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posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Ok haven't been on this board long , but so far the impression I get is someone posts an opinion or an experience and they either get people screaming Fakes or loonie and that is not what I expected at all! Or you get the holier than thou, i been here longer than you sarcastic " Oh we got another post on this" , thats absolutely crap. What is the point of this board exactly??? I haven't dared post anything of real value coz There are a lot of people on here who's intentions are not clear!! You know exactly who you are.... Btw this is not aimed at everyone , but the community of real free thinkers are leaving the debunkers unchecked.
Oh and just for your information the pictures released of billy meier ... Do you really believe he looks like that or he released those pictures..No its not him and those are not the pictures he released, It isn't even his website, Billy meier was killed and replaced...I know you won't believe this but hey I care

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:26 PM
The Ignore feature is a great thing. And being able to ignore mentaly is even better.

You'll find that after being here and posting and contributing, you'll find out automaticly who the people are that you can really discuss things with.
I myself first visited this board for quite some time and read alot. Like this I found who I can talk to and who I don't even bother to reply to.

People that are to abusive and never support their claims with facts get banned or get warnings anyways, so don't worry, the people that get on everyones nerves don't do that for long.

Just hang around and hang in there, don't get bothered by the nay sayers and flamers, thats just what they want...

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 03:44 PM
First of all you need to realize that this board is dedicated to the discussion of Aliens / UFO's and theories relating to them. This is not a garbage dump for every silly fraud or hoax story being perpetrated by fringe speakers or sci-fi fans. Being a responsible Alien / UFO believer means you should be skeptical and willing to question everything. If you were expecting everybody to be posting about their Reptilian friends and their Norwegian alien cousins then you're at the wrong board. In my opinion...many people on this board ARE loons...if you don't like this opinion there's many ways to avoid reading can put me on block, avoid reading my posts or log off. You need to understand that the UFO Community as a whole is suffering in some ways because of the ridiculous rumors and stories being circulated. Free thinking sounds nice but can hinder the UFO Community and it's goals. We need to be free to stretch our imaginations and formulate theories but not to the point that we disinform our own UFO Community...which we are.

As for Billy Meiers, I personally think you're so desperate to believe in this man and his hoax that you're willing to formulate the moronic notion that we was murdered and replaced. That's just immature thinking and this is the kind of thinking that makes the Unexplainable / Paranormal community so hard to belong to for so many believers. People just don't want to be connected to this kind of stupidity. Where's your proof or evidence to back up this theory that he was killed and replaced?

[Edited on 5-27-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 04:38 PM
Who cares what responses you get.The most important thing is that you are being true to yourself,you right crap people will pick up on it.Every theory on this cannot possibly be true alot of people that trully believe there thread no matter what will always take critics badly.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 05:16 PM
I am in a unique position. I found out that I am a "walk-in" ET after I retired from teaching. I post whatever information seems to be relevant as I know it from my experiences.
I am about as close as anyone will get to talking to a live, breathing ET for now....until they come out into the open.
Frankly, with the state that Earth is in right now, they may TAKE A VERY LONG TIME before they show themselves.
People like me DO EXIST. I hope that I am not the ONLY one.

All you can do is what I the posts, and if the info "resonates" (makes sense) with you, you accept it. If not, then you move on to whatever does make sense to you. We are all on different levels of understanding.
That is all any of us can do for now...until we have official disclosure or something like it.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 05:48 PM
This type of poster is one of the biggest reasons we in the UFO community need to be more skeptical. If we were to allow people like this to run about unchecked, telling people they were aliens (like she does) then people outside of the UFO Community would have to ask where the rest of our sanity lies...should we care if they think we're crazy?

In my opinion, yes.

We need to start being vocal about mentally disturbed people like Imzadi...a women who lost her loving husband and allowed her love of sci-fi to overcome her reason and mask her intense feelings of loss. She's so desperate for comfort that she's BECOME a part of her fantasies because being an alien is far better than being a lonely widower. I feel for her...I pity her...but I do not believe her and I will continue to voice my opinion on her and people like her.

[Edited on 5-27-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Preest
This type of poster is one of the biggest reasons we in the UFO community need to be more skeptical. If we were to allow people like this to run about unchecked, telling people they were aliens (like she does) then people outside of the UFO Community would have to ask where the rest of our sanity lies...should we care if they think we're crazy?

In my opinion, yes.

We need to start being vocal about mentally disturbed people like Imzadi...a women who lost her loving husband and allowed her love of sci-fi to overcome her reason and mask her intense feelings of loss. She's so desperate for comfort that she's BECOME a part of her fantasies because being an alien is far better than being a lonely widower. I feel for her...I pity her...but I do not believe her and I will continue to voice my opinion on her and people like her.

[Edited on 5-27-2004 by Preest]

Ummm, don't hold back Preest. Tell us how you really feel

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:39 PM
Ok first of all these boards are about freedom of speech, if somone has somthing to say then why not hear them out instead of having a go at them about this and that.

Opinions are a wonderful thing when people listen to what others have to say.

Somthimes you may disagree with what somone has written on ATS, oh well you disagree, so what is it worth demorilsing somone over there opinion? no of course not.

Let the people speak and all shall listen to them!

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:53 PM
ignore preest [only jokeing]
. how do you know this women isnt really an alien you dont have the proof, only assumption. and we all know "assumption is the mother of all f**k ups". dont use the ignore button they should get rid of that button. i got kicked about in the paranormal section becaues of my beliefs, but i refuse to ignore those people because everyones entitled to an opinion. just mentally ignore those people if its that bad. personally i think that billy meier stuff is a load of old polished hub caps.

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by kode]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Mindsmog
Oh and just for your information the pictures released of billy meier ... Do you really believe he looks like that or he released those pictures..No its not him and those are not the pictures he released, It isn't even his website, Billy meier was killed and replaced...I know you won't believe this but hey I care

You're right on that one.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by madwalrus911
Ok first of all these boards are about freedom of speech, if somone has somthing to say then why not hear them out instead of having a go at them about this and that.
Opinions are a wonderful thing when people listen to what others have to say.
Somthimes you may disagree with what somone has written on ATS, oh well you disagree, so what is it worth demorilsing somone over there opinion? no of course not.
Let the people speak and all shall listen to them!

Freedom of Speech is a great thing...disinformation is not. Despite what some of you believe...more disinformation is being disseminated from within the UFO community than from without. Many on ATS would like to blame the government for disinformation but why would they need to disinform us when we're doing a great job on ourselves.

Is Imzadi an alien...of course not. How do I know? Logic & reality says she's mentally disturbed FIRST...if she was to present a clean bill of mental and physical health then I would chalk it up as nothing more than an oiveractive imagination. I could go around claiming I'm God and according to some of the dumbasses on ATS I would be simply because nobody can prove I'm NOT God...come on people. Strengthen the community not weaken it with weak thinking.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:24 PM
preest makes some important points; yet ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

the first time i posted in the alien/ufo forum with some real personal experience there was a bunch of ignorant assumers very generous with their presumtuous ineptitudeness. spelling suck a polish sausage.

i could believe anything, but not everything.

the world is full of know it alls who cannot begin to see reality because of the boundaries that they place on reality.

[Edited on 5/27/2004 by panchovilla]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:36 PM
I would imagine in a topic like this, that the first rule of thumb would be...

"Test everything weed out the crap"

If you just beleive something because people post it here then you just open yourself to delusion. Also its a sign of gullability.

You HAVE to test it, to see if what you are spending your time discussing is fact or fiction.

If you are afraid of finding the facts then maybe you are trying to live in a world of illusion?

Even if the facts were "There are no aliens, its all weather balloons, swamp gas, and wacked out hippies on drugs hallucinating." Surely its better to learn that than carry on believing what is not true.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:57 PM
Mindsmog, I apologies on behalf of people who'd probably rather I didn't.
It's not always like this, it goes round in cycles. At the moment there are a lot of people that like to demean anything, especially anything controversial. Ignore them. This site is about discussing anything, however crazy or controversial, and people should realise if you don�t like the subject or content of a thread, you shouldn�t reply. Unfortunately in true American fashion a lot of people want to disrail a thread just because they disagree with its premise or find it foolish. The more popular this site has become the more this has happened. Those who destroy discussion on anything for the sake of their own prejudice are not worth anyone�s time, never mind a reply.

Pity them, and ignore them. That�s my advice.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 11:26 PM
My suggestion to new people reading this is to ask yourself one question every time you read an outrageous post or theory...ask youself, "Can there be another explanation for this?"

Once you've done this, don't be afraid to be the only person in a post suggesting it was swamp gas or a brain tumor or venus as long as you're intelligently offering up logical explanations to further the UFO Community.
Think critically, consider facts and answer responsibly and don't be afraid to state your opinion when it comes to disturbed people like poor Imzadi or others like her.

Have a good one.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 11:45 PM
Preest, allow me to play Devil's Advocate with you for a moment. Let's forget about what otehr individuals believe or don't believe. I am sure, that since you are on this board with the rest of us, that you believe in certain things which the common person would refer to as being "Bulls**t". However, these are things that you have a lot of faith in, and are very sure of their reality in reference to your own perceptions.

It is not the duty of any one of us to set boundries as to where "fact" and "fiction" begin or end. The beliefs of others are simpyl that, their beliefs. We should not ridicule them if we disagree, and we should not attack them personally. Allow Imzadi to have her beliefs, and continue on with your own, but please refrain from character assassinations.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by RockerDom
Allow Imzadi to have her beliefs, and continue on with your own, but please refrain from character assassinations.

Feel free to point out where I assassinated her character. Before you do that though...break down for everybody in this post what kind of character Imzadi's has...
Do you know?
You might also want to point out which post I made in which I denied Imzadi her right to believe herself to be an alien.

[Edited on 5-28-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 08:39 AM
Ok Preest you can get down off of your high horse now, You are right the last bit about billy meier was a crock of BS, on my part but I knew somebody would attack me personally over it, it was just to invoke a thought that maybe that could have happened. You say

I personally think you're so desperate to believe in this man and his hoax that you're willing to formulate the moronic notion that we was murdered and replaced. That's just immature thinking
Oh coz you know me right. WRONG know very little about me so dont go posting stuff thinking you can psychoanalyze me.. as for the other responses thanks they were more productive
, I dont know what has gotten up you A S S preet but dont take it out on others ..just chill everybody can have an opinion ..for your info I have a lot of stuff to share and proof will accompany it, but for now lets all just get along . Aren't we supposed to be on the same side ?

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 08:43 AM
Oh yeah Netchicken , you hit the nail on the head there

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:50 AM
If you wouldn`t mind uploading a photo of yourself.I promise i won`t debunk you,just curious as to your claims and the only thing that would make me understand your claims is some form of proof please.

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