posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 12:05 AM
Hello! Thank you for letting me join this forum. I saw this browsing thru google (cant remember wat i was searching) and have been checking this out
for the last couple days. To be honest I thought this was one of those sites were everyone has tinfoil on their heads and that uncle sam is in the
closet with hitler watching us @_@!!.. I never really gave these type of websites much thought till I started reading what yall had to say... Im happy
to find that yalls thirst for truth is as dedicated as mine. Ive always watched X-files, twilight zone, outerlimits, etc. Hoping to find some kind of
truth or anwser to this fiction show but never really getting the anwsers I seeked for. Although sum of the stuff in twilight zone has come true. This
place feels like home to me. Im glad there are places on the internet were people actually look into the facts and not just believe wat the goverment
tells us like blind sheep. Im hooked like a dopefein on this site and I plan on helping yall uncover some truth and perhaps asking some of my own
questions. A little about myself - Im a 21, male, Houston, Texas. Been here all my life and it sucks of course. Too muggy and miserable out here. Well
thats all I have to say. I just wanted to introduce myself to this Oh So great forum! *gets on knees and hails the ATS logo* lol.