you may not have known that thousands of roman jews protested him going there, but hey those jews must be "zionists" as well.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by NoJoker13]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Love and spirituality? HAHAHAHHAH. This is the guy who kills Christians in his own country (Neda and others during the protests), says there are no homosexuals in Iran (because they hang them), and now because there is pressure from Saudi he is singing a sweet song. And Western people are buying it. That's amazing.

He represents Islam. Do you know what that means?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Interesting bit on human rights in Iran.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk

Interesting bit on human rights in Iran.

Those human right (lack of) extend through the rest of the 57 OIC countries, especially harsh in Saudi Arabia.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
Those human right (lack of) extend through the rest of the 57 OIC countries, especially harsh in Saudi Arabia.

Yes, but two wrongs don't make a right. We cannot excuse the poor human rights record of Iran just because other nations have shoddy records. Those who think Iran is a lovely place (mainly because of its continiued vocal slagging off of the US, "the Great Satan") should think long and hard about the agenda of those who spout the words and the blood on their hands.

Iran is not a nice place and that glorious revolution of theirs just replaced one bunch of nutjobs with anoth bunch of nutjobs.


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by budski

Really never insulted the jews???? Do a google search genius. Also zionist is another word for jewish to the isreali community. Also he's breeding hate speech through talking about the "zionist agenda" and just about everything that comes out of this puppets mouth. He doesn't even have real power anyway, we should be discussing the guy with the strings Mr. Ayatollah. Also I see you didn't comment on him imprisoning thousands of protestors but we can clearly see this is a troll thread anyway. Enjoy.

Also you may not have known that thousands of roman jews protested him going there, but hey those jews must be "zionists" as well.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by NoJoker13]

No, zionist does not mean "jew"

I suggest, that you do some research.

I also suggest that you reply in a less aggressive manner.

I would further suggest that you look again at the "thousands" of protesters he has "imprisoned" - this being mostly MSM propaganda that you have bought into.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Vincent84

Dont see this side of the Man often enough.

Ya, these Rabbi's look scared.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by budski

Read this wiki page about the origination of zionism which clearly you must've completely over looked because it "HAS" to do with the jewish community!!!!! Also I see you didn't google search him hating jews and all the jewish protests and just about anything else I said. Instead you "decided" to take out the word zionist and exploit it as "not jewish" when clearly it is. Thanks great research!!!!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by budski

Also I'd like you to show me your OUTSTANDING proof that the protestors imprisoned were a hoax by the MSM. Because I can see that information will be READILY available. Also if I've bought into the "hoax" that these people were imprisoned wouldn't that mean you've bought into the equally opposite hoax that they were not? I mean you did see that the runner up against ahmadinejad had millions of more supporters correct? Or is that also a hoax? I'd like to see these news atricles you can bring up that say these things are hoaxs because the papers I read were middle eastern. So I'll await that research best of luck.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by Vincent84

Dont see this side of the Man often enough.

Ya, these Rabbi's look scared.

This video of Ahmadinejad with these rabbis is the very reason why he is mistrusted. He ships in a roomful of nutcases from a fringe Orthodox cult that has about the same representation as some California Christian fringe sub-sect. They're a clown act with no following whatsoever. Just Google 'Neturei Karta" for a laugh.

This type of disingenuous showmanship - a carnival freak show of lunatic rabbis - epitomizes what is wrong with the current regime in Iran. Constantly mugging for the cameras, endlessly preening and ecstatic when they get a rise from the press, western powers, the UN, mass media.

Too bad because Mr A sincere on one level, fighting the corruption and abuse in his country. The clerical and Revolutionary Guard have bled the national coffers dry while the doubled population still lived at medieval level agrarian economy and education.

The often filmed upper class in North Tehran with their education and Western awareness are 1% of the population. The people in the outlying areas still struggle.

The current attempts to simultaneously destabilize governments in Yemen, Sudan, Lebanon, and among the Palestinians, will likely blow up in their faces. The cat and mouse game of pushing the envelope, provoking a reaction, and then withdrawing can only be played so far.

Everyone, not just the US and Israel tire of it. Europe and the Russians do not like continually being played for fools either.
The game may end badly.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by budski

Read this wiki page about the origination of zionism which clearly you must've completely over looked because it "HAS" to do with the jewish community!!!!! Also I see you didn't google search him hating jews and all the jewish protests and just about anything else I said. Instead you "decided" to take out the word zionist and exploit it as "not jewish" when clearly it is. Thanks great research!!!!

hmm, wiki
and nothing else...

Nevertheless, from your own source

Zionism (Hebrew: ציונות‎, Tsiyonut) is the international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el), the historical homeland of the Jews. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to support it.

A political movement
big difference.

I also never said that the MSM stories were a hoax - I suggest you either re-read or stop lying.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

So your saying these Jews are self haters .

Is anyone who disagrees with you , and Jewish .

A self Hater ?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Actually Michael the Neturei Karta sect of Jews that you are referring to are not fringe elements of Judaism in fact they are fundamentalists where Judaism is concerned.

They are in fact better compared to the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish who are Christian Fundamentalists who follow the instructions and teachings of both the Old and New Testament literally to the letter.

Like the Amish are a very old sect of Christianity dating back several hundred years the Neturei Karta sect of Judaism follows the Old Testament and the Torah literally to the letter and dates back thousands of years in their practices.

Comparing the Neturei Karta to a California Cult is as ridiculous as comparing the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish to a California Cult.

They are old, very disciplined and serious practitioners of their respective faiths.

While most of the secular Jews spread throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas and Africa while in Diaspora the Neturei Karta were in fact predominantly those Jews who remained in the Middle East during those long centuries of exile.

In fact the reason that the Neturei Karta who are about as numerous as the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish reject Zionism and Israel is actual Judaic scriptures state that the Jews of Israel are not to return to Israel until the Jewish Messiah (That’s like the 12th Imam you are always talking about) personally leads them back to Israel and recreates and reestablishes Israel.

Like the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish who have the Mennonites and a few other Christian fundamentalists sects that are much more numerous in number than they are who come close to but don’t follow the scriptures quite as literally, the Neturei Karta has about 1 million fellow Orthodox Jews who don’t follow Hebrew scriptures quite as literally those over one million Orthodox Jews also consider modern Zionist founded Israel to also be a blasphemy that has defied G-d’s laws and commandments to them not to return to Israel until the Jewish Messiah leads them.

This is why the Neturei Karta and other fundamentalist Orthodox Jews weep at the wailing wall of Solomon’s and the Second Temple because they are distraught that what they consider an evil band of blasphemers have defied G-d and the Messiah will not appear and reward the Jews but will punish them instead!

I really am shocked, shocked I tell you Michael, at how many Zionists are anti-Semitic!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Off on a slight tangent here, but still speaking of media perceptions, and how news is spun by the MSM, especially in relation to religious statements.

Take ol' Dubya for instance, he invaded Iraq because "god told him to" and Blair eagerly backed him up.

Now if Ahmadinejad were to say something similar, oh, something like "god told me to attack Israel" certain posters on here would jump on that as a sign of his extremism - however, he has said nothing of the sort (unlike bush) and yet still people persist in labelling him as some kind of religious nutter.

Double standards really annoy me...

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Actually Michael the Neturei Karta sect of Jews that you are referring to are not fringe elements of Judaism in fact they are fundamentalists where Judaism is concerned.

They are in fact better compared to the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish who are Christian Fundamentalists who follow the instructions and teachings of both the Old and New Testament literally to the letter.

Like the Amish are a very old sect of Christianity dating back several hundred years the Neturei Karta sect of Judaism follows the Old Testament and the Torah literally to the letter and dates back thousands of years in their practices.

Comparing the Neturei Karta to a California Cult is as ridiculous as comparing the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish to a California Cult.

This is why the Neturei Karta and other fundamentalist Orthodox Jews weep at the wailing wall of Solomon’s and the Second Temple because they are distraught that what they consider an evil band of blasphemers have defied G-d and the Messiah will not appear and reward the Jews but will punish them instead!

I really am shocked, shocked I tell you Michael, at how many Zionists are anti-Semitic!

This is just the same old banter of dipping into the deep pool of history and finding some trivia factoid to make an argument.

Every single religious sub-sect actually believes they are the Real Goods and the rest have strayed from the True Divine Source.

Fact is obscure wonky Neturei Karta are not even a blip on the radar screen even among Orthodox Jews. Those loony American blacks in Israel claiming they are the Lost Tribe probably has bigger following.

Just a very nutty bunch of rabbi hardly anyone even knew were there. Dug up by equally nutty Mr A as a photo op. Maybe some 15 year olds lacking the power of critical thinking will be impressed by it.

Something else to pass the time while waiting for ascendance of the 12th Imam. Word is Mr A is channeling him directly.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:22 PM
*I would further suggest that you look again at the "thousands" of protesters he has "imprisoned" - this being mostly MSM propaganda that you have bought into.

Quoted from your previous post... So where exactly in what you said there does it NOT insinuate that this was a hoax made up by MSM propaganda???

Also I enjoyed how you highlighted the things you thought were convienent. Here let me try:

Zionism (Hebrew: ציונות‎, Tsiyonut) is the international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Isreal(Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el), the historical homeland of the Jews. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to support it.

So as you can see this "political" movement has some very religious tones to it; much like say EVERY SINGLE POLITICAL MOVEMENT. So thats another question for you name a political community, that actually means anything, that doesn't have a specific religion asigned to it? I'd like you to find me that.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by NoJoker13]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by budski

Also on your slight off note, here's a website you may enjoy. Ahmadinejad claims he was surrounded by light during his UN speech. Then distributes this "event" to the people of Iran. Seems even more tyranical then Bush if you ask me. Here you go:

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