reply to post by craig732
Below is a short list of what the nwo has done so far. So, tell me again how they have failed please?
1)The establishing of america as a british corporation in 1812
2) International Bankers kept away via Andrew Jackson's Presidency
3)International Bankers open up their first bank after Ole Hickory leaves office
4) The Civil War is financed by the House of Rothschild
5) Freemason Albert Pike lays the blueprint for 3 world wars in 1871
6) The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is illegally passed
7) WW1 begins and the usa is dragged into it by Woodrow Wilson courtesy of the Rothschilds. League of Nations also established
8) Tha Balfour Declaration is drawn up and gives the Rothschilds control of Palestine and Israel
9) The 1929 stock market crashes, Rothschilds at it again
10) USA goes belly up in 1933, removed from gold standard
11) 1941, USA goes to WW2 as Prescott Bush helps Hitler finance Germany's attacks
12) United Nations established in 1945, Rothschilds at the helm once again
13) 1948, Israel becomes a nation courtesy of the Rothschilds
14)JFK passes EO once again allowing USA to print it's own currency. He is assassinated.
15)Battle of Tonkin, fake attack on USA to drag us into vietnam war.
16) 1971, Billy Graham caught on audio tape in conversation with Nixon on gassing the jews in vietnam.
17) 1976, fake gas crisis due to conflict with Iran
18) 52 hostages taken in Iran in 1979
19) 1980-1990, Iran/Contra Reagan, Bush, Cheney, North, and many others up to their necks. Globalists sit back and just laugh at hearings.
20) 1991, GHW Bush Invades Iraq, calls for new world order
21) 1993, WTC bomb explodes in basement, Clinton does nothing as usual.
22) 1995, Oky City bombing. McVeigh blamed but ATF people were told NOT to go to work that day. HMMMMMMMMM?
23) Ruby Ridge Idaho, Randy Weaver family slaughtered because Weaver would not go undercover for feds and infiltrate a neo-nazi cult.
24) Waco,We all know what happened there, don't we?
25) Bosnia, total BS slaughter of innocents carried out by Bill Clinton
26) Flight 101 over Lockerbie Scotland, more than 100 people seen a rocket hit that plane, and to this day the feds still deny that!
27) 9-11
28) Bill Cooper killed in nov of 2001. Was preparing to expose illuminati.
29) 1996, Phil Schneider assassinated for going to expose new world order plans. Found dead with a piece of piano wire still in his neck!
30) 2005, Free Trade Zone of the Americas signed by Vicente Fox and GW Bush.
31) The Real ID act signed in 2005
32) 2006, Term New World Order hits mainstream media, Lou Dobbs, Glen Beck, and even Keith Olberman interview many guests on this very subject.
And here's just a few things I forgot to post in the above. GW Bush invading Iraq cause Saddam Hussein halting the acceptance of the american dollar,
and taking euros. The 3 banks that control the world, and are owned and operated by the Rothschild Dynasty, and they are: the World Bank, The IMF, and
the Third World Bank of Third World Nations.