I know it's an old thread but this is my favourite topic.
This is my take on it, you cannot move because youre trying to move your physical body.
This has also been happening to me since I was young.
I can tell you for sure from my own experience that OBE's are possible.
SP, would be caused by a lack of rest because when you say go to bed that tired, your body will be totally relaxed.
That's why in OBE methods, techniques involve relaxation. To attain that certain total relaxed state is not an easy thing.
The ringing noise I get it too. I feel an energy moving from my chest to my stomach. Before I used to get worried when this happend and always
repeated in my mind "stop, stop, stop".
Then I got into the whole idea of OBE's and lucid dreams.
When youre stuck in a SP, you need to think with your mind, youre in shock and it'll be difficult, you cannot move your physical body.
I was lying down during an SP and could not move, I was shouting and no one heard me when there were people in my house.
I began to think really hard about standing by the living room doors and opening them, and I was there trying to open the door, my hand was going
through it like a ghost.
To try to move your body during a SP is impossible. You are in the dream state, OBE, astral, whatever you wana call it.
Focus all your energy on your mind and where you wana be next time you are in that situation, trust me it works.
I am totally convinced now that anyone can remember their dream state experience's if they want to.
Fatigue is the total enemy of anyone that want's to succeed in this.
But everyone does it, just most find it difficult to remember their experience's.
It's the topic which I personally am experimenting and investigating for years and will never stop.
All I can say is that their is another world out there call it another dimension if you like.
I firmly believe this without a doubt and from personal experience.
Hope that helped you a little RA, feel free to ask me anything concerning this topic.
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