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Proof of alien time travel

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posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:42 PM
After having been on ATS for a long time - first as spectator then as member, I've tried to figure out what would be (or is) proof of aliens presence on earth.

I think I've figured it out and after an extensive search in my family history I have found a case of alien abduction.

(some facts have been slightly altered to disguise the identity of my grandmother - and myself)

My maternal grandmother was in an old people's home and when she reached the age of 96 she died.

She was visiting the bathroom and in there she fell and died. The staff phoned the ambulance service as soon as they found her and they arrived within 10 minutes.

The staff told us the death was very quick. From they noticed her going to the bathroom till she was missed and subsequently found the elapsed time was less than 10 minutes.

When she was picked up by the ambulance people they noticed that permanent hypostatis and rigor mortis had already set in, and they notified us to that fact.
One of them was bold enough to indicate that we should have this investigated, but he refused any part of it.

So far the story is sad and seemingly natural.

Permanent Hypostasis does not set in for a couple of hours.

Rigor mortis sets in from about 10 minutes or it can be delayed by the ambient temperature - in this case a cold floor in a room with an ambient temperature of about 18 degrees celcius.
I was told that rigor mortis in the limbs under these conditions would have been probable after about an hour and thirty minutes.

The staff (a doctor and two nurses) were very adamant that the timeline from going to the bathroom until the paramedics arrived was no more than 20 minutes.

Which lead us to the odd fact of hypostasis and rigor mortis consistent with a couple of hours.

I have now asked questions for a number of years and have unsuccesfully tried to obtain the autopsy report. The report is in lockdown and cannot be seen by me for the next 30 years.

So why the secrecy? And why the discrepancy? What did the paramedic actually suspect since he refused to go on record with his suspicion?

The inevitable conclusing lies frighteningly close at hand.

At present only the aliens present on earth - as proven again and again by well renowned people - possess time travel.

So the scenario is as far as I can make it out:

My grandmother is abducted by aliens a couple of minutes after entering the bathroom. In it self not a small feat as she weighed close to 180 kilos. Which indicates some form of levitation.
She is abducted and something goes wrong and she is returned to earth/the bathroom.
The aliens have clearly taken her back in time to disguise the fact that they took her. It is not unknown by abductees to loose time.

Perhaps they forgot that hypostasis is a very good indication on time of death?

I must admit that I'm absolutely flabbergasted to have an abduction case so close to me. I always thought that is was a mass phycosis event, but hey...

The evidence speaks for it self.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

I don't know if your trying to be sarcastic or not but I really don't see the connection from an unfortunate death to alien abduction gone wrong. Is there anything else that would make you think she was abducted by aliens? Was it a family history?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

Sorry you locked up your granny in a home that killed her.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:02 PM
This person is obviously being ironic. I did know what I was in for though as soon as I saw the doubtful title: proof of alien conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:04 PM
I fail to see the proof of alien time travel. Proof is evidence, you have an assumption.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Elethiel
This person is obviously being ironic. I did know what I was in for though as soon as I saw the doubtful title: proof of alien conspiracy.

Yea well if that is the case the OP unfortunately posted this in the wrong forum then. As the UFO/Alien forum is for REAL (or perceived real) cases.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by seethelight
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

Sorry you locked up your granny in a home that killed her.

Does it make you feel better to kick someone like this? What a pathetic life you must have to need to resort to hurting people's feelings for kicks.

Get lost.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Yes I think this story has as much proof as so many other stories embraced on ATS.

It is just funny to see how some stories that are presented by known UFO sites are considered proof and this story is an example of a pathetic life.


The story is absolutely true.

Only the conjecture is fetched from the experience gathered here on ATS.

[edit on 15.1.2010 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Well it's suspicious. I don't think the opis ironic at all.
The two main points that were made:

Rigormortis set in after a maximum of twenty minutes when it takes 1-1.5 hrs he claims.
The autopsy report has been purposefully kept away from him by authorities.
One investigator told him it should be investigated but refused to do it.

Aliens is jumping the gun, but it is quite suspicious that he is not allowed to see the death report.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08

Originally posted by Elethiel
This person is obviously being ironic. I did know what I was in for though as soon as I saw the doubtful title: proof of alien conspiracy.

Yea well if that is the case the OP unfortunately posted this in the wrong forum then. As the UFO/Alien forum is for REAL (or perceived real) cases.

I cannot fail to consider this as real as many other cases.

I have no reason to doubt three professional people - one of whom is a Doctor MD.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:27 PM
What a long OP to come to such a sarcastically false conclusion. I'm not sure if he is dogging on his family for not requesting an autopsy, or dogging on people that would claim alien abduction combined w/ time travel as opposed to hundreds of more probable conclusions.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Funked
I fail to see the proof of alien time travel. Proof is evidence, you have an assumption.

Well - the proof is as valid as any other proof we have on the net for any alien abduction case.

Someone states a fact based on the evidence as perceived.

In this particular case there is a time discrepancy and apart from calling the good Doctor MD. a liar, I see no other explanation other than timetravel.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
Yes I think this story has as much proof as so many other stories embraced on ATS.

It is just funny to see how some stories that are presented by known UFO sites are considered proof and this story is an example of a pathetic life.


The story is absolutely true.

Only the conjecture is fetched from the experience gathered here on ATS.

[edit on 15.1.2010 by HolgerTheDane]

Well, at least the other cases that claim to be proof of ufos and aliens involve ufos and/or aliens. Are you saying doctors or other 'professionals' don't ever lie to cover their asses in the case of malpractice?


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

Your granny died , and it wasn't noticed by the staff for an hour.

Look into the Home being negligent , ET was at home.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by skunknuts
What a long OP to come to such a sarcastically false conclusion. I'm not sure if he is dogging on his family for not requesting an autopsy, or dogging on people that would claim alien abduction combined w/ time travel as opposed to hundreds of more probable conclusions.


I'm not dogging (what a horrible expression).

Long post. Well I presented the facts and that too more than one line.

My family and I decided against a probe into the case as we thought - "hey she was old. She was seriously ill. Whom would benefit from such a probe?"

But it does not detract from the fact that the circumstances are weird if we are to believe the very credible witnesses. And why should we doub t them? They are professionals.

I have learned on more than one occasion that the most probable explanations aren't always the one to go for.

And to use an old and tried ATS tactics - prove she wasn't abducted by aliens, brought back in time and left for us to find.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane

My family and I decided against a probe into the case as we thought - "hey she was old. She was seriously ill. Whom would benefit from such a probe?"

But it does not detract from the fact that the circumstances are weird if we are to believe the very credible witnesses. And why should we doub t them? They are professionals.

And to use an old and tried ATS tactics - prove she wasn't abducted by aliens, brought back in time and left for us to find.

Your story is the reason to doubt them. Sure she was old, and ill, but the point of figuring out what happened would be to benefit current and future residents and their families.

The tactic of 'prove it isn't so,' is more a tactic of religion than ATS.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:43 PM
Never mind as this thread as been moved anyways...

[edit on 1/15/2010 by jkrog08]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane

Originally posted by skunknuts
What a long OP to come to such a sarcastically false conclusion. I'm not sure if he is dogging on his family for not requesting an autopsy, or dogging on people that would claim alien abduction combined w/ time travel as opposed to hundreds of more probable conclusions.


I'm not dogging (what a horrible expression).

Noun: dog dog or dóg [N. Amer], dóg [Brit]

1. A member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds
"the dog barked all night";
- domestic dog, Canis familiaris

2. A dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman
"she's a real dog";
- frump

3. Informal term for a man
"you lucky dog"

4. Someone who is morally reprehensible
"you dirty dog";
- cad, bounder [Brit, archaic], blackguard, hound, heel

5. A smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll
- frank [US], frankfurter, hotdog, hot dog, wiener [N. Amer, S.Africa], wienerwurst [N. Amer], weenie [N. Amer], wienie [N. Amer]

6. A hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward
- pawl, detent, click

7. A metal support for logs in a fireplace
"the dogs were too hot to touch";
- andiron, firedog, dog-iron

8. A mechanical device for holding, gripping, or fastening something

Verb: dog (dogged,dogging) dog or dóg [N. Amer], dóg [Brit]

1. Go after with the intent to catch
"The policeman dogged the mugger down the alley";
- chase, chase after, trail, tail, tag, give chase, go after, track

2. Persistently cause trouble for
"dogged by reports of shareholder revolt"

3. Follow closely

Derived forms: dogged, dogging, dogs

Type of: blighter, bloke [Brit], boyo [UK, Ireland], bucko, canid, canine, catch, chap, cuss, disagreeable woman, domestic animal, domesticated animal, fella, feller, fellow, follow, gent, lad, pursue, sausage, scoundrel, stop, support, unpleasant woman, villain, wurst

Part of: Canis, genus Canis, hot dog, hotdog, pack, rachet, ratch, ratchet, red hot

Encyclopedia: Dog Dog, the bounty hunter

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
The evidence speaks for it self.

You said it!

I think you need to revise your definition of "proof" and also consider something obvious....IF she was abducted from that bathroom and was missing for any length of time, the aliens would not only have to transport her back in time, but to a completely different location too due the Earth's orbit and it's new position in space at the time of return.

If aliens could do that, why didn't they simply go further back to when she was alive and have a second attempt?

I'm not saying you are a liar and that I don't believe you, I just think you are wrong.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by seethelight
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

Sorry you locked up your granny in a home that killed her.

I no kidding, I'm also sorry you locked her up in a home. Of course it could be an easier explanation. Since we all know how well you get treated in an old folks or assissted living complex (more money means better treatment), it entirely possible that the nurses didn't see her for a few hours and wanted to cover their buts because they made a grave error. And told the doctor that it was a 10 to 20 minutes and even though he doesn't believe them was afraid of being caught up in the issue and agreed with them (if it's wrong he could say well thats what they told me I wasn't their). Remember, dead men and women tell know tales.

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