posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 12:05 AM
I finally got one of my last tats, only one left and I am done. I told many people I was going to get this and they didnt believe me. For anyone who
really knows me KNOWS I am an Apple fan big time. I went with my best friend the other day and got my Apple tat! It's cute and totally me
funny my friends at work either call me iParis or Apple it's tooooo funny believe me! Anyways here it is, sorry the pic isnt that clear, I
was in a hurry lol
All of my tattoos have meaning and they have had meaning for a long time, that is why I have them. All my tattoos are me in a sense, or who I am I
guess you could say. They all represent something, no matter how silly others think they are, I love them because they are who I am.
My last tattoo is another Shakespeare quote: "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better" that will be my last but I havent deciced
whether to put it on my forearm or on my back below the other quote.. I am going with the back mostly but I havent picked a spot I am done
after that!
I'm a Mac!!!