posted on May, 27 2004 @ 05:56 AM
Yup, that Ignore button is cool - it makes it so I read only what I agree with - Its "nice" that the world agrees with everything I say - Things are
so blissful that way.
I used that ignore button the other day and you know what? The terrorism problem just seemed to solve itself - Things are so blissful now.
- passage from the book entitled, "victimology at its grandest"
Sarcasm button off.
Whether you believe the attacks are CIA, or Al Qaida.
Whether you are conservative or liberal.
Whether you deny ignorance or not.
Selfish self absorbed self centered narcissistic people are a danger to us all in that they will have us absorb attacks with a smile so as not to
disturb their happy world view, This problem is something for other countries or people to handle, as long as it does not keep me from being happy -
why bother. If everyone would just ignore these pesky terrorist's they would go away in boredom, fighting them is disturbing my happiness.
Ignorance through an honest lack of knowledge gets a pass, Ignorance as a purpose gets you killed.
How many disasters in modern times can be layed at the feet of purposeful ignorance? plenty, heres a few examples,
1930's, Socialist's the world over extoll the virtues of Stalinist Russia, behind the scenes Stalin murders millions.
1939, Neville chamberlain declares "Peace is at hand", behind the scenes Hitlers juggernaut is ready to set the world on fire.
1945, The holocaust is discovered, behind the scenes it was known about as early as 1942.
1950's, Hungarian uprising
1970's Pol Pot murders millions of Cambodians.
More recently,
Saddams purges
Ignore things at your own peril, you may be next.
This is NOT a rant against liberals, even though I don't agree on their ways of doing things I do know that they believe they are doing the right
thing and have some care for all of us, this IS a rant against apathy and inaction which is risking all that this country stands for because some only
care for themselves.
[Edited on 27-5-2004 by Phoenix]