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TSA Worker Falsely Implicates Traveler With 'Drug' Baggie

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posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 08:55 PM
If this story is true , the screener should be fired and prosecuted. It is bad enough that we are constantly subjected to BS suits. This is aggregious.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Nutter
reply to post by rcwj1975

I agree. TSA as a whole is not to blame.

I disagree! Of course, TSA is to blame. THEY hired the moron. He wouldn't have been in the position to pull this little "joke" if the TSA wouldn't have given him a job.

TSA and the jokester should both be sued for every damn dime that can be squeezed out of them, IF one can even sue the TSA. Maybe if they were more careful about the people they hire, this kind of crap wouldn't happen.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 09:51 PM
I completely disagree with the notion that "they shouldn't be sued". That's complete hogwash. They certainly should be sued, it's a government agency.

First, the employee should be outright fired and barred from being employed as a government employee ever again, at least from anything slightly responsible. Then, the TSA needs to be sued, this is not a joke, this is beyond serious. The TSA is the tip of the spear for the sh*tstorm world we've created in the United States, since 9/11.

Ever since 9/11 we've had to give away EVERYTHING to authoritarian pieces of crap who couldn't resist the opportunities for more power. The TSA, whether fully employed by a bunch of knuckleskulls or not, needs to be sued. They need to set an example, just as the government and the IRS "make examples" of small-time tax evaders. I wouldn't expect anything under 100 million followed by harassing PR exposure for the next 10 years.

This isn't some silly thing to just shove under the carpet. This crap needs to end here, now.

I didn't sit through endless emotional setbacks from having to watch every piece of legislation, every new law, every new government agency, every single little insane piece of government ruling since 9/11, for this. Just so some little pukes in the TSA can joke around with FELONIES on INNOCENT and unsuspecting citizens. This isn't a damn joke.

(Edit: My typing rant didn't make any sense, probably still doesn't. Sigh, coffee time.)

[edit on 21-1-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by inthesticks
I disagree! Of course, TSA is to blame. THEY hired the moron. He wouldn't have been in the position to pull this little "joke" if the TSA wouldn't have given him a job.

TSA and the jokester should both be sued for every damn dime that can be squeezed out of them, IF one can even sue the TSA. Maybe if they were more careful about the people they hire, this kind of crap wouldn't happen.

Sorry I just can't agree with this. When a company/agency hires someone, they hire off of the resume, history, experiance, and education of said the hell are they suppossed to know this idiot would pull a stunt like this????????

I agree that some hirings are questionable, (trust me I work in LE), but this is not on the TSA. You may hate their ways and regulations, but blaming them is nothing more than saying you want easy money for something they had no control over.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

The TSA is responsible, it is their employee. The victim has every right to sue them, and for a lot. Sorry that you, "think she can't and/or shouldn't", but that's the law. To be honest, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a lawsuit.

Oh, and I'm not surprised you're a LE, I've seen you in other threads and you're usually very pro-authoritarian/pro-fascism. You seem to also be a Mason, which isn't a surprise. Not to just "attack you" or anything, but it's fairly obvious what your responses are going to be.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
...but blaming them is nothing more than saying you want easy money for something they had no control over.

Sorry, but there is a reason people sue and it's not always about money. People sue for damages to set a precedence and to help change things that are wrong. There needs to be an example set, immediately, so that TSA sweats their employees to never do this crap again, not to mention to allow the people to speak out against the government's BS for once.

People have continually brought up the point of how scary this actually is. Apparently it isn't very difficult for a TSA employee to frame or patsy an unsuspecting passenger, for whatever reason. I don't care who you are, that is frightening. Attention needs to be shine on this incident, and lots of it, to expose the absurdity of it and to bring to light possible activities like it in the past. I wouldn't doubt that there has been actual false arrests from a TSA employee planting objects in luggage.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
The TSA is responsible, it is their employee. The victim has every right to sue them, and for a lot. Sorry that you, "think she can't and/or shouldn't", but that's the law. To be honest, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a lawsuit.

Nowhere did I say she CAN'T sue them, or SHOULDN'T sue do not put words in my mouth just because I don't agree with you. What I DID say is, to blame the TSA as if they knew this was going to happen makes someone look like a fool. An agency with over like 20,000 employees CAN'T know what stunt some TURD is going to pull one day out of the blue....

Oh, and I'm not surprised you're a LE, I've seen you in other threads and you're usually very pro-authoritarian/pro-fascism. You seem to also be a Mason, which isn't a surprise. Not to just "attack you" or anything, but it's fairly obvious what your responses are going to be.

Nice assumptions, and "not to attack me"....then why write any of this BS? I know why...people like you are no better then the retard that pulled this do what you think is funny or to get your kicks, but in the end...well you got nothin.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:19 PM
Yeah! No longer working for TSA as of today... I bet he was only contracted for that one day to do only these sort of things anyway! Tester? Security consultant?

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
Sorry, but there is a reason people sue and it's not always about money. People sue for damages to set a precedence and to help change things that are wrong. There needs to be an example set, immediately, so that TSA sweats their employees to never do this crap again, not to mention to allow the people to speak out against the government's BS for once.

I agree 100%, but then NO money should ever exchange hands if their REAL goal is to change things. Sue for policy change, Sue for better regulations, etc...but don't sue so you can deposit a fat check and somehow think that made you a better person...not saying she will, but when jerkoffs sue for millions because they spill HOT coffee on themselves...well..we have a problem.

People have continually brought up the point of how scary this actually is. Apparently it isn't very difficult for a TSA employee to frame or patsy an unsuspecting passenger, for whatever reason. I don't care who you are, that is frightening. Attention needs to be shine on this incident, and lots of it, to expose the absurdity of it and to bring to light possible activities like it in the past. I wouldn't doubt that there has been actual false arrests from a TSA employee planting objects in luggage. is scary..this idiot deserves fired and charged...there is no argument there.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:22 PM
When a company/agency hires someone, they hire off of the resume, history, experiance, and education of said the hell are they suppossed to know this idiot would pull a stunt like this????????

Well, I'd be willing to bet that if they would have actually checked references, there would have been something there that would have given some indication this guy was a moron.

There have been numerous complaints about TSA personnel. The caliber of the people they hire has been questionable from the beginning. If ya' hire morons, they will do moronic things. I think it's high time somebody held the TSA responsible for the injustices their agents inflict on the flying public and this little stunt definitely calls for somebody's butt.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:23 PM
.. nevermind.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
I agree 100%, but then NO money should ever exchange hands if their REAL goal is to change things. Sue for policy change, Sue for better regulations, etc...but don't sue so you can deposit a fat check and somehow think that made you a better person...not saying she will, but when jerkoffs sue for millions because they spill HOT coffee on themselves...well..we have a problem.

Well, if a case can be made substantial enough without the prospect of money, then so be it. However, I don't think cases ever go anywhere, especially cases versus the state or govt., if no money is involved. It raises the stakes, the PR exposure and liability.

Without money, it just seems like a "complaint", and it gets shoved into the box with all the rest.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
This does pretty much violate the TOC, but I don't care. I'm calling a spade a spade here.

You may need to get your eyes checked may have seen some things I wrote and didn't agree, but your general idea that I ALWAYS side with cops, government, etc...means you definitly DIDN'T read all of my posts. Either that or as many cop bashers do, they have selective hearing, selective reading, and obviously selective understanding about things we say....

Anyway...back on topic. Guy was fired...rightly so!!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
Well, if a case can be made substantial enough without the prospect of money, then so be it. However, I don't think cases ever go anywhere, especially cases versus the state or govt., if no money is involved. It raises the stakes, the PR exposure and liability.

Without money, it just seems like a "complaint", and it gets shoved into the box with all the rest.

I'll agree with that, so then sue for 50 million and win, get the policy changes needed and then donate all that $$$ to something useful...childrens hospitals, elderly homes, mental/physically handicapped homes, etc...

I was just never a fan of suing for big easy money, unless something happened that actually altered your life forever...i.e. physical injury, or real mental/chemical issues, etc...

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:53 AM
I've gotta say that after visiting the states last year, my experience of the TSA was such that I'm not planning to return if I can at all help it. They are complete and utter gits (that's an undersatatement, T&Cs prevent me from giving my true opinion).

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by rainfall

Boycott the airlines whenever possible. With all the security measures that are in place, the fact you have to arrive so early, is air travel that much faster than driving?

Example: Calculated flight time from Detroit to Atlanta, 1hr 12min + 2hours getting there early + 1 hr getting out of airport in Atlanta + 1hr for miscellaneous delays = 5hrs 12 minutes.

This does not include the hassle and inconvenience of being searched, scanned and prodded. The inflated costs associated with food, beverages and entertainment, while on the plane or waiting. Or the potential that your flight is delayed or you sit on the tarmack for 2+hrs(which is getting more common all the time)

Drive time from Detroit to Atlanta = ~12hrs, ~$150 for gas and all the beautiful scenery you could ask for. So barring no further delays in the flight, there is a 7 hr difference in flying vs. driving. Now for me personally, the scenery and the lack of being hassled by security and having all my privacy violated is worth an extra 7 hrs in the car. But I like driving

I have had several friends who have been stuck in airports with delays long enough for them to drive and make the trip faster. And what does the airline give you for these inconveniences? A food voucher for a meal at an over priced restaurant in an airport.

Boycott air travel. Get in your car and enjoy the open road. Road trips rule.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by rcwj1975

Originally posted by SyphonX

Without money, it just seems like a "complaint", and it gets shoved into the box with all the rest.

I was just never a fan of suing for big easy money, unless something happened that actually altered your life forever...i.e. physical injury, or real mental/chemical issues, etc...

The idea of getting money out of it is to make the victim "whole". Sure, in the case there was no physical damages but do you think this girl is going to trust anyone with a badge? Ever? Probably not.

You, as someone in LE should know the "deep pocket theory". If you do something questionable...EVERYONE gets sued including the people within the company that trained you.

This problem can only get worse until they stop hiring anti terrorism agents as an entry level positions and paying them $13 an hour.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

People have continually brought up the point of how scary this actually is. Apparently it isn't very difficult for a TSA employee to frame or patsy an unsuspecting passenger, for whatever reason. I don't care who you are, that is frightening. Attention needs to be shine on this incident, and lots of it, to expose the absurdity of it and to bring to light possible activities like it in the past. I wouldn't doubt that there has been actual false arrests from a TSA employee planting objects in luggage.

Yup, it is scary alright.

Remember the "I am God, I am in Charge" TSA worker from last month...

Well I guess he has good reasons to have a god delusion; afterall he could send you to jail for years for coc aine smuggling/possession if wanted to, or wield electrical energy like Zeus to render you a supplicant quivering mass of woe, blind you like the angels in Lott's house, ruin your whole life - change the world as you know it....

Yup. It is Scary, a criminal moron (on drugs) with the powers more commonly associated the the gods and their agents...

*I agree with you about the lawsuit, that would be one way to help affect a change in policy.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:49 AM
a shocking incident, no doubt.

try this one on for size.

Slovak security services plant "explosives" on unsuspecting passenger and let him fly to Ireland, in a botched security test. Happened a couple of wees ago.

*edit to changed 'bomb' to 'explosive' for accuracy

[edit on 22-1-2010 by Coppertone]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 04:28 PM
Well I cant blame the stupid idiot for wanting to hit on her but one she is flying away and two what a moron for scaring the hell out of her. If I had seen that go down I would have made a call to the F.B.I and told them he was caught trying to plant drugs on her and he wasn't joking till he was caught.

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