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dance music

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posted on May, 26 2004 @ 06:59 AM
Is it true that music producers are putting subliminal messages in dance music to make people do drugs. im sure it is. im a country music producer and once a dance producer said my tune was ok but he would rework it. So i gave him all the parts but then when he gave it back to me and i listened to it properly there was the definite words "ectasy ""buy it buy it" right in the background repeated over and over. it disgusts me as i am so anti drugs. maybe it is a kind of hypnotism ? what do u reckon ? i went to a club and im sure its the case as everyone was facing the dj chanting " oakie is god oakie is a trancing god" . the music he was playing was terrible but they wouldnt stop chanting. it was scary . Why do the government let these evil bastards hypnotise kids with there subliminal messages ?Im on the verge of going to the papers about this. surley this oakie bloke and all the other disk jockeys need to be imprisoned. I have heard of one dj called Judge Julian. Maybe he is a do gooder within a very evil scene. i may try and contact him. i dont know if im just old ( 68 ) but can someone please try and enlighten a worried man.....................


posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:06 AM
I guess it's plausable.
But that would surely mean that the people selling the drugs would need to be music companies otherwise they aren't benefitting from it.
Alot of 'Dance' music has crap like that in it as lyrics, nevermind subliminally planted.
No offence to anyone but it seems to me that only people of a relatively low intelligence listen to it.
It's a kind of 'look how hard i am, i listen to music with drugs in the lyrics.'


posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by A5H.
It's a kind of 'look how hard i am, i listen to music with drugs in the lyrics.'

cant agree with many 60's and 70's songs where about drugs?...

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:21 AM
I think its the same as music with so called "evil devil lyrics"
like the beatles. Everybody (the lame and stupid) thought
they where putting subliminal messages in their music.

But if you have a free mind, then i think its not harmfull (?!?!)

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:23 AM
I thought you were never coming back here

This post was made before you posted this lyrics thread...

Originally posted by break the world
hello to you as well

i was only looking for some information if any had any. break wind ! very funny. dont you think i have enough to deal without people taking the mick. i still havent left my house. anyhows dont worry about me im never coming back on here.

[Edited on 26-5-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:29 AM
have a thing with reverse music??

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:33 AM

Brilliant thread. This topic was tailored for me, cos I am a dance music producer.

And you know you are right in some respects, everything that goes into creating the records i produce has its roots in bouts of chemical abuse. The same goes for the vast majority of my colleagues. And guess what? Most of the folks who buy our records take drugs too.

When your off your tits there is nothing finer than hearing some elaborate speech incorporating the words 'ecstacy, ecstacy, ecstacy, ecstacy, ecstacy, ecstacy, ecstacy' or some god bothering waffle about end times. Which coincidentally is what brought me to ATS originally...

Anybody do this intentionally to subvert the masses? *uck knows...

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:33 AM
i know i said i was not coming back but i just wanted peoples opinions on this one subject.

are people hard if they listen to "dance" music then ? when i ventured to that club i had lots of men with bug drug eyes coming up to me trying to hug me and offering me tablets.then the next day i saw one of the blokes in the street so i went up to him and said hello " he looked at me like he idnt know me then almost growled " im on a comedown" .whats a comedown? It seems like a very strange world to me. Maybe the record companies are worried because they are losing massive amounts of money due to file sharing so they are moving onto drugs. Or maybe they know people will dance to the terrible music if they do drugs so the record companies do a bit of free advertising. i dont know but its scary..One other thing i forgot to mention was the clothes they were wearing. Bright luminous cyclings shorts and lyrca vests with lights on. What is this generation turing into due to this evil evil music ? has anyone else heard these messages then ?

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:36 AM
and talking about drugs. my first thread in the other section i made i was very worried as i thought i had got cuaght in a reverse time tunnel. but it turned out the medicine my doctor gave me for my gout mixed with a few glasses of jack daniels must of led to a crazy spin out dream where i still thought i was awake. sorry about that.

[Edited on 26-5-2004 by break the world]

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 07:49 AM
Break the world,

people take drugs for a laugh right, not cos they're being brainwashed by the music industry. For one thing, the dance music industry is all about small independant labels, it has very little connection with mass media, bar the ministry of sound really.

And as for comedowns.. What goes up must come down. Like a hangover, only more nervous and withdrawn. A couple of spliffs usually rectifies that.

I'm not breaking the rules of the board talking about this am i?

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:12 AM

i thought i had got cuaght in a reverse time tunnel. but it turned out the medicine my doctor gave me for my gout mixed with a few glasses of jack daniels must of led to a crazy spin out dream where i still thought i was awake.

i hate to tell you but mixing medication and alcohol is means for the same effects of any other chemical drug on the streets. by the way your start of this thread is very contradictory to what you said about having a few glasses of jack daniels. you believe that drugs are evil, but alcohol is a drug, does that mean you're evil? i'm not trying to defend the usage of drugs, but i'm just trying to prove a point. it is said quitting cigarettes and alcohol is worse than quiting heroin. please don't say how evil/bad someones music is, some think country music is evil. i understand you're a little older the most on this site, but hopefully at your age, you'll still learn tolerance and acceptance, because the world isn't going to revert back to the age of innocence. people no longer have to be ashamed of who or what they are anymore.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:25 AM

being a dance music producer myself, I have to say... YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!! LOL

maybe the guy you hired for your remix is just screwing wit ya~

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:29 AM
i didnt see anyone having a laugh when i went into the club. all i saw was
some very dellusional people that i strongly believe have been hypnotised in some form. why would anyone take a drug that makes you nervous the next day ? people should be nervous enough about everything going on in the world at the moment let alone taking something that increases that feeling.

yes i like a drink i never said im against that but what i am against is people being hypnotised into taking drugs. Would you not consider something evil if it made you do drugs ? Coutnry music is not evil. It doesnt
promote anything other than the country life. Wille nelson doesnt ask to be worshipped and make you do drugs. .


Im writing a letter to george now. in my mind this music has to be stopped or heavily regulated.

Does no one agree with me ?

[Edited on 26-5-2004 by break the world]

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:54 AM
This is hilarious!

They were chanting oakie, oakie (paul oakenfold) cos they liked his tunes. Is there anything wrong with them showing their appreciation?

Not literally 'having a laugh', like a single chuckle or whatever, but just dancing away and enjoying themselves.

I have first hand experience of the powers that be NOT wanting me or anyone else to be taking drugs. I've seen many a krusty anti capitalist take a sound hiding from a bobby whilst merely sitting in a field enlightening themself.

Any of the other board members here big into the free party (rave) scene? It seems that there is convergence with anti capitalism, drugs, and parties in fields.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by break the world
i didnt see anyone having a laugh when i went into the club. all i saw was
some very dellusional people that i strongly believe have been hypnotised in some form. why would anyone take a drug that makes you nervous the next day ? people should be nervous enough about everything going on in the world at the moment let alone taking something that increases that feeling.

yes i like a drink i never said im against that but what i am against is people being hypnotised into taking drugs. Would you not consider something evil if it made you do drugs ? Coutnry music is not evil. It doesnt
promote anything other than the country life. Wille nelson doesnt ask to be worshipped and make you do drugs. .


Im writing a letter to george now. in my mind this music has to be stopped or heavily regulated.

Does no one agree with me ?

[Edited on 26-5-2004 by break the world]

one word for ya~ PSYCHO! that country music is rottin ya brain boy!

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:12 AM
DJSoma, you the guy who does nu skool breaks, who put out a load of mixes over bittorrent?

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:26 AM
i dont think theres a problem with people chanting anyones name but when they are doing it on drugs in cycling shorts and luminous vests then i have a problem. thats not the actions of anyone normal. what worries me more is that i just rung a nephew of mine in the uk to ask his opinion and he goes and tells me theres nothing to worry about he is a dj called dj era and runs a breakbeat label called unstable. So he has been hypnotised as well. You lot may think its funny but MIND CONTROL is far from funny. I am very worried for your futures and really think you should all consider picking up a guitair and harmonica. I will give you all lessons for free if you promise never to listen to dance music again. i can make you a star.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:33 AM
DJ Era...

Ive heard of him, i think he is the ringleader. If you listen carefully, you can hear them chanting his name...

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:37 AM
Dance music with subliminal messages about doing drugs? Who comes up with these ideas? Wouldn't it make more sense to have subliminal messages about buying more dance music?

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Smokersroom
DJSoma, you the guy who does nu skool breaks, who put out a load of mixes over bittorrent?

nope, I work out of nyc on mainly uk styled hard house and hard trance mainly...

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