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Acoustic Levitation is Real!

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posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
Dragonmusic -- you missed this thread?

I debunked the Solfeggio schtick.

reply to post by dragonsmusic

Drew, I have not looked at it yet though I will.
The solfeggio tunings were used by the medeival monks. Remember the music from Chant from the 90's? That's what's so hypnotic about it. Those frequencies, those tunings.
A youtube search of the solfeggio will turn up Bach.
Solfeggio in the form of a musical frequency is how I refer to it as being healing.
To me all music is healing, and this tuning is just more so for me.
It is far more comfortable singing with my guitar tuned to this and I like the sound a lot more as well.
I will read that thread like I said I would and I am interested to know what you mean by "debunking" it.
Music heals and this frequency does it in a more profound way. Or it's resonating with something in the earth.
Have you seen anything about 432 MHz?
Just another frequency, brother.
Though more aligned with earth's frequencies than the standard 440 MHz above A that most of us use.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Guess you'll find out when you read my expose on it. haha.

reply to post by dragonsmusic

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

You find out anything from my post? Did you even read it ?

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
Guess you'll find out when you read my expose on it. haha.

reply to post by dragonsmusic

You told some guy that there wasn't anything mystical about it.
I know that. So what?
I agree with you.
When did I assert a mystical connotation?

What did you debunk then, man? Summ it up if you don't think I've got it . Please with sugar

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Hey! Im not jumping to conclusions, Im just suggesting what may be. People have said the Egyptians have used sound to move stone too - or maybe not sound but frequencies. Sometimes people just like to make pretty pictures but there is always an influence behind it!

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Actually it is possible to levitate using only the power of your mind and that through weeks of meditation you can accomplish many things. You can us pk powers like pyro, hydro, electro, aero, and a lot of other kinesis abilities so yeah I agree with this post

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 09:50 PM
See Solfeggio is based on a "divide and average" mathematics which is no different than Western math -- except that it was before there was the irrational magnitude, first developed with Eudoxus and Archytas.

So it's not just that it's not mystical -- it doesn't have any resonance with the planets, etc. You have to have "transduction" for that -- which means complementary opposite resonance -- that's the real Pythagorean Tetrad, as I've explained.

You can't use a guitar -- because anything with equal-tempered tuning relies on logarithms which again goes against the natural resonance of complementary opposite harmonics. My blog gives all the details

reply to post by dragonsmusic

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
See Solfeggio is based on a "divide and average" mathematics which is no different than Western math -- except that it was before there was the irrational magnitude, first developed with Eudoxus and Archytas.

So it's not just that it's not mystical -- it doesn't have any resonance with the planets, etc. You have to have "transduction" for that -- which means complementary opposite resonance -- that's the real Pythagorean Tetrad, as I've explained.

You can't use a guitar -- because anything with equal-tempered tuning relies on logarithms which again goes against the natural resonance of complementary opposite harmonics. My blog gives all the details

reply to post by dragonsmusic

Dude, every single tuning available has a frequency with the planet.
The planet resonates. It vibrates.
Atoms vibrate. Molecules vibrate into being.

It's not mystical we agree on that.
Your claims that a) it does not vibrate within the planet's frequency and b) that the tunings suggested in my signature cannot work on a guitar are both unfounded.

I can get a korg tuner and change the calibration of the frequency and tune everything just like I would normally but at a different MHz calibration.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 11:19 PM
Again alchemy is based on complementary opposites. Even the concept of "frequency" is a "divide and average" measurement. O.K. Galileo measured speed by time and DISTANCE. That goes back to Archytas and Plato.

That's NOT the case in Pythagorean harmonics. The 12 notes of the scale were derived from overtones but from LISTENING -- not from visual measurement.

So you can not take any type of technology and "measure" something in resonance with CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF! Spacetime as consciousness is complementary opposites.

The West is based on visual measurements.

O.K. Be like a Tibetan yogi. Put your left foot up on your right thigh. Then put your right foot up on your left thigh.

Can you do this? It's the full-lotus. Full-lotus makes a tetrahedron.

Tetrahedron is 4 equilateral triangles -- but in the West you have to use an irrational magnitude to get a precise measurement of the equilateral triangle.

Not with complementary opposites!

Why? Because the Pythagorean Tetrad resonates or "collapses" beyond any visual measurement. The Tetrad is 1:2:3:4

So the tetrahedron or full-lotus would be made up of 8 2-3-4 triangles.

2:3 is the Perfect 5th as C to G while 3:4 is the Perfect 4th as G to C.

Complementary opposites. 2:3 is yang and 3:4 is yin.

So the circle of fifths as 2:3 is actually an INFINITE SPIRAL OF FIFTHS. There is no beginning -- and no ending. What drives the NATURAL RESONANCE is the complementary opposites.

Whenever you are using a visual-based measurement of "frequency" you are using "divide and average" harmonics.

Again the idea is not to rely on sound - the idea is to logically infer the source of reality itself as consciousness beyond spacetime.

Consciousness is the eternal process of complementary opposite resonance.

O.K. so you hear sound -- where does it come from? You ASSUME it is just sound. How do you know?

If you REALLY listen to sound -- then internally the sound resonates into ultrasound and then ionizes your electrochemicals into light energy.

O.K. -- no measurements! Nothing visual! It's overtones -- but not as hertz -- not as divide and average measurement.

You can HEAR the 5th and 4th pull to the octave - - that's what makes blues and rock appealing -- but that's still Western tuning.

That's why Blues uses "bent" notes. Intuitively people want the natural resonance -- not "divide and average" harmonics.

So again in nonwestern music the secret purpose of sound was to CREATE LIGHT as healing energy.

When you create light you then bend spacetime. So you can see the future. Who "you" are is not defined by language or words but the source of sound as something which creates light -- pure consciousness.

It's not defined by the visual universe -- not by the sun, not by the moon! The sun and moon do add to the energy to what we experience.

So for example humans are hard-wired to the moon's energy but since we rely on left-brain dominance through language humans are cut off from being consciously aware of the moon's energy.

Three days before and after the full moon the energy is the strongest. So when the moon is near full then the center of my head gets really strong magnetic bliss. That's how I know the full moon is near.

You want more information? Again I have tons of research for free online -- interviews, my masters thesis, a book with full free preview, published articles, etc.

My online articles, blogbook, masters thesis, and book -- full free preview:

reply to post by dragonsmusic

[edit on 22-1-2010 by drew hempel]

[edit on 22-1-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by drew hempel

Drew, you are an interesting fellow I must say. I still feel that I have some valid ideas about tuning my guitar this way. You may debunk them all in the end
though I like the way it sounds in this tuning. And all I said in the beginning was that it was healing. I would rather move this to u2u.
But before we do I wonder if you know why the hell is tuning my guitar to this frequency so appealing? It's just my own taste maybe? I just like this tuning better than 440 above A?
And thanks for taking the time to write that out. Friends disagree in life and they can online when they are two ATS friends on the ATS

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:18 AM
Here you go dragonmusic -- the fretless guitar:

I've had other people online go "fretless" after bumping into my propaganda. haha.

But when I listen to music I chose Bushmen music or Pgymy music. Here check out this dude's blog -- here's figured out the secret power of music from the perspective of music appreciation:

[edit on 23-1-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:54 AM
This in itself isn't really that interesting because there are other technologies out there that are far more amazing. HOWEVER, what I did find interesting is the fact that Zacharia Sitchen in his Earth Chronicles series states that the Sumerians wrote in their tablets that men of short stature "Dwarves" built the pyramids in ancient times using something like a musical instrument to make the huge blocks of stone hover/dance into place. Hhhmmmm makes you think.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:59 PM
I was un-willing to post this pdf, but seeing the usual suspects have sunken back into their usual 'night-vision bat cave' I am happy to post it!

Acoustic Electric Feedthrough Demonstrator Mk-I

Spikey, and other believers. I hope you garner something from that PDF as its quite awesome even though it sits in the Un-Classified DSTO post-box :up

One has to imagine if the real research resembles a Vortex spiral

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:08 PM
Definitely fascinating although it's not propulsion -- just a "health monitoring" system for the craft structural safety, etc.

reply to post by Somamech

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

This is an UN-Classified Document

Are the Military of all people going to tell the world 'The Full Story regarding this research' ?

They do leak info to some people, some people connect the dots...and others may work for them.

To take this document and read it as pure fact is sorta like seeing the train stop at station 88 and not waving to your loved ones.

You may want to know where your loved ones are heading, and where they travelled

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:54 PM
Drew, can you define 'healing' in context of the discussion and in context with ultrasound? Healing what exactly, how is it accomplished, what is the process, etc? Would you give us a synopsis of how this works in your own words, please?

To the other poster, I'm sure you meant 440 -vs- 432 in Hz, not MHz, yes?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:03 PM

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Do you have any peer-reviewed journals, or is this amateur hour again? If you don't have any actual evidence, please move this thread to the metaphysics forum, and out of science and technology.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by drew hempel

Do you have any peer-reviewed journals, or is this amateur hour again? If you don't have any actual evidence, please move this thread to the metaphysics forum, and out of science and technology.

In this thread we have seen that Acoustic Levitation is... Real.

We have also read that Acoustic Energy can be used to transmit electricity as provided by, The Australian Defence, Science and Technology Organisation. My good friends

And you are so pissed off that you want this thread to be placed into Meta-Physics ?

I, Question why you get so pissed off regarding people searching outside the box of mainstream science?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by drew hempel
Below are my own words on the subject.

My online articles, blogbook, masters thesis, and book -- full free preview...

I understand you may have written much, but surely you could provide a synopsis. Boil it down in your own words. No offence, I'm a busy man and I'm not going to read your master thesis (let alone your blogbook or articles) unless I know what I'm getting into first.

BTW, excessive linking (appeal to link) turns people off to any valid idea you are trying to promote, especially in a discussion forum.

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