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Obama looks 10 years older(maybe more)

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posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by sporkmonster


power seeking people will do anything let alone dye their hair...

I've studied Hitlers methods of communication from tonality to gesture very deeply... there is no limit to how far these guys will go to manipulate the masses...

not comparing Obama to Hitler on any level but one...

The art of communication...

I don't care for him, but he's the best i've seen since Hitler...

I've watched the guy (should do a thread on it, it's just so deep it would be long as heck)

but i've watched him.... with perfection speak to African Americans via body language while vocally speaking to Caucasians in tandem... and give 2 distinctly different messages to 2 entirely different audiences... does it so well 99% of people don't even pick up on it...

The Guy... he's a GENIUS in regards to communication, haven't seen better in my life time

he obviously studies communication on a very very deep level and there are...arts to these things...

Dye his hair Grey as requested of most Presidents...


any politician will dress walk and talk any way they can to create whatever influence they wish to... and there are professionals that study these things...

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I love your post. I feel I could have said the same thing. Any reference to Hitler though, always brings out the racist callers.

I just did not want to ramble on about various things and loose the interest of any readers.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:26 AM
Maybe he figured out the hard way that he is just there to do what he is told, and is upset that he is helping to grease the skids to further imprison his grandchildren a little down the line.

If he does smoke, I wouldn't doubt being up to three packs a day with that job.

Also, photoshop and airbrushing do wonders.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:36 AM
He is ageing in light speed. Is this maybe the worst job on world?

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:47 AM
I think irrespective of whether he used to colour his hair, he is going to age quicker than most. We saw the same with Tony Blair in the UK.
The pressures must be immense.
Though it seems to me, once people relinquish their authority, they sometimes 'recover' a few years.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by sporkmonster

I don't care for him, but he's the best i've seen since Hitler...

I've watched the guy (should do a thread on it, it's just so deep it would be long as heck)

but i've watched him.... with perfection speak to African Americans via body language while vocally speaking to Caucasians in tandem... and give 2 distinctly different messages to 2 entirely different audiences... does it so well 99% of people don't even pick up on it...

The Guy... he's a GENIUS in regards to communication, haven't seen better in my life time

he obviously studies communication on a very very deep level and there are...arts to these things...

I don't agree he is a genius, he's just been trained well and has script writers that know what they're doing. You must have noticed he's not so impressive without his teleprompter.

Nuero Linguistic programming (NLP) is something that can be used in conversation with one person or a prepared speech to millions, it works a bit like hypnosis. The writer of the speech will create certain rythms and paces with the words he uses which will create a suggestable state in the listener. No wonder people think Obama is such a good speaker. All his masters need is someone who's not bad looking and can read their speeches well. It's not just Obama, many politicians and the people behind them will employ speech writers that can do this.

I think his aging is entirely natural. Fellow war monger Tony Blair aged very badly in just a few years. Imagine the stress of knowing what you are responsible for but fearing for your family and yourself if you step out of line.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 10:36 AM
I can't believe nobody has pointed out that the "young" photo is a professionally lit (and more than likely, make-up'ed) photo, and who knows the lighting or even camera quality.

While it's no secret that our presidents seem to "age" quicker because of the stress, but comparing his professional headshot to a journalism photo is like those tmz-esque articles "look at what this actress looks like in REAL life!"

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 10:45 AM
I recall he did say he was going to stop colouring his hair if he got into office.... and his photos are way 'touched up'

nothing new... Look at 'our' Cameron below:

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton (the two Bushes were pretty much already gray when they went in) all grayed considerably during their terms in office. I don't remember the ones before that.

The office of President of the United States is arguably the most important job in the world, and of course that enormous responsibility is going to weigh on a person, at least anybody who takes that responsibility seriously.

Aging rapidly is one of the disadvantages of the presidency.

It's not a sign of particular weakness in Obama. Sorry for the bad news, I know you were hoping it is.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 12:48 PM
-Partly due to the stress of the job

-Partly due to makeup and hair coloring during the election giving off a more youthful/energetic appearance

-Partly due to the fact that, by nature, we all get older

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:28 PM
He isn't the first to do so..

Here is a good slide show of "before and after" shots of Presidents LBJ through Bush.

How Presidents Age

The job is probably the most stressful in the world - and it ages some more than others.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:41 PM



Definitely aging!!

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:49 PM
The crazy thing is they (presidents) always turn grey quick. I have been trying to figure it out and the only assumption I came up with, which is a big assumption is they go somewhere far and come back mabey to pay respects to the REAL LEADERS OF EARTH but again a very far reach. Otherwise he is stressing dealing with information that only a president can get to know about.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:53 PM
I have a theory that Presidents are sent forward in time so they can analyze outcomes, then come back to when they left to make it appear they haven't left. End result is they appear to age faster than us.

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