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Noah's Ark was taller than a 3-story building and had a deck area the size of 36 lawn tennis courts. Its length was 300 cubits (450 feet, or 135 meters); its width was 50 cubits (75 feet, or 22.5 meters); it had three stories and its height was 30 cubits (45 feet, or 13.5 meters).
Originally posted by zero_snaz
Noah lived 950 years.
Originally posted by Indy
It probably wasn't made in 7 days if at all. Why is it every religious story seems to involve a 7? If someone actually made a large boat and attempted to collect 2 of every animal in the area would this person be a prophet or simply a blind squirrel finding a nut? Here is the reason I say this. It would be physically impossible to collect 2 of every species on earth. It would be impossible to reach them all. And impossible to store them all on a boat this small. I'm not sure if you could even pull this off on the worlds largest ship today. Another point is there is not enough water on the planet in liquid form to flood everything. There are people who today fear the end of the world is near and have some type of bomb shelter or another with provisions to allow for underground living for a period of time. If something major were to happen would they be seen as a visionary or just lucky? What defines a prophet and a nut is simply chance. I think it was Art bell that best described the Noah era. Talking about how the people were in tune with their environment. You had to be back then. You didn't have the weather channel. Maybe he was able to sense changes in the climate and surroundings like animals are able to. Maybe he saw the changes around him and decided to do something about it. Maybe his area had a history of flooding and he knew the changes that were coming would result in a much greater flood. The story about Noah is an entertaining story. Fun reading. But its just that. Its a story.
Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
There are stories of a great flood in most cultures. There isnt much that dicredits the flood part of the story. But Noah and his family building a big ole boat in a week is rediculous...even if "god" is involved.
Originally posted by acidhead
notice that noah didn't rescue any fish and yet they are still with us !
Originally posted by zero_snaz
5:32 And Noah was five hundred years old
7:6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
9:28 And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. 9:29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: And he died.
I'm not sure what bible you were reading but mine says it took him, his wife, his three sons and their wives 100 years to build it.
You are right about the hundred years to build the ark, anyone can see that just by reading what you had supplied for information.
Noah lived 950 years.
Originally posted by nanna_of_6
mojo, you would have to mention the fish making out like a bandit on the dead corpse(s). Now I'm going to my freezer to throw-out all the frozen fish I have.
Originally posted by cloud
i've always wondered about this. according to the sumerian texts, prince ea helped noah out. prince ea is also known as...satan lucifer. there's a satanic website out there that goes to detail about the many different names of the gods of old, but you have to search for it yourself. i don't encourage it too much for the uninitiated, as it made me think too much about life. i know where my faith lies. but anyways, perhaps if they took 2 of each animal, perhaps noah only took the archetypes of modern day creation, and there they evolved or genetics were toyed with to create the many sub-species. just a thought. maybe one has to think of this story to a deeper segment. perhaps noah brought along dna, both of a male and female onto his ship. you never know...