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The babies are talking to us, and all isn't well my friends....

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posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 03:59 PM
G'day ATS, I came across an article today that compelled me to do a little Google search.

US birth weights on the decline

Thirteen-pound babies may make headlines, but they aren't the norm. In fact, U.S. infants are getting smaller, according to researchers at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute's Department of Population Medicine, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Their findings, published in the February 2010 issue of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, suggest that birth weights in this country have declined during the past 15 years.

The study analyzed data on birth weight, maternal and neonatal characteristics, obstetric care and other trends from the National Center for Health Statistics Natality Data Sets, looking at 36,827,828 U.S. babies born at full-term between 1990 and 2005. Birth weight—a combination of fetal growth and length of gestation—was recorded in grams. The investigators teased out certain factors, including the mothers' age, race or ethnicity, education level, marital status and tobacco use, as well as the amount of weight the women gained during pregnancy and how early in pregnancy they received prenatal care. They also considered the women's risk of conditions like hypertension and use of obstetric procedures such as induction of labor and cesarean delivery.

36,827,828 births, I think it's fair to say that the study was thorough!

I beleive that mother nature is trying to tell us something. I found a few other examples too.

Steep rise in Down's syndrome pregnancies

The number of Down's syndrome diagnoses has risen steeply over the past two decades as women have postponed having families and become pregnant at a later age, but fewer babies with the condition are being born as most opt for terminations, research shows.

Obviously we have an explanation for this one but regardless of that fact, all isn't well with humankind.

Beijing birth defects rise again

The birth defect rate rose again in the Chinese capital Beijing last year, mirroring increases elsewhere in the country, according to figures.

The city's birth defect rate has almost doubled in the last decade.

The causes of such defects are not clear, but there are concerns they could be related to heavy pollution.

How terrible, the unborn punished by the greed of man.

More premature babies being born

The number of premature births has risen significantly but survival rates for babies born early have also improved, a study has found.

The number of premature babies rose from 54 per 1,000 births between 1980 and 1985 to 63 between 2000 and 2005.

I beleive our species is in crisis ATS. Too many toxins, too much excess, a minimal connection to Mother Nature, no respect for the Natural Order of the Planet.

The little ones have spoken, will we listen?

All the best ATS, Kiwifoot

[edit on 22-1-2010 by kiwifoot]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:26 PM
yeah we're what?
how d you expect to make babies more healthy?

we can listen all day long. what good does that do?

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Doesn't mean much as far as I'm concerned.
My boy is 17 and 6-1 weighing 180 lbs.
He captains the school at rugby and football, and holds the record for the 200 metres.
He weighed 5.5 lbs at birth.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:48 PM
Ahh...the soft kill.

A kinder, gentler genocide.

Culling the useless eaters with compassion.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by kiwifoot
I beleive our species is in crisis ATS. Too many toxins, too much excess, a minimal connection to Mother Nature, no respect for the Natural Order of the Planet.

Agreed. Too many toxins, pathogens, heavy metals and too little nutrients, or connection to our roots.

What can be done?

It seems inevitable that civilization must once again collapse. Too much to be done, too little time. We the people must take control of the corpogovernment bastards, but it seems nature will speak before we get that chance.

After the dust settles, then we can once again be in tune with nature.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Between Junk food, More Women Smoking, All sorts of crazy things in food and bathroom products, pollution, etc etc

it's no surprise that there are lots more problems with babies.

People need to get off their arses, get healthy, grow their own veggies and stop drinking and smoking for a start.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:58 PM
I bet is was transfat that was making big babies. Now it is hardly used.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Maybe pregnant women should start smoking and drinking again? We didn't have these problems 50 years ago, before all of the "protections" and warnings and education given to mothers. They used to go to the doctor once or twice during a pregnancy! Once to find out if the rabbit died, and sometimes a second time for delivery. That second visit was optional!!!

They didn't take Folic Acid supplements, they didn't go for 2 or 3 or more ultrasounds. They didn't get 3d/4d ultrasounds to have prenatal photographs. They didn't intrude on the baby much at all! The mothers still did their daily duties, whether at home or at work.

Ahhh better times. And healthier babies!

Actually both of my babies were born prematurely, and it turns out their mother has Celiac's disease? That was unheard of until just a few years ago, and now it is becoming almost a fad! She is allergic to Wheat, or actually Gluten, so she wasn't absorbing nutrients, and she was malnourished during the pregnancy.

So, in true American style, who can I blame? Docs? Mom? Monsanto and Bioengineered Seeds? FDA? Surely there is someone to sue for this!! Nobody was allergic to Wheat 50 years ago, and babies were healthier!!

Let's see......first it was Milk and Casein Allergies, and babies had to switch to Soy Milk. Then it was alcohol and smoking causing low birth weights, so they regulated that. Now it is Wheat?

I know a very cute little 18 year old prostitute that got pregnant last year. She continued "working" for about 6-7 months! She drank and smoked A LOT! She was homeless some of the time, and she bounced from crashpad to crashpad. She didn't eat right, or go to the doctor much. She had an 8.5 lb healthy baby!!!

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

So, what does the birth weight trend have to do with the health of our children? I'm not saying that it doesn't mean anything just that it's not clear that it does.

You have this:

Originally posted by ukmadmax
Doesn't mean much as far as I'm concerned.
My boy is 17 and 6-1 weighing 180 lbs.
He captains the school at rugby and football, and holds the record for the 200 metres.
He weighed 5.5 lbs at birth.

And I have a very similar situation with my 16 year old son. I'm not sure it means much.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:44 PM
It's probably because we are an overwhelmingly unhealthy society. If a woman is relying on fast food and other poisons throughout her pregnancy, how can we expect her child to be healthy?

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 06:13 PM
"I know a very cute little 18 year old prostitute that got pregnant last
year. She continued "working" for about 6-7 months! She drank and
smoked A LOT! She was homeless some of the time, and she bounced
from crashpad to crashpad. She didn't eat right, or go to the doctor much.
She had an 8.5 lb healthy baby!!!"

What is unknown is how healthy the baby actually is versus appears to be.
How healthy would the child have been if the mother hadn't lived a
destructive high risk life?

Have you heard of fetal alcohol syndrome?

BTW, the chance for this child actually growing up healthy, productive and
happy is extremely low.

Anecdotal evidence is 99% worthless.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 06:58 PM
lessie twins 6,2 and 6,6... next at 7,5 and the final at 8,2

I'm not sure about those numbers after seeing those four pop out..

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:47 PM
I don't think civilization is going to become extinct anytime soon.There are 7 million birth worldwide everyday.

Those skinny babies in the U.S. will fatten up real quick as soon as their parents start giving them fat food from fast food places.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
yeah we're what?
how d you expect to make babies more healthy?

we can listen all day long. what good does that do?

These trends are indicative of a species in trouble, the problems are a result of the way we as humans are living and affecting the ecosystem.

First move , spread the word(hence the thread), the rest is up to you, me and every man/woman to do their part.

Obviously putting family values before careers would help alleviate the Downs issue, Less pollution would reduce birth defects, as for the others, who knows. But regardless of your flippant attitude to this- something IS up!

All the best, Kiwifoot!

[edit on 23-1-2010 by kiwifoot]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:37 PM

It seems inevitable that civilization must once again collapse. Too much to be done, too little time. We the people must take control of the corpogovernment bastards, but it seems nature will speak before we get that chance.

After the dust settles, then we can once again be in tune with nature.

I believe these trends in defects and problems with pregnancies are a sign that nature knows our population has reached a plateau.

It is well documented that in the wild populations don't keep increasing year on year, but eventually stop increasing, decline then fluctuate.

I'm sure these observations are a wake up call from nature, just my opinion mind you!

All the best, Kiwifoot!

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:45 PM
The risk of downs increases with the womans age. Alot more women are choosing to put a career before family life - most of my friends who are around 30+ are only just starting to settle down and have families therefore the risks are higher for problems..

[edit on 23-1-2010 by Emiai]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Well, yes I agree the toxins can't be helping much, duh
But I wonder how much of it is caused by the current trends, meaning most pregnant women I have known attempt to maintain their weight so that it is truly mostly baby weight (not increasing calories), and I also have known quite a few that scheduled their births via c section which would be technically premature, right? As for increases in down syndrome, I would attribute that to more women over 40 conceiving it is a risk factor that most women assume will not happen them. I suppose, I just see an increase in the amount of selfish mothers, well at least selfish prior to the birth, then they love that little bundle.

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