posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Old idea there was project Project HARP,
Plus Gerald Bull's Project Babylon was powerful enough to launch to orbit if the israelis had not knocked off Gerald Bull.
There have been tests to improve the range of the old battleship 16 inch guns using 8 inch sabot-ed rounds with rocket assisted projectiles that
reached 90 miles. i have heard conflicting reports that they were used during the Vietnam war to fire across Vietnam.
That is the good news.
The bad news is the US government will no allow it to be built.
Its a stealth nuclear weapons launch platform
if you can put a cargo in orbit you can also put a nuke in a sub orbital path.
and because there is no rocket burning it would be almost imposable to track.
Most of the nuclear treaties are based on launch vehicles, IE missiles.
You can track missile launches and plot where the missile is going by the launch plume.
This would have no launch plume and a package coated with stealth material would beat radar tracking.
This launcher could drop a nuke on just about any target in the world.
If we build one other countries will have the right to build them, Iran, North Korea ECT