posted on May, 26 2004 @ 11:49 AM
I was torn on where to put this, but finally decided on politics and scandals. I want this discussion to focus on the legality aspect of this law, not
the theory it's self. That's been discussed in countless threads before.
Now, for the meat. I've been doing an intensive search, and have discovered something interesting. There is only one scientific theory which
is required curriculum in elementary and high schools. It is optional to teach about gravity. It is optional to teach about the laws of motion. It is
optional to teach the laws of thermodynamics. Granted, if a teacher didn't, they may be fired, but there would be no legal ramifications for them.
However, the theory of evolution being taught in our schools is LAW. Not only would the teacher get fired for not teaching it, but the state
would be able to fine that teacher for not teaching it.
Of course, this isn't to say that it has to be taught in a grammar class, history class, or something to that effect, but it must be covered in
general science classes, biology classes, and natural history classes.
The reason I see this as a scandal is that it makes children believe that a theory is, in fact, law(scientific law, not legal law). There by they will
discredit any contradicting evidence for other theories. Gravity is up for grabs, a teacher doesn't have to say that gravity exists, but evolution,
apparently, is more true then the existance of gravity. I dunno, I fell out of bed last night, but I didn't give birth to a grey...