posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:46 PM
We are sick, tried, but we are still standing. We may be broke but we are not broken. We are desperately clinging to the fringes of what was once an
empire. We are on a journey somewhere between apathy and inspiration. The Presidential election is just five short months away and we are once again
faced with what has become frivolous information to many. Even our own government continues to bury its head in their own political babblings. In
one breath they tell us that terrorist are on American soil, while in the next breath telling us that they would continue to live their life as they
normally would. We might question the price of gas, or why milk is going to four dollars a gallon. But, we fail to stand up and demand how the
government can do such acts as identify the four individuals who murdered Nick Berg, while they were hidden behind mask, on a jerky recording that
including barely audible chanting, that later includes American voices distinctively heard near the end. Are we to believe the latest terror
announcement, or are there hidden agendas behind it? Is this the last cry from the boy who has supposedly seen the wolf, or is it some grand scheme
to scare us into believing that there continues to be a purpose for our soldiers being in Iraq?
I for one believe that if the government in fact knows that terrorist are truly in our country it is time to pull out, come home, and defend our own
homeland. Let those who do not appreciate our efforts defend themselves!