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U.S. Marine 'I Killed Innocent Civilians'

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posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:11 AM
It's war CHIT happens get over it.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:17 AM
Excellent thread rainfall. It brought a tear to my eye watching that. I may be slated but I have no compassion for marines in Afghanistan that like the power and I have no compassion for those in Iraq that enjoy destroying lives.

They will all be judged in the end.

For all those saying 'its war' do you realise hiw you come accross saying that, if someone was to come in your home and shoot your partner,kids or any family member in front of your eyes would you still be saying that? I don't think so.... and before you say it will never happen, you can never be to sure of anything in this world.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by rainfall

The other sides horrors American troops arent the only ones... Will you call on these fools to lay down there arms as well?

Not everything will be fooking happy happy joy joy... You should be thankful that there are men and women who are still willing to kill for you, because eventually we will have to water the tree here in our own homeland.


posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by rainfall

The first guy in your second video is a complete and utter egoistic twat! when he uses the words 'lit her up' and 'we clothelined him' (whatever the hell that means) he s'n-word's (oh for gods sake) laughed quietly, whether it be nerves I don't know but it really shows this guy in a bad light even though he is supposed to be speaking out.

At least in the first video we saw remorse.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:38 AM
To all those who are quick to say, " our troups." or "...well, that's war.", I say wake up! TPTB want you to say that because it gives them the OK to start new wars and kill even more people. Each time you fill up at the gas station, remember that gas was made available by invading another nation and killing the innocent people who call it home.

Bush/Obama want WAR WITHOUT END.

Our day IS comming. We too will experience what we have put those poor people through.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:44 AM
More emotional testimony .......

Jon Turner, "The Marine Corps turned me into a monster-Destroying the lives of innocent people."

Forward to 4.50 in this video......very emotional....this is my idea of a true hero....

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by rainfall

Re: 'The Marine Corps turned me into a monster'

Maybe the Marine Corps simply helped the monster emerge ?

Isn't it as people are always reminding us, 'People, not guns, kill ' ?

Certainly, if you sign-up, you're going to be trained to hurt people and provided the means to do it. So why sign up ?

And if someone is drafted, they can claim conscientious-objector status and yes ... they might be jailed, they might be ridiculed and made to suffer. But at least they won't go against their principles by killing someone else

So it all comes down to personal responsibility, doesn't it ?

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
reply to post by rainfall

The first guy in your second video is a complete and utter egoistic twat! when he uses the words 'lit her up' and 'we clothelined him' (whatever the hell that means) he s'n-word's (oh for gods sake) laughed quietly, whether it be nerves I don't know but it really shows this guy in a bad light even though he is supposed to be speaking out.

At least in the first video we saw remorse.

Hi friend...

I must disagree with you on your assessment of that guy.....I believe it does take courage to come forward and speak the truth...I sense that all these guys are sincere in their testimony...I do sense remorse...

These guys are each dealing with the guilt in their own way...

Now I know why the suicide rate is so high among vets....


posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:01 AM
WAR is HELL so kill them now or deal with them later , Read THE art of war and Machiavelli , This guy is a shill for the left wing bleeding hearts, Dont believe him, Where is his proof and where is the bodies where are the pictures LIE after Lie

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:07 AM
the hypocrisy of it all is that non of these will never be trial ed in a court for war criminals , so what they say is just a load of propaganda bs in my books.

truth be told its just as absurd as people saying that the war is bull but i support the troops , so by saying you support the troops you also support the job they do......

just as absurd as to say you d give up you freedom for liberties

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Does the man in the first video supply an official copy of his DD-214 separation paperwork?

Can he verify that he served in an area where shooting combat happened?

Can he validate the notion that he actually pulled the trigger / pressed the button on "innocent civilians?"

Can he supply evidence that the "innocent civilians" were indeed non-combatants?

Can he supply hard and actionable evidence of his claims to substantiate the allegations?

If the answers to each the above questions is anything but a resounding 'yes', then his accusations are just that...accusations that may get him charged with slander.

If can supply a yes to the above questions, why has he not gone to the JAG to file formal charges against his commanders and his fellow marines?

My hunch is that he can answer 'yes' to maybe only the first question, and I urge the USMC to investigate his claims and the falsehoods contained in them and file suit against this man for slander and defamation.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by rainfall

I am a former U.S. Marine,

I will say that none of us did it for fun, and none of us engaged what we thought were civilians.

I will say we killed a lot more innocent civilians than we killed 'militants'. The 'official body count' was wrong... it had to be. It was in the hundreds (for a 10 hour 'trip' through Baghdad in April), but you have to take into account our unit was the first to enter that part of Baghdad.

We were in AAV's, Amphibious Assault Vehicles. Each one had a 50 caliber machine gun as well as a Mark 19 fully auto grenade launcher. The houses that the Ssgt manning the turrents shot into... they were made from clay it looked like. None of the buildings had any structural fortitude... compaired to cement... our 'bullets'/rounds went right through those buildings.

To the credit of the Infantry Marines that were in my AAV, we only shot at confirmed targets.

To the Ssgt that was not infantry, that was with the AAV crew... he shot at so many things, and I couldn't hardly find what he was shooting at 80% of the time. The other part of the time there simply wasnt enough time to distinguish if it was a combatant. He was using the 50 caliber machine gun, and he was going through ammo like crazy.

I asked the Ssgt later what he was shooting at... he said "everything". He said he couldnt think of anything but the Marines getting shot at... so he was shooting first... he wasnt going to risk taking a chance. We had lost 2 people in combat so far... Lt. Childers and Gunny Bohr. Lt. Childers was the first combatant to die in that invastion... he got hit 30 yards from me.

We did get pressed really hard, I even saw our LT throw a grenade at one guy that was hiding around the corner with RPG's. It got pretty insane...

The first AAV in our formation ran out of ammo... our Infantry SSGT from my track had to carry crates of ammo up to them. We had a combat load... a freaking combat load of ammo per vehicle. I cant stress that enough, we had a combat load inside of those AAV's. Thats how many rounds were going down range, through houses...

It was a mess.

We shot vehicles to pieces if they crossed our 'boundaries'... and they only crossed them out of confusion/panic. The screams of a mother still alive witnessing her van full of family shot to pieces. I will never get the horror of that scream out of my head. Its already been so many years now... and I just cant get it out of my head.

We never found any WMD's by the way.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by WarloriousCreed]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by MMPI2

well they can start by sending their stories to amnesty and the redcross and u.n and directly to hague instead of putting up video conferances , the belif that a public display of their regret is gonna change in anyway what they did is absurd and just dumb and ill logical,

they are just acting out the role of a regretfull evangelist martyr straight out of todays popculture,

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by seattletruth

I am totally against ANY war, i'm just saying that its what happens when theres a war. Trust me, i've been with my husband for 30 years and 29 of those he's had flashbacks and nothing but terrible dreams, etc. WAR, specially unnecessry ones, is something i totally do not condone. Too bad the warmongers keep beating their drums....:shk:

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Dock9
I beleive monsters are created. You take an impressionable young man just out of school and hand him guns and tell them "kill" and it remains with them forever.

I can only hope in the case of my husband that he's not been diddled with for any programs like MKULTRA.

I think about that one once in awhile.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by capgirl

Thank you soldiers for serving our country!

They are not serving the country, and probably havent been since the revolutionary war.

They are serving corporate interests.

I dont support the troops. I was one. They know how to walk away. If the decision to walk away is harder than the decision to shoot civilians then they deserve everything they get.

People who support the troops who find it easier to shoot civilians than to walk away deserve what is coming.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by yenko13

WAR is HELL so kill them now or deal with them later

Ya, kill all the innocent civilians. Let's not forget that children grow up into terrorist and women have children.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by harvib]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 08:58 AM
Pretty big assumption that anyone is innocent when your fighting an insurgency. Can anyone tell me a war where civilians didn't die? I can totally understand being anti every war but this kind of crap serves no purpose other than to try to shock the ignorant.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:00 AM

I've not noticed ANY 'ANTI-AMERICAN' comments and accusations here...

Maybe because the murderer is American. How apt that those blind patriots are silenced when one of their own is a killer.

Yet if I had dared to claim that Americans quite often take innocent lives, then i'd be branded as an 'Anti-American.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Stuship

Pretty big assumption that anyone is innocent when your fighting an insurgency.

Shoot first and ask questions later. We have a Nation to occupy!

Can anyone tell me a war where civilians didn't die?

Causalities of war. Don't let dead families pull on your heartstrings. I'm sure they were guilty of something. When will they learn to accept their "freedom and democracy."

but this kind of crap serves no purpose other than to try to shock the ignorant.

Yes! Don't shock the ignorant. It is much better for everyone if they continue to believe all Iraqis and Afghans are "insurgents".

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