reply to post by bugasman
The game of life is in my humble opinion the universe trying to perceive and understand itself through varied and countless points of view to try to
ascertain and define itself.
You could argue that we are all part of the universe and that we are all a part of G-d and that we combined all together are in fact the universe and
or G-d.
The Bible does after all state that G-d created man in his own image. In reality if G-d is the universe, or if the universe is G-d any thing the
universe or G-d created would in fact be in G-d's own image.
We are in essence simply one gigantic galactic mirror and the game of life is very much about reflection. When we are not rooted in the here and now,
or thinking about the future we are in fact lost in reflection. Those reflections of our own pasts and experience are constantly looked to so we can
ascertain and try to make sense of how we arrived at this point in the here and now, and furthermore how the weight and circumstance of our pasts,
combined with our here and now will likely unfold in the future as we continually manifest and play out our roles in the game.
We are in many ways each a mirror image of the universe when one considers the saying “As above, as it is below”.
Most of what life is about is a learning process preparing us for the next stage in our roles.
To give you an idea of just how difficult it would be to just walk into a role fully grown and manifest throughout the universe if you can try to
relate to this story.
I once worked at a place that had a lot of feral stray cats that lived in the huge parking lot and surrounding fields and woods. I began to feed them
each day, and started taming some and making friends with them through that process.
One young cat I had been very fond of from when she was born as a kitten and who was very fond of me had her first litter before she had turned a year
old. One day I walked outside to find one of her kittens abandoned in a puddle of water during a heavy downpour. I picked it up and took it home and
started nursing it from a bottle for a couple days. It was so young when I first took it home its eyes weren’t even opened yet. After I was sure the
kitten was alright I took it back and returned it to its mother. Two days later she abandoned it again in the same puddle during another heavy
rainstorm. So I took it back home to nurse it some more determined to keep it until it was old enough to take care of itself after determining for
some reason its mother was in fact trying to murder it.
A few weeks went by and the kitten grew in hideously deformed ways with one side of its body and the vital organs growing outside of its ribcage
instead of inside of its ribcage. It was in constant pain and agony and when I took it to the vet, the vet said there is nothing you can do, you
either have to euthanize it and put it to sleep or it will die in a few days in tremendous pain and agony.
It turned out that the mother of the kitten somehow knew that instinctively and was trying to euthanize the kitten herself.
I meant well and thought I was doing well, but in fact all I ended up doing by trying to rescue the kitten thinking I knew better was to expose it to
a lot more pain and agony and suffering than it would have gone through had I not intervened.
See my human knowledge and previous acquired knowledge didn’t make me a very good mother cat!
Everything has to start out small and grows to gain knowledge and wisdom and perspective so as beings we can act wisely and compassionately and
I thought I was doing the loving and wise thing and compassionate thing in rescuing the kitten and I was in fact motivated by love.
But it wasn’t the right thing to rescue that kitten and because I lacked the wisdom and knowledge of a cat, my desire to be compassionate for loving
reasons, lacked the wisdom to actually turn it into a compassionate act. I meant well for all the right reasons, but because I didn’t have that
knowledge that a mother cat has, all I did was end up inflicting cruelty and pain in a way that was simply compassionate towards me and me wanting to
feel like I was doing the compassionate, wise and loving thing.
All of our experiences in the game are growth experiences, are learning experiences, and just because as we are immersed in the game and can’t
always understand why tragedies occur, and things we perceive as injustices occur, does not mean that they aren’t happening for a reason.
Just like that mother cat had wisely and compassionately and lovingly put her sickly little kitten that she knew was in fact going to die slowly and
painfully to a far more merciful and quicker death.
I learned a powerful lesson from that experience, and that is even though we often mean well, and want to do well, if we lack the real knowledge and
wisdom to do well, we can in fact end up doing more harm than good.
Much of the game is designed to teach us those hard lessons of how to put our own egos aside and our desire to make ourselves feel good through
misdirected acts of love that truly lack wisdom gained from experience.
The game is all about learning that through a million and one different experiences, and outcomes so that the universe can figure itself out, so we
can figure ourselves out, and no matter how cruel, or awful, or painful and senseless something appears to be on the surface, it is absolutely
happening for a vital reason towards learning those lessons. While the sense in some things escapes us presently it doesn’t mean that in the end we
don’t come to realize, yes, there was a very real reason why this bad thing happened or that bad thing happened, we simply weren’t wise enough,
and experienced enough, and compassionate enough, and cautiously reflective enough to understand at that time those circumstances unfolded.
We often think with our emotions just like I did when I rescued that kitten. I was mad at her mother for being what I thought was an irresponsible
mother, I was afraid for the kitten, I was afraid what it would say about me, and how I would internalize not helping the kitten, I wanted to save the
kitten and feel good too and proud about that, and in a way elevate myself above others who wouldn’t have gotten involved to the extent and expense
I did.
The game is all about teaching us how not to be ruled or enslaved to simply our emotions, G-d as he is represented to us is all about emotions.
The game is about learning through experience, how to love, love unconditionally but with wise compassion, so that your love isn’t just about making
yourself feel good but actually learning how to wisely use it to do good. In that case my desire to love for both good reasons and bad ended up doing
We are all the universe, and we are all G-d trying to learn just what we are, and love each other the wise and compassionate way.
That’s what the game is about, learning how to love, and not to hate, and learning to love in ways that don’t lead to others hating us or hating
ourselves. The games teach us those things, and yes my friends some of the lessons are very, very hard ones indeed!