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Gakona HAARP on Full Power during Earthquake in Haiti!

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posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I was more gentle in my reply.
Desperation has no shame.
The nasty secrets of Radio will not sleep well tonight.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by pumpkinorange
reply to post by Imagir

Given that some report that chemtrails are metallic aerosals, I would like your opinion regarding how they could interact, if at all, with HAARP.


posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I was more gentle in my reply.
Desperation has no shame.
The nasty secrets of Radio will not sleep well tonight.

understood. I decided to tone mine down as well. I edited it a bit earlier.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Zeus2573

Do you think that I enjoy thinking this way? Well, I'm here to tell you I do not. I think this way because I have been lied to my entire life about pretty much everything. Isn't it funny how people bag on conspiracy theorists all of the time over their conspiracy oriented views. But, what people always seem to forget is that theorist's wouldn't exist if conspiracies didn't. This is sort of like the age old question, " What came first the chicken or the egg?" Obviously, the egg came first. In this case, the question is, "What came first the conspiracy or the theorist?" Obviously, the conspiracy came first. If you truly want to eliminate the theorist you have to eliminate the conspiracy first. Until this happens, (and it won't) theorists will always exist. Again, this is common sense.

What a great quote...

I think there's a tendency for people to presume that anyone believing in a conspiracy gets some kind of joy in doing so. They act like all conspiracy theorists spend their days and nights contemplating the next one. Actually, the reason the conspiracy theorist continues to entertain new theories is because once he has accepted some disturbing truths that some refuse to look at, the conspiracies are almost predictable and expected. Many conspiracies have already proven themselves to be true just in the passage of time. How many of the major conspiracies the world has known have really been disproven beyond a doubt?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by Zeus2573

What a great quote...

I think there's a tendency for people to presume that anyone believing in a conspiracy gets some kind of joy in doing so. They act like all conspiracy theorists spend their days and nights contemplating the next one. Actually, the reason the conspiracy theorist continues to entertain new theories is because once he has accepted some disturbing truths that some refuse to look at, the conspiracies are almost predictable and expected. Many conspiracies have already proven themselves to be true just in the passage of time. How many of the major conspiracies the world has known have really been disproven beyond a doubt?

I could not have said it better myself. Thanks for the response, it was a pleasure reading your post.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Or because their irrational paranoid behaviour is dragging them further into a hole. Kind of like how a drug addict doesn't enjoy the drugs, but is a slave to them.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

i know i know your to intelligent for me. I was simply saying that i choose to investigate real conspiracys you can have the earthquake machine tin foil hatters. sorry i gave examples
earthquake machine
good luck o wise investigaor .....

i may have poor grammar you have poor problem and deduction skills. if you even really beleive what you say and arent simply looking for stars and freinds.

if you new me beyond a keyboard we may have much in common so please do not take too much offense to my words.
Be Well

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Here's an interesting video...

I think there may be some implications here.

If this vid doesn't work, try this link...

[edit on 26-1-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

i know i know your to intelligent for me. I was simply saying that i choose to investigate real conspiracys you can have the earthquake machine tin foil hatters. sorry i gave examples
earthquake machine
good luck o wise investigaor .....

i may have poor grammar you have poor problem and deduction skills. if you even really beleive what you say and arent simply looking for stars and freinds.

if you new me beyond a keyboard we may have much in common so please do not take too much offense to my words.
Be Well

No problem, harm no foul. To me though, all conspiracies are worthy at looking at because they could be interlinked. Personally, I have yet to absolutely attribute this earthquake to HAARP. I merely stated that HAARP puts out enough wattage to make it possible. However, other world leaders seem to think that the U.S. did have something to do with the earthquake in Haiti. It was posted either on this page, or the previous one.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

understood i have become very ranty on certain topics there just so much BS floating around it erks me to no end. I hear the most outrageous concepts accepted as truth and the only logic pushed aside so the 9-11 ers dont feel alone their like a gang and to me its time to call them out for real go easy mreind hope to see you around ats in the future.
O by the way i do beleive there is more to haarp then meets the eye i do beleive it can do bad things to our ionesphere and should not be allowed to operate.
I have yet to read anything to prove we could actually cause an Earthquake would be cool though that kind of energy.
As Always Be Well

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 12:55 PM
I found this snippet to be very interesting...Former Secretary of Defense, William Cohen was very disturbed about the implications of HAARP technology. I will find the original source to this statement, however, I am currently providing it so that others can see it and scrutinize it.

Here it is:
In April 1997, the then U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen publicly discussed the dangers of HAARP-like technology, saying "others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations... It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts."

This quote derives from an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn, quoted from "DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy," held at the University of Georgia-Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.

Russians - In August 2002, further support for those critical of HAARP technology came from the State Duma (parliament) of Russia. The Duma published a critical report on HAARP written by the international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies and presented to President Vladimir Putin. The report claimed that "the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves ... The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to fire arms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component." However, given the timing of the Russian intervention, it is likely that it was related to a controversy at the time concerning the US withdrawal in June 2002 from the Russian-American Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

This high level concern is paralled in the April 1997 statement by the U.S. Secretary of Defense over the power of such electromagnetic weaponry. Russia owns an ionospheric heater as powerful as HAARP, called 'Sura,' which is located in central Russia, roughly 150 km from the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

This isn't the best source, however, I will attempt to find the original source from which this stems:

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:00 PM
This was the original which was on the DOD's site.

Secretary of Defense William Cohen on HAARP (1997)

In April 1997, the then U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen publicly discussed the dangers of HAARP-like technology, saying "

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!
thers are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations... It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts."

This quote derives from an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn, quoted from "DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy," held at the University of Georgia-Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.

This would be the ultimate link to destroy any argument Phage ever had. The secretary of Defense noting that there are technologies (patented ones) that can alter the weather, create earthquakes, volcanoes and other such disasters.

I rest my case!!!

[edit on 26-1-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

you touch it with a needle there are other machines like haarp that go un noticed you are correct there may be ore going on globally involving these high energy machines roasting our poor atmosphere. For some reason haarp gets singled out???
Heres a question i ponder what if they were all turned on at once either on purpose or by accident ?? any math on the subject scientist types???

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

More "secret" sources? (I see you've edited that part of your post)

You have taken Cohen's quote is taken out of context. Here is the full text.

Q: Let me ask you specifically about last week's scare here in Washington, and what we might have learned from how prepared we are to deal with that (inaudible), at B'nai Brith.

A: Well, it points out the nature of the threat. It turned out to be a false threat under the circumstances. But as we've learned in the intelligence community, we had something called -- and we have James Woolsey here to perhaps even address this question about phantom moles. The mere fear that there is a mole within an agency can set off a chain reaction and a hunt for that particular mole which can paralyze the agency for weeks and months and years even, in a search. The same thing is true about just the false scare of a threat of using some kind of a chemical weapon or a biological one. There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.

Cohen was not talking about "the dangers of HAARP-like technology". He was talking about false claims about those technologies. Just making such claims is an easy way of creating terror. They don't have to actually be able to do it, they just have to talk about it to get people scared.

Fear mongering. Out of context quotes are another good tool. You wouldn't know anything about that though, would you.

[edit on 1/26/2010 by Phage]

[edit on 1/26/2010 by Phage]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

you touch it with a needle there are other machines like haarp that go un noticed you are correct there may be ore going on globally involving these high energy machines roasting our poor atmosphere. For some reason haarp gets singled out???
Heres a question i ponder what if they were all turned on at once either on purpose or by accident ?? any math on the subject scientist types???

Just take a good look at this website my friend. This comes from the DOD, (the department of defense) William Cohen speaks rather candidly on the power of electromagnetic weaponry, and the implications of HAARP technologies. And since HAARP technologies specializes in RF frequencies and electromagnetic weaponry, I would think it would garner a second look from you.

Specifically, William Cohen states:
Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.

Here's that link one more time.

Keep in mind, William Cohen said that the threat is "Real. which is the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."

So, who do I believe??? An avid debunker who gets his information from mainstream methods and is not aware of the implications of RF frequencies like PHAGE, or the former Secretary of Defense who has access to information that prompts him to make necessary decisions in order to ensure the safety of Americans??? In the end, its the secretary of Defense against the ignorant mind of the debunker. I think I'll believe William Cohen over Phage, or any other debunker seeking to dis-inform the public.

End of story, and ultimately, end of discussion!

[edit on 26-1-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

First of all, how about you show us how HAARP is the weapon you think it is, then we can continue further down your line of reasoning. To engage in discussion on an unproven subject, while pretending it is proven, is ridiculously pointless.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

Keep in mind, William Cohen said that the threat is "Real. which is the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."

End of story.

Cohen said such claims are a real threat.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Phage

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

Keep in mind, William Cohen said that the threat is "Real. which is the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."

End of story.

Cohen said such claims are a real threat.

No Phage...I have the transcripts right here...Have some pride and admit when you've been owned.

Do NOT try to alter the words of the transcript (bible beaters do that all the time when they can no longer hold onto a discussion), I have provided the real link right off of the DOD's website and I will copy and paste it in, unscathed for everyone to see. I think the case has been rested QUITE WELL. Let's see, do I believe PHAGE, or do I believe WILLIAM COHEN??? This is a NO BRAINER. While you (Phage) were arguing whether these technologies were possible, they (the DOD) had already accepted these possibilities as reality in 1997. Here we are in 2010, and you still can't accept the truth. Obviously because...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Sorry about that. I had a "Nicholson" moment.

Q: Let me ask you specifically about last week's scare here in Washington, and what we might have learned from how prepared we are to deal with that (inaudible), at B'nai Brith.

A: Well, it points out the nature of the threat. It turned out to be a false threat under the circumstances. But as we've learned in the intelligence community, we had something called -- and we have James Woolsey here to perhaps even address this question about phantom moles. The mere fear that there is a mole within an agency can set off a chain reaction and a hunt for that particular mole which can paralyze the agency for weeks and months and years even, in a search. The same thing is true about just the false scare of a threat of using some kind of a chemical weapon or a biological one. There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.

These words speak for themselves. Let all those with intelligence and an open mind to receive truth. As Phage continues to beat the "That's not possible drum," these possibilities have already been recognized over 13 years ago and deemed a threat.

Its real, and its time for people to wake up!!!

I guess its not really a "Conspiracy" if the DOD considers it worthy of a viable threat. Which, in turn, is the reason why they created their own. Russia has its own form of HAARP called SURA, and as it turns out, they had it before we did.

Here's more info:

Here's tons of info off of CNN's website entitled weather wars. (This information really gets into the science which makes it all possible) REAL SCIENCE. THE TYPE OF SCIENCE THAT FORCES THE D.O.D TO TAKE NOTICE. Not the silly stuff that debunkers use to calm the sheep.

And Phage...I still have more coming. I intentionally requested your presence here so that I could finish you off.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I'm Absolutely astonished by yours posts that I have followed during the duel with Phage and his band.

You are indeed a "Rock" and I have filled up to you of stars like a constellation!

[edit on 26-1-2010 by Imagir]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I didn't alter the text. I didn't have to. It is clear what Cohen is talking about.

Do you know what happend at B'nai Brith? It was an anthrax hoax.
Cohen is talking about the very real danger posed by false alarms and claims. How they cause fear and can distract attention from real threats. It's called (yes) disinfo.

The mere fear that there is a mole within an agency can set off a chain reaction and a hunt for that particular mole which can paralyze the agency for weeks and months and years even, in a search. The same thing is true about just the false scare of a threat of using some kind of a chemical weapon or a biological one.

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