posted on May, 13 2003 @ 02:06 PM
Since you did ask for 'peoples views' on this then I'll tell you mine.
I do think that some 'alien lifeforms' could very well come from another planet or underground, sure why not?
But personally, I feel that 'they' actually come through to our world from another dimension. I have already discussed this in some other thread,
but being that it's asked again here, then I hope noone minds if I repeat myself
The way I can describe it is like a woven fabric with different threads/of a different color enter woven within eachother and from a distance(our
eyes) may see the fabric as one color, but when you are right up close to it you see the tiny woven threads of many different colors weaving in with
one another. That's kind of how I see our world-like the fabric, and our color stands out the most(it's the only one we can really see) but a closer
and deeper look and you may see the other realms(threads) that enter twine with our own world. So really what 'looks' like one world one lifeform to
us, really isn't. There are many many different worlds and lifeforms weaving right through ours. This is JUST my opinion now, I'm not saying I'm
right by no means..but it does give you a different perspective or view as to what 'could' be..and where 'they' come from or how we can sometimes
come face to face with one of 'them'...and that's pretty much all I'm gonna say about that for now...Good question/topic though..