posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:50 PM
If Representative Paul wants to live in some crazed corporatist oligarchy he can keep dreaming, but when I am in the United States I will stick to the
dollar, not Coca-Cola Cash, McMoney, Dell Dollars or any other crazed play money that is created by corporations. I am all for auditing the Fed Bank,
that sounds like something that should be done regularly to me. However, beyond that, Rep. Paul's ideas I believe are one inch to the political
right of disturbing. I'm not a Libertarian, in fact I am diametrically opposed to them. I trust democratically elected governments to do what is
best for the people more than I trust private corporations to do the same. I believe if we listen to ideas like these, we will come one step closer
back to the kind of hell that was exposed in "The Jungle".