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What Would A Perfect World Look Like and Would You Be able To Adapt?

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posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:43 PM
I have thought about this for a long long time. What would a perfect world look like or better yet, be like? What would we need? What would we no longer need?
How would society change? How would we change?

I suppose another way of putting it would be to ask, "If you were taken to an Alien planet which was much more civilized and thousands of year more advanced both technologically and spiritually What would it be like and would you be able to fit in?

Let me get the ball rolling on what I hope will be a collaberative effort.

There would be no crime, Therefore we would need no

Car alarms/home securirt systems
Self defense classes
Corrections Officers
Parole Officers
Probation Officers
Military, standing or otherwise.
etc etc

There would be no need for money since we would all share and share alike.
Everything would be free for the taking. There would be no attachment to material wealth. We would have what we need and stop scrambling to obtain thiings that we don't need. Enough would always be....ENOUGH! and we would Always have enough.

We would have mastered telepathy and lying would be a thing of the past. Only the foolish would lie and it would be detected immediately. It would be very tough at first but we would have to sink or swim as a race. There would be no room for the ways of the past.

Beauty Products and plastic surgery would be a thing of the past. People would come to appreciate who they are and love who they are. Death of the ego would allow us to move past such trivial issues.

Now, I could go on and on and on. Like I said, I have thought about this ALOT over the years but, I would much rather hear what you have to say. What would a perfect world look like and would you be able to adapt to one if you were dropped off in one?

[edit on 20-1-2010 by The Lord and Savior]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 11:56 PM
i think the question is would the people in that perfect world be human?

the world today is built around human nature so to change the world you have to change the people in it.

so would changing the world change what it is to be human?

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:04 AM
I never have given much consideration thinking about perfect words. I don't think I could live in one, though. It's too...alphabetical.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Whine Flu
I never have given much consideration thinking about perfect words. I don't think I could live in one, though. It's too...alphabetical.

Lol i like your style good stuff!!!

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:42 AM
This perfect world you speak of... simply cannot exist in this time and place.
Looking at the whole species of human beings, we would simply not be ready for that. Of course, some of us would be able to handle what you consider a "perfect world," but your perfect world is in fact flawed in my opinion. I have been reading the Tao Che Ching, and one of the overall lessons is that good cannot exist without evil. Yin and Yang and all that.

Argh, I'm going off on a tangent here, but basically, a perfect world is based on an individual's views, and not of the whole. I am not arguing with you or putting down your idea of a perfect world, its just "to each his own," or something like that. But anyway, that world sounds boring! Having some risk in life makes it exciting!

-edit to say that you get a star and flag! I like the topic, and I am curious to see other people's opinions on this.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by SolarE-Souljah]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 12:47 AM
I'm not the right guy to ask. My perfect world would be a world of really hot intelligent accomplished chicks that I fight with all the time when we're not in bed getting freaky. Total absolute passion, hot wax, bondage, you name it. Kind of like my world right now. But I think you're on to something with the implication that we really do create our own world. Kudos for that. S&F

[edit on 20-1-2010 by factbeforefiction]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 01:22 AM
Why not make this a more realistic question and ask "What would a perfect human society look like, assuming it was still inhabited by imperfect human beings?" I have thought about this particular question as a way of digging out the inherent faults with today's world, and finding ways to improve them. Since I don't believe it is possible for finite creatures to be "angelic" perfect, it makes no sense to theorize a world that requires man to be perfect. The answer of "there would be no crime, no need for money, etc." is tantamount to explaining everything with the "God" answer. Government is for the imperfect, and laws are for potential lawbreakers.

It takes very little thought to imagine a world with perfect human beings, and by perfect, they would have to have perfect wisdom, perfect understanding, perfect communication, perfect ideas, perfect solutions, and perfect hearts... basically, they would all have to be God, which is naturally impossible if indeed the very concept of God implies infinity and absolute unity.

Why not make this a much more intellectual challenging topic by assuming we are talking about real human beings, all at different stages of development, all at different intelligence levels, all living in various places of the earth with differing climates and resources, and all having their own unique souls consisting of differing interests, desires, goals, and ideas of morality. Now, what would a perfect world composed of those people look like? Well, first of all, you'd have to define what you mean by perfect. I suggest the following:

"A world where every individual has the opportunity and means to rise to their highest developmental potential, without hindering anyone from doing the same.

A world where justice is complete and fool-proof.

A world where corruption is swiftly dealt with in the most effective and least painful manner in order to eliminate it.

A world where the government is truly run by the people, allowing every citizen to participate in the day-to-day running of the state, where the actions taken are a fair and incorruptible blend of chosen expertise and the general will of the people.

A world where every man may flourish, no man lords over others, no corruption can flourish, and all segments of society improve as time moves along."

These are just a few of the thoughts I've had as I've pondered this subject for quite some time. Perhaps this thread would be more interesting if people could suggest tangible ways to fix the problems in our current system.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
This perfect world you speak of... simply cannot exist in this time and place.

...I am not arguing with you or putting down your idea of a perfect world, its just "to each his own," or something like that.

Why not? We all really want the same thing don't we? Peace, love, harmony...

Originally posted by factbeforeficiton
My perfect world would be a world of really hot intelligent accomplished chicks that I fight with all the time when we're not in bed getting freaky. Total absolute passion, hot wax, bondage, you name it.

My bad.
You're right Solar.... it ain't gonna happen.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:35 AM
How would children learn???

Would there be no more children in a perfect world??

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by RokNinja
i think the question is would the people in that perfect world be human?

the world today is built around human nature so to change the world you have to change the people in it.

so would changing the world change what it is to be human?

I think this is the right question, I really don't think a Utopia is possible. I call it the Utopian Paradox, I thought of it after getting interested in the thought of a perfect human and perfect place while watching the movies Equilibrium and V for Vendetta. Human Nature makes a Utopia impossible, kinda like that saying "For the light to shine darkness must be present."

[edit on 20-1-2010 by SneuxCorten]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:16 PM
The definition of words is paramount to understanding eachother. We can't all agree on what perfect means nor can we all agree on what the definition of "human" is. Sad really.

It would seem that we all want the same things at least on the surface anyway. But, if we probe just a little deeper under the surface there are too many differences in mentality, thinking, logic, reason, and beliefs to ever obtain a utopian society because no one can define a utopian society.

I suppose in order to obtain/create a utopian society we would first need to define it, and sadly, that will never happen.

I think that if we were dropped off into a society that lived in harmony with itself and nature, without the need for exess, greed, and selfish behavior, most if not all of the people on Earth would not be able to adjust.
My question is WHY??? Why can't we just figure this out? Are we really all that different??? Are your wants and needs all that different than mine?

Untill we all experience death of the ego we are and always will be SCREWED! What a shame. I thought in the op I asked a pretty simple question but it turned out to be anything but. Who would have thunk?

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by The Lord and Savior
I have thought about this for a long long time. What would a perfect world look like or better yet, be like? What would we need? What would we no longer need?
How would society change? How would we change?

Tropical paradise everywhere on this Earth-like planet with people sleeping on the streets not fearing anything. The people trust each other and communicate to each other telepathically. There are no police, lawyers, government, etc. People are free to do what they want as long as they don't harm other people or their interests. No organized religion to tell people what to do. The air is super fresh and there are no weapons, biological hazards of any kind. There are no countries, people live in unity and in peace as together as one. People don't worry and pay less attention about superficial things. People living in harmony with nature and other animals.
At least that would be nice.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 06:17 AM
In my perfect world there would be:

No alarm clocks
80 F 24/7
Sunny Monday through Saturday
A nice thunder storm on Sunday
No snow
No hail
Free food
Free housing
Performing a meaningful job
No paper work
No bureaucracy
Everyone would play nice together
No pollution
Lots of tall trees, green grass, blue skies, water and flowers
No tall skyscrapers
Everyone being kind to each other
No spiders, bugs, snakes, scorpions or other creepy crawly critters
No war, nor mention of war
To be able to star gaze without the light pollution from all the major cities
To simply be allowed to exist rather than having to claw tooth and nails everyday to simply maintain physical comfort.
Unlimited, available "real" / "truthful" knowledge
Life expectancy would be around 500 years

IMO This could be a perfect world but some choose only to serve themselves, not share and others are obsessed with the need to constantly control everyone around them (power hungry).

Basically we live on a really beautiful planet, it's just some of it's inhabitants are greedy and mean. Take those individuals away and we would have "paradise on Earth".

[edit on 21-1-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 06:26 AM
I go to a perfect world quite often when I'm asleep

It's very nice. I get homesick for it during waking hours, sometimes

It's very light, the opposite to this world which seems heavy and coarse in comparison

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 05:55 PM
What a great idea for a thread. Let me try to give an answer that rises to the level of your most excellent question.

Since there is debate about perfection, first here are some observations I hope will be included.

Perfection does exist on earth already, just not a complete perfection. Who hasn't seen the common, everyday perfection of a newly-bloomed flower? So clean, so flawless, perfect. Just not eternally so. A glimmer of perfection, we might call it.

A perfect world is therefore one in which perfection remains. All the things that belong to death and decay would not exist, unless it were understood that the process of perfection contained these phases. Perfection is not necessarily a fixed thing then. Change can occur and perfection does not have to be lost in that, depending on the understanding of the observer of the process.

Having said that, being a perfect human may not mean never falling down, but always getting back up every time as good as new. Emotionally and physically.

It takes a lot to invent a world, even a perfect one, even just pretending, as on this thread. I am not up to this challenge, but I know the things that make this world so painful to me personally, and they would not be there.

There would be no pointless suffering of any kind. If someone wanted to suffer to climb a mountain, that would be just as now, but there would be no suffering from hunger, clothing, simple concern for others, loneliness.

There would be peace and abundance, and people would be free to find out what they wanted to do with their time and what they were born to do.
Ideas would have ample room to be explored, because no one would be hurting, lying to, or exploiting anything or anyone.

No one would even want to. Whatever makes people want to do wrong, or fall into it even against their will, would not exist in the perfect world.

Challenges would exist and people would console one another as they tried and failed and tried again, then they would celebrate the accomplishments together, and of course, give all the glory to the great God who will, of course, bring this wonderful reality to pass one day.

Hope to see you all there.

[edit on 10-4-2010 by Copperflower]

posted on Oct, 22 2016 @ 12:15 PM
To me, Gods don't exist. But I do believe that one day, all countries will unite, (if humanity doesn't go extinct) and all that is prohibiting our happiness, will no longer be significant.

For a long time we've gone against nature in so many different ways, our extraordinary intelligence allowed us to temporarily stand up against nature and damage it's cycles and alter it's processes. But we are still dependant on it. When we run out of nature's resources, we may go extinct, or we might have to start anew with the minority of humans that have survived. Then we would have to let go of our past lifestyles, beliefs and cultures. We will undergo a massive change on what makes us human. We will realize how wrong our past actions were, and we would slowly build an ideal society. We would have to let go of separation and unite. We would also have to let go of hierarchy, money, greed, ego, and competition, etc. We will not longer give power to those who are wicked or only care about themselves, we will give authority to those who love and respect every single being, and those who care about humanity as a whole and not just an isolated part of it. We would realize the power within and live in infinite abundance. We would always be free and live in happiness forever, and not be affected by any negative emotion. We won't have to seek happiness
from anywhere except inside of ourselves.

This is what would possibly happen once humanity loses and gets back up if it manages to. But we might not have to lose to restart and change our direction. There one day might come someone or a group of people with a higher consciousness that will be able to reform what has become of the world and change people's mindset and beliefs. They would guide people through love and not fear. They would help people realize the power within. They would help lead humanity to a whole new age, the age of love, and would save us from our potential extinction that we seem to be accelerating towards. It's never too late to change, and it is very necessary if we want to survive.

The idea of perfection is subjective to people's desires. We won't be able to create a perfect world for everybody, that is not what we should be aiming for. What we should be aiming for is a society filled with love and that each and every being would be free and happy forever.

posted on Oct, 22 2016 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: The Lord and Savior

We would always be better off dealing with things the way they are. Always keeping in mind the result of decay and disintegration.

Recognizing the rights of man, respecting the individual, value to the individual not the collective is the better part of Utopia.

posted on Oct, 22 2016 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: The Lord and Savior
I have thought about this for a long long time. What would a perfect world look like or better yet, be like? What would we need? What would we no longer need?
How would society change? How would we change?

I don't think we'd survive. We've evolved not just to the positives, but the negatives. We need disasters, mayhem and murder. I know this goes against the grain, but I think ti's true unfortunately. Put us in a "perfect" word and it'd be "perfekt". We'd degenerate. Kill ourselves maybe. So I'd assume a higher power would assist our entrance into the perfect world. I don't believe it'd bode well for whatever makes us human at the moment because I fear a lot of that would leave us. We might become little more than pets.

Also I think people forget many of those in the past ENJOYED their lives. How!!??? Unthinkable? We view history as a progression from imperfect to more perfect, but this is somewhat dishonest and self-serving. Those in our history, I think they appreciated the smaller things much more than we do. They had to. And their world was different. Technology and knowledge has created a new environment. We might interest ourselves in different matters and in different amounts. Comparisons are fraught with trouble.

Now, over hte longterm, "perfect" has a chance. Step by baby step. This gives us a chance to adapt to the altered environment. I do like the speculations you give, like how no crime means no locks are needed. But predicting the future is so difficult because everything is interconnected. I also don't think our pursuit of "perfect" will ever finish. I think the laws of physics prevent it. We can't have complete knowledge, for example, of the future, so this means ignorance will always exist. That'll produce adversity. Adversity, as you well know, is a signature of trouble. Disaster, infections and even wars or murders. Incomplete knowledge means we error. One thing leads to another. Like the blood vessels in our body, it can be impossible to unravel. It just is.
edit on 10/22/2016 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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