So since this will be my first post on this forum I hope I don't break any unwritten laws of conduct here..
To give you a view of how my perspective on the matter of stealth is colored:
I have until recently worked at a company that specializes on signature management-term used by people in the sneaky business that means trying to
make things hard to detect in any sensory spectrum be it light, sound, smell or any other.
(I like to think in terms of sig. management as it is more all encompassing than just radar stealth. Anyone agree?)
Well anyway. F-22 and F-177 are both designed according to the principle of directing reflection of an inbound radar wave in an direction that is
anywhere but where the transmitter is. And put as many of the reflections as possible in as few hotspots as possible to minimize the risk of being
lighted from an unfavorable angle. Kinda like a discoball being lighted by a flashlight. You can dull the mirrors a bit and make the reflections go
anywhere but back to the flashlight.. But the problem is that my friend standing a couple of meters to my right might be in a spot where one of the
small mirrors is pointing so he can see it.. So in order to find my stealthed discoball I have to put as many friends around it as possible to
maximise the chance of a reflection. And if each has it's own flashlight it would be even easier. But in real terms of war having the flashlight is
not attractive so we'll have to settle with lot's of people. So to detect a F-22 with radar you have two options:
1 use a radar (maybe the czeck) with a wavelength that counters the angles of the plane. Yes the wingspan and fins are all built at a specific angle
and dimension to counter a specific wavelength and it's not possible to counter all with the same dimensions
2 use many listening posts to be able to pick up any reflections
Now the reason for this post is that I read somewhere in a science magazine that some scientist had a theory that it was possible to use the
transmitters and receptors of the GSM net to see low radar sig airplanes. Since there were so many transmitters and receptors it would be impossible
to hide.
Can anyone help me to a link?
And anyone care to discuss if it might work in practice?
"Stealth" does not make a plane invisible, nor is it intended too. It does however make it harder to find, and harder to track. The pilot will have
a much easier time breaking a radar lock then someone in a F-15 or MiG-29.
I'm not sure if you intended it to me Kozzy but I'm aware that "stealth" doesn't make you invisible. My intent was to discuss the possible means
to detect it and follow it by a landbased system.
But it might be possible to use that info to guide fighters in too I guess..