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where do they live?

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posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 04:26 PM
i have no problem with the thought that we are not alone in the universe because we couldnt begin to imagine how many planets are out there but what i want to know people views on is.where if we are being visited by aliens do people really think they come from?.i myself find it very hard to belive they come from outside our galaxy simply because of the great distances involved.travelling at light speed is ok but what happens if you hit a pebble at a million miles every 5 seconds and lets face it theres an awful lot of rocks floating about out there so i think they must be from somewhere closer to us.maybe even in our solar system.the moon maybe i dunno.we know the earths atmosphere has changed with the sun shrinking what about the other planets?could one of them had life before earth?

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 06:38 PM
heres something that might be of interest to you..................

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 10:11 PM
They, Them, They, They, Them, They...


Lot's of 'them' people have it...

Never mind...

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 10:22 PM
what would you call em bananas??????
im not sure they even exist.i could go with something that evovled on earth but where do they live?? underground or is there somewhere on earth we cant see?

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 12:13 PM
Its a binary star system...4th planet from the second star....

At least, that's the most common location from UFO folklore, for the origin of the "grays"...

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 01:43 PM
NASA admits that it HAS found bacteria on the surface of Mars using the probe they sent out, cannot remember name (Voyager/Phobos perhaps?) I know Voyager exists but I think that is closer to Uranus or Jupiter than Mars. Anyways, they did find bacteria on the surface of mars that resembled early bacteria from the beginning of Earth's days
This could prove that Mars was starting to form life, but NASA also acknowledges 2 other things:

1) The bacteria they found were dead

2) Mars was hit by an asteroid(s) quite awhile ago. This could of destroyed any life that was on Mars

As for the Face on Mars, the Pyramids, etc etc, until we get a manned mission to mars, we will never know for sure what is there, for example if they dug on Mars, they might find something buried beneath the ground the proves life has existed there, but so far the only things that have gone to Mars are the space probes and that robot thing they landed on Mars a couple years ago. Guess we stand by and wait and see what happens

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 05:22 PM
Just to add to Gazrock's comment about Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2..

The folkloric nature of those stars among people who follow UFOlogy began when a woman in the late sixties analyzed the 'star map' Betty Hill (whose abduction story was one of the first to be circulated by the mainstream press) drew while recounting her abduction while under hypnosis. The 'map' was a 3d projection she saw in the alien craft, consisting of nearby, sun-like stars that the aliens travelled to ('trade routes' and all included). When the aliens asked her if she knew which star was hers, Betty couldn't reply, so they immediately shut the map off and went on to other things.

Later on, in the 80s, a group calling themselves the 'aviary', who claimed to be government employees, said that the aliens, in fact, came from Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2. Along with a lot of people, I'm doubtfull as to their believability...

The ZR 1 and 2 legend was amplified in the 90s when, according to the internet folktale, astronomers listed ZR1 as having a planet in an online catalogue of 'extra-solar' planets. Also according to this story, the planet was yanked from the catalogue within a few days.

Also in UFO folklore, Betelguese has been mentioned as the home system for a race of taller 'greys'... though my guess is that Betelguese was just selected as the home system, for the story, because it's a well-known star that anyone can find.

.. so far as distances go, aliens could use large, multi generational ships to go from one star to another over the course of decades or centuries, then built a 'base of operations' on an uninhabited planet upon reaching a system with intelligent life in it. This nearby 'base' would allow them to operate smaller craft, on the lines of 'flying saucers' or 'big black triangles', for scouting-out earth. then, again, a civilization that is thousands of years older than us may be able to create artificial 'wormholes'... thus allowing a small ship to cross interstellar distances in a tolerable time period.

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 09:53 PM
*If* Aliens are already here then my guess is that they would hide underground.

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 09:57 PM
Perhaps thats where the term underground originated.

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 10:02 PM
last i heard was area 51

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 10:09 PM
To get Historical on this, it could be argued back to the beginning of religions. Certain groups form ideas and then get persecuted for haveing ideas so they go underground. Kind of like the first christian cult or the druids during roman invasion.

Even before groomlake was a dream, during the civil war they had the underground railroad, for people seeking freedom.

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by ADVISOR]

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Mac223
NASA admits that it HAS found bacteria on the surface of Mars using the probe they sent out, cannot remember name (Voyager/Phobos perhaps?) I know Voyager exists but I think that is closer to Uranus or Jupiter than Mars. Anyways, they did find bacteria on the surface of mars that resembled early bacteria from the beginning of Earth's days
This could prove that Mars was starting to form life, but NASA also acknowledges 2 other things:

1) The bacteria they found were dead

2) Mars was hit by an asteroid(s) quite awhile ago. This could of destroyed any life that was on Mars

As for the Face on Mars, the Pyramids, etc etc, until we get a manned mission to mars, we will never know for sure what is there, for example if they dug on Mars, they might find something buried beneath the ground the proves life has existed there, but so far the only things that have gone to Mars are the space probes and that robot thing they landed on Mars a couple years ago. Guess we stand by and wait and see what happens

Actually, the "official" story on the bacteria from mars is that none has yet to be found actually on Mars. Each probe to make landfall on Mars has been equipped with various sensors to detect any carbon based biological activity, and no deffinite confirmed biological activity has yet been found (or at least not reported to the public).

The evidence of bacteria alledgedly from Mars comes from a meteor found in an Arctic icefield in the 1960s. Upon examination of thinsections under an electron microscope in the mid 1990s, certain structures were found and were interpreted to be fossil remnants of bacteria. The meteor was tentatively identified as originating from Mars, although this was not confirmed.

I have a few problems with this theory:

1, It was found in an Arctic icefield in the 1960s. We have no idea how long it was there. This could well be a previously unknown bacteria fossil originating from here on earth.

2, It sat in a geology lab in a box (unsealed, unprotected) for almost 40 years before this was found... maybe its something much more common than we think?

3, We do not know positively that this is even a biological structure... It visually resembles other submicron fossils that have been identified as biological in nature, however we have no hard evidence, such as DNA analysis.

The Russian probe Phobos never made it to Mars: it went dead as it was attempting to enter orbit, and the last image it transmitted was of a previously unknown 2 Km object in Mars orbit. This object did not appear to be of natural formation, and did appear to be artificial.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 10:50 AM
In addition, regarding the Russian Phobos probe that was lost, doest it seem strange that a lot of probes tend to disappear or otherwise not make it to Mars? And isnt it interesting that some do make it there, to show that theres nothing interesting on Mars?

Sort of like maybe the ones that do make it and broadcast back to the earth might be orginating in a movie studio (or nowadays through CGI?).

It is my knowledge that we have at least attempted manned missions to Mars, and that we are currently considerably more active in space lauches than what is publicized.

It would appear that there is a sizeable amount of information that the public is not meant to know...

Also, the ET material that the US has is apparently NOT located at Area 51 (although it may have been at one time), but in an underground facility in Wyoming.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 01:32 PM

i myself find it very hard to believe they come from outside our galaxy simply because of the great distances involved.traveling at light speed is ok but what happens if you hit a pebble at a million miles every 5 seconds and lets face it theres an awful lot of rocks floating about out there so i think they must be from somewhere closer to us

I am sure if they have the technology to be flying around space in massive Spaceships they know ways around that and possible "worm holes" around the universe.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 02:49 PM
There is a theory that suggests that the question may not be from were but when.
The idea is that greys are just humans from millions of years in the future. We will eventual evolve into them. And they have the ability to time travel. So there from earth but one in the future.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 03:06 PM

The ZR 1 and 2 legend was amplified in the 90s when, according to the internet folktale, astronomers listed ZR1 as having a planet in an online catalogue of 'extra-solar' planets. Also according to this story, the planet was yanked from the catalogue within a few days.

Funny this should be mentioned ... It's no folktale though. I've seen it listed before. Not on some geocitie's page either. It was on one of the catalogue's before. It was yanked withing a day after I saw it. I've tried searching for it again right away, but could find no trace of it. Nor any mention of it ever existing at all. It listed the fourth planet as being in the habital zone as well. Right where 'folktale' say's the gray's come from.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 04:11 PM
Zeti Reticuli

Maybe they have some condos or a summer house there.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 11:23 PM
I only use the word 'folktale' when I'm talking about something that seems fantastic, but to which I can't point to a source. ... So, I don't mean the word as an insult or put-down.

So, E-nonymous, what website did you see that at, and did you ever write to the webmasters to ask why they took it down? Also, what was the estimated size of the planet? My understanding was that they could only detect gas giants, so far.

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 12:19 PM
onlyinmydreams...(Debbie Gibson fan?)

Anyhow, don't forget Lazar, Leer references to it also...
as well as the tv specials UFO CoverUp Live. Yes, I know, most people think Lazar is nuts, and the specials were tripe...but in my area (in the 80's), the local news was all set to show reactions to the special, etc. and advertised as such. Both specials were cut off about halfway into them, and infomercials put in their place. No mention was on the news either... Others I spoke with in other areas had similar issues with it...though some did see all.

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 01:07 PM
Dragonrider - you don't know how right you are, a personel from NASA, spoke out once about the landing on mars, and was never heard from again. I'll find the story on my old message board. It's still their.

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