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Graphic ! Haiti Police Shoot Men Getting Rice !! Must be Blackwater Trained

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:09 AM
Very unfortunate for these young men, it sent me looking for laws and punishments pre-earthquake in Haiti, so far I have found out that Haiti does not allow capitol punishment, but in a land so corupt, who needs a law to say that you may do that which you can get away with to start with

I found this article, dated november 2009, it is very enlighnting as to the conditions in Haiti then and now, the law about not being in Port Au Prince after dark, that wasn't just started because of the earthquake, that began in 2004.

Since October 2004 Embassy personnel have been prohibited from entering central Port-au-Prince after dark due to security concerns. The Embassy has also imposed a curfew on its officers. As a result, the ability of Embassy officers to come to the aid of U.S. citizens

Corruption has had a hold on this crowded land for a long time, you know something is terribly wrong when you have 380 thousand orphans in one small country. I read another article last night saying that Haitians had robbed what is left of one orphanage, grown men beating down the owners to steal food from these children. No one should have to steal food, but, if you are going to, don't take it out of a childs mouth.

We don't know the whole story of why this man was killed, or the other shot, they may have killed someone themselves for the rice, so I personally will take all this info in, and judge not.

edit to add: IMO this incident has nothing to do with Blackwater, Haitian police have all the experience they need to kill.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by space cadet]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Does this really look all that different from New Orleans after Katrina to you? Sure, Haiti is #hole of a country. Is that somehow the fault of the 2 young men who got shot? America could've done much more to help Haiti get out of their poverty but it's to the advantage of our corporations to keep them poor. Even America is surviving on foreign aid now (chinese loans). One reason Haiti is so poor is that much of the nation's money has been looted by a string of dictators, how is that the fault of the people?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by metalpr

so sad. hope camera man has nitemares...

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
reply to post by mr-lizard

Well it's still a shame that these men were shot for getting some rice for godssake.

so what are you going to do when you got 400,000 all wanting rice at the same time.... very easy for us here to not understand the magnitude of the hunger going on there... so when we see something like this... we all react to the worst... but imagine if this were LA or NYC or even Chicago... it would be far worse and if you remember the similar things happened in and during katrina... and that was small potatoes compared to all we are seeing in haiti....

but it is going to get a little worse before it gets any better...

The title assuming they are with blackwater (former name) in my opinion would be bogus... blackwater people are trained one hell of alot better than these urchins

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
America could've done much more to help Haiti get out of their poverty but it's to the advantage of our corporations to keep them poor.

Do you have a clue how much money the US and the UN have dumped into Haiti??

You said that Haiti is poor because it's been looted by dictators, so how is this the fault of the US??

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Yeahh that reporter and film man were realy quick in giving that man help who was gasping for breath!What a way to go,no dignity as some poxy reporter and camera man film him fade to black

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by noangels
Yeahh that reporter and film man were realy quick in giving that man help who was gasping for breath!What a way to go,no dignity as some poxy reporter and camera man film him fade to black

When it comes to getting the story, or helping their fellow man, guess which one the press picks?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:00 PM
I know mate,its is disguting isnt it!I think most people on this board would have bent down to comfort that man in his last moments on earth

All they can think about is their story,the people are secondry to that-and when its all done and dusted they fly home,egos inflated and pray for the next horrific money shot to come there way

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by noangels
Yeahh that reporter and film man were realy quick in giving that man help who was gasping for breath!What a way to go,no dignity as some poxy reporter and camera man film him fade to black

When it comes to getting the story, or helping their fellow man, guess which one the press picks?

What could these men do? It's a gun shot wound and no medical equipment. These guys are reporters not first responders, what are the chances they even knew what to do?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
What could these men do? It's a gun shot wound and no medical equipment. These guys are reporters not first responders, what are the chances they even knew what to do?

Direct pressure. Pack the wound with something like a shirt, etc. Anything.

Would the guy have died? Probably. I'd rather have to go thru that than have to say, "I just stood around and watched a man die and did nothing."

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by jerico65

You and I may know what to do, but not everyone does. I'm not saying I wouldn't do anything-I know what to do in a situation like that and I'd be the first to offer help to the best of my ability. Be if I didn't have the knowledge I'd potentially put the man in further danger.

For the record, if I were that reporter I'd at least hold the man's hand as he died.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
For the record, if I were that reporter I'd at least hold the man's hand as he died.

F**kin A, Bubba. It's the least a person could do.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
reply to post by Zot Twady

You stated:

[SNIP] I mean Zot Twady..........sounds to me like you've never left your seat for any reason. Sounds to me like you've never driven through an American ghetto in your life or a po dunk town in the rural midwest or you'd understand the point I'm trying to make. I grew up in North St. Louis right next to East St. Louis. You think Haiti is a bad bad place......LMAO!

Chances are you're probably some liberal 20 something year old starbucks coffee barista looking to blame all the world's poverty, hunger, and problems on the IMF, the World Bank, or dare I say it.....the big bad USA. I know the history of Haiti very well...............and I also have driven through more ghettos in the USA than you have hairs [SNIP] . I know poverty and I know crime and I know violence. Haiti is a cake walk compared to some of the areas even in the US. Remember that next time you go pointing fingers and pulling out your pity sponge. You can give a man a fish only for so's up to that individual whether he wants to learn how to fish or not.

You really have it wrong.
First of all, about me: I'm a fitness and nutrition enthusiast, this seat moves.
I've not only driven through the ghetto, from coast-to-coast, and throughout Mexico, but I've lived in the ghetto, in CA and MI during my lifetime.
I'm nearly 50 years old, and I don't identify as a liberal or conservative, becasue frankly I'm not sure I know what either of those two labels even mean anymore.
I've worked through the ranks of blue and white collar professions, and I'm a business owner, but I've never worked at a coffee shop.
I've also been to Hati, many places throughout the Caribbean and South America, and lived there for years during the 80's & 90's. It looks like you're wrong on all accounts, and I'm acutely unmotivated to find any common ground with you.

I'd like to know exactly what places in the US you thing are worse than Hati, and if you've ever even been to Hati.
Based on your statements, it doesn't sound like you do know the history of Hati, or even have a grasp on the factors that have shaped it, and I'm not here to give you a history lesson or to advocate for social services, or whatever else you seem to think I'm getting at with your comments; "pointing fingers", "pity sponge", etc.

I replied:

"Now we don't even have to leave our seats to see a huge a-hole.
If you ever manage to pull your head out, take a closer look around and see if you can get a grasp on what's really going on around you.
Many blessings...obviously needed."

My reply doesn't spell it out for you, and it's obviously difficult for you to understand, so I'll re-state it:

Your summary of the situation has huge gaping holes in it, and you don't seem to have much in the way of compassion for the people, or an understanding of the preceding history. I hope you eventually get it.

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