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ILLUMINATI... Prove it... GO!

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:18 PM
Okay, originally I made a post last night just stating some personal opinions and my goal was to hear what other people thought... but instead I was attacked as if I was raping their daughters... so im sorry if my post was a little misleading, and i'd like to make it up to you by making a fresh start... let's begin.

I want to be the host of a series of threads starting right now! Im not going to give my opinion but instead, I want you to treat me as if I was an alien that has the power to make worldly changes... and I would like for whomever has information, evidence, and/or proof that could maybe help me... and other trolls to understand a little better.

NOTE: Don't reply with flames, do NOT reply with thoughts, and DO NOT reply with speculation. ONLY SERIOUS PARTICIPANTS PLEASE because this isn't just for me... its for everyone.

Those of you who say the Illuminati STILL exists today... PROVE IT!

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by sourcesonly

I want you to treat me as if I was an alien that has the power to make worldly changes...

I want to treat you like a serf - put you out in the fields to harvest my bounty, 'cause you're doing no one any good by throwing this crap out there...

And where is the conspiracy..? Or maybe there is one bait for the MODs..?

'Cause I find it hard to believe that another member of ATS would start a thread of this nature...wait, nevermind.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:52 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.


Just to clarify the issue for future posters (and myself) ~ what TYPE of proof are you looking for?

Specifics would be nice.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by sourcesonly
Those of you who say the Illuminati STILL exists today... PROVE IT!

Well, THAT would wrap up the conspiracy nicely, wouldn't it?
I say "HEAR HEAR!!!" I'm with Sourcesonly (The Host Alien Troll) !!! I, too, want the proof we all seek! I too want the proof that could bring this poor conspiracy to the surface and make it a conspiracy no more!

Jeez...lemme think...where did I put that link go that had the proof of the Illuminati....

Damn. I'll find it and get back to ya.

Hold your breath...I won't be long.


On topic....What kind of proof do ya want? What would convince you?

Just askin


posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:11 PM
wow why is it so hard to get threw to you guys? if anything you guys are proving conspiracy theorists all have social disorders!

People on this website are SO quick to jump down the throat of a skeptic... the POINT of the post is to get you guys to contribute YOUR evidence to help YOUR case... yet every post so far has been an attack or away from the point...

your asking me WHAT evidence do i need? if i KNEW the evidence why would I ASK for it...

THIS POST is for people who BELIEVE the ILLUMINATI still EXISTS...



its not hard, and if you find it hard even after I seperated and capitalized the IMPORTANT PARTS... then you will help prove ATS is a joke that has nothing to accomplish because all its members do is down other members.

You want to make a difference then just come up with something... because right now, im losing faith in the Illuminati conspiracy theory...

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by sourcesonly

They obviously weren't asking you what exact pieces of information to tell you in order for you to consider the Illuminati conspiracy "proven."

They mean what type of things do you consider proof. People have different standards of proof, and asking what yours are is not being confrontational or difficult. Obviously the "Illuminati" in any important sense has not been proven by scientific standards, but even saying that makes it clear that we lack a clear cut concept of what would qualify as "proof" of the existance of something like the Illuminati. You asked for proof, and if you cannot express what you meant by that how can you expect anyone else to know what you meant?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:37 PM
Okay, thats exactly what i mean when i say proof...

Whatever evidence there is that YOU, the poster, consider proof. It's not about what i'm looking for, i just want to see what other people can say convinced them. I thought it was a simple concept, I don't know how else to bridge the gap here... maybe I suck at expressing my idea.... i will try again.

Obviously people define proof in different ways,.. I thought when I said 'pretend im an alien' it would be very clear that I want the poster to act as if I have never heard of the illuminati.

Teach me what you guys know.

If there is ANY information that made YOU believe Illuminati existed, share it. I really don't know how else to explain this

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:45 PM
1. Greed is inherent in human nature
>2. With greed comes desire of material possession
>>3. Eventually tire of materialism, and desire something more
>>>4. Discover wealth holds power over poor
>>>>5. First taste of power
>>>>>6. Desire for more power over another
>>>>>>7. Plot to attain this power

And not like you can announce in public that you're doing it. If not the 'illuminati' there would be another group doing it in secret. Something would fill the niche.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Ridhya

Ok I can agree with that. It's definitly human nature to crave power and to overcome many obstacles to acquire it... so yes there is science behind that post... very convincing...

now what makes people think the ones who set up this plot are known as the Illuminati?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by sourcesonly

your asking me WHAT evidence do i need? if i KNEW the evidence why would I ASK for it...

THIS POST is for people who BELIEVE the ILLUMINATI still EXISTS...



its not hard, and if you find it hard even after I seperated and capitalized the IMPORTANT PARTS... then you will help prove ATS is a joke that has nothing to accomplish because all its members do is down other members.

You want to make a difference then just come up with something... because right now, im losing faith in the Illuminati conspiracy theory...

You didn't ask for our reason "Why", I quote you, from your OPENING POST-

Don't reply with flames, do NOT reply with thoughts, and DO NOT reply with speculation. ONLY SERIOUS PARTICIPANTS PLEASE because this isn't just for me... its for everyone.

Those of you who say the Illuminati STILL exists today... PROVE IT!

As for why I believe there is an "Illuminati"? Well, to me, it's kind of a generic term for those who would step on others in pursuit of greed, power, money, etc. I know for a fact my Local government is rife with those who would lie, cheat and steal for money and/or power and if my LOCAL boys are like that, I can only imagine with higher titles and higher powers, the problem only multiplies in scope.
I grew up very close to the North Shore of Chicago. Money galore. I was a carpenter building their $5 M- $6M houses. I built the "hidey rooms" in more than one house. I trimmed out more than one library room with the hidden bookshelf/door to the room with no windows.
My family has individuals either suppressed BY the "Illuminati" or associated WITH the "Illuminati". Directly. To a bad end or two.

I don't speculate on the Illuminati. I KNOW. And if I had the proof required to expose them, I would share the same fate as my Father, my Mother, my older Brother. I'd be dead.

And that's all I'll say about that.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings with my earlier post, but, what you asked in your original post and what you later asked are two very different things.

The second, I could answer.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:24 PM
Interesting question, but to a skeptic no amount of evidence would be enough.


It's been said that over the 33rd degree of freemasonry is the Illuminati.

Other than that, prove they DON"T exist.

Look at the entertainment industry for starters, the symbols are everywhere, and that to me is all the proof I need.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Read up on the history of what happened at Jekyll Island, In my opinion it was what has led to our current state of affairs. When nearly every aspect of our monetary system was put into the hands of private institutions.

The economy, the corruption, our so called enemies, and the wars which have been waged since 1913, have all in one shape or another been influenced by the same people who manipulated the system for their own power and greed.

Seriously, Jekyll Island, The Federal Reserve and the Income tax, read up, and it becomes very clear the true purposes of nearly every major war and event since that date beyond what our so called history books leads us to believe.

Read up on it and you'll have a whole new understanding of everything you "thought" you knew.

Now I can't speak for everyone but I don't believe these "powers that be" are some organized group of super villain's in a mountain lair plotting to take over the world, though I'm quite sure its their underlying goal, what I'm saying is its just the natural course of human events.
People are greedy, greedy people find each other and discuss how to make a buck, and these people exist at all socioeconomic levels and it just so happens that they exist at the very top of the social classes who have much more effect on the rest of us than your typical street con artist or punk.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by C0le]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:36 PM

Well put and I totally 100 percent agree with all of that.
It's interesting that even well educated bright people I know, know absolutely nothing about this.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

All right... you my friend claim to have family touched by the 'Illuminati' figures. You are on a website dedicated to the exposure of government... if my family was snuffed out by a corrupt group of elitest... i'd be on ATS too searching for answers... and i'm not going to discredit your post, but if you don't want to suffer that same fate, why are you flirting with the very knowledge of it by coming on this forum?

If you know for a fact... you should be right next to me demanding actual evidence to use against this group of individuals... otherwise, why even bother being a member to this site? it's like being dressed up in shoulder pads and cleets but watching the NFL.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by arcana_imperii

Well, then don't consider me a real skeptic. I believe there are people out there who are very powerful and the world is not how it's presented... but im tired of falsified information... if we're going to talk about this... then we're going to figure # out and seperate the bull# from reality... once and for all.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:44 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

It can get confusing!

The very term Illuminati :


Pronunciation: \i-ˌlü-mə-ˈnä-tē\
Function: noun plural
Etymology: Italian & New Latin; Italian, from New Latin, from Latin, plural of illuminatus.
Date: 1599
1 capitalized : any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment
2 : persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened
3 : elite 1d

Then there is:

Wikipedia Article:

Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious.

(Most of what I have found/read on the "Modern Illuminati" deals primarily with the following)

Writers such as Mark Dice,[7] David Icke, Ryan Burke, Jüri Lina and Morgan Gricar, have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati.


In addition to the shadowy and secret organization, several modern fraternal groups claim to be the "heirs" of the Bavarian Illuminati and have openly used the name "Illuminati" in founding their own rites. Some, such as the multiple groups that call themselves some variation on "The Illuminati Order".


In short, what I'm getting at here, is that the waters of who we're actually talking about when we use the term is a bit muddled.

I've gone so far as to break them down into what I believe is a more appropriate sub-system of Illuminatus. One I find works better for me personally.

Black Lodge Illuminati: those with knowledge that they use against their fellow man. A highly competitive organization with tactics employed that most would agree are self-righteous and self-serving.

(Black Lodge is usually what most people think of when they hear the term "Illuminati". )

White Lodge Illuminati: those who have knowledge they employ for the betterment of the whole of humanity. Their modem operendi is more selfless, and they don't participate or gain through nefarious tactics.

(Think Social Workers, Peace Corp Volunteers, or anyone who works towards a common good without harming others.)

Grey Lodge Illuminati: Those who are, for lack of a better word, aware of such things that they emply for their own personal gain. Sometimes it's an altruistic venture, but only if they personally benefit from it.

(Grey Lodge is hard to describe, because there are so many levels of shading within. Everything between the previous two Lodges to some degree.)

How can I prove any of this?

I can't. It's just my perspective.

I tend to view humanity as one large, interconnected system - and we all fall somewhere on this scale.

We are all Illuminatus in some form or fashion....each knowing something (however trivial) that another does not.

It's how we live our lives that determines our placement within the Overall Order.

Hope that was a worthy contribution, even if it's completely subjective.

*edit - formatting

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

[edit on 1/14/10 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 12:05 AM
So can we agree that the final, and only actual understanding of 'Illuminati' comes down to describe any group of powerful individuals with any number of goals?

and the word Illuminati is only a reference to the Illuminati before as a way to categorize the idea of a group of powerful individuals behind the scenes with a plot.

Modern Illuminati is not an actual group name but a nickname.

I think I understand Illuminati a little better thanks to you guys.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Cuhail

do you have any opinion on how this group went from a collection of scientists and visionarys who didn't like being oppressed and started seeking higher knowledge, to a power hungry-world domination agenda driven group? Or did you mean that the term Illuminati was just a generic term given to "the bad man"?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:34 AM

Check out the video in this thread.

Illuminati Project

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:40 AM
TPTB are trying to confuse us all.This quote found at icke.

""‘Frater 616’ mentions a man with the Illuminati-Satanic code name of ‘Pindar’, who he had worshipped as ‘the true father of the statutory heir’. ‘Pindar’ has featured in my books going back to The Biggest Secret and he is a Satanist operating at the highest levels of the global cabal.

Satanism is run as a strict heirachy based on bloodline and the perceived ‘power’ of the demonic entities that the advocates allow to possess them. In many ways, the demonic heirachy is reflected in the ‘human’ heirachy of Satanism.

Satanists are vehicles for demonic entities (often reptilian in form) to manipulate human society. The rituals can also create an energetic ‘doorway’ or ‘gateway’ between vibrational realities that allow the entities to manifest in our world of ‘visible light’.

I have spoken with a number of people over the years who have described how reptilian and other demonic entities manifested before them during rituals and how participants ‘shifted’ from human to reptilian form in the same energetic environment.

Satanism at its ‘highest’ levels is also designed through the rituals and the manipulation of energy to imprint its low-vibrational mind-patterns into the waveform fabric of our reality. As the ‘death bed confession’ document says: ‘What most people do not realise is that Satanism is a ritually based practice and that this repetition has – over time – left strong impressions upon the Morphic Field!’

This is the ‘sea’ of energy (information) in which we all live and if you want to manipulate every fish at the same time, what do you do? You manipulate the sea.""

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