posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:29 PM
Hey ATS. First off, I have not been active a whole lot lately on here. I check post occasionally, but not as much as I used to. I don't know why. It
could be that things have just been super busy lately.
Anyways, I'm not here to talk about my life being busy, I am here to ask you all for help on something very important I am working on. In school, we
are getting ready to start our Junior Research Papers. Now, for those of you who don't know, the Junior Research Paper is based around three
learning goals and a question (or topic) of your choice that cannot specifically be answered. So, there can't be a yes or a no answer to this
question/topic. It has to be something that you as an individual can choose to answer in your own way (audiance or target readers decision).
Now, you may be thinking, "Well why do you need help with this?". And to answer that, I am having a super hard time trying to find a topic to
choose. To fill you all in on what I am thinking about (more like, thoughts or questions that are lingering in my head): What is our purpose (as the
Human Race)? Why can't we live in harmony as one representing Earth (instead of killing each other when we are all apart of one race)? Where are we
headed (in terms of what lies ahead of our future)? And something that completly shocks me still to this date: our technology. How over 100 years ago,
we never had things like computers and cell phones.
Those are just a few of the ideas that I have been speculating with. However, the reason why I posted this in the Psychology forum is because I have
such a huge intrest in psychology. Psycholgy is something that completly fasinates me. I love everything having to do with it. I have been taking
Psychology for over a year now, so, I know a lot about the fundamentals and basics of Psychology when it comes to disorders, perspectives,
neuroanatomy, ect.
But, here's the catch, I want to apply psychology to my Junior Research Paper. Possibly including some of the topics I have been thinking about. But
I just can't find a way to tie it into academics. In psychology, you can speculate all you want, but when it comes down to applying it to one topic,
I have a hard time.
So, what I am hoping by posting this, is if some of my ATS family here can help my come up with some good topics that tie into psychology. Keep in
mind that they have to follow the rules I listed in the second paragraph. I am open up to as many ideas as people can throw at me. So please, help?
Ps. Mods, bump this to wherever you feel it be apropriate.
[edit on 15-1-2010 by shadowgears911]