posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:01 AM
Before I start let me begin as I touch my eternal godspark to reveal from that which is fiction(lie)to that which is non-fiction(truth)
I have a great need to tell of everything, although it concerns me for the truth is upside down.
The creatures of fae and our childrens "fairy tales" are very real.
Celtic Christianity was destroyed by the Roman war. It was the time of great divide of Christianity. The orginal teachings were lost. Members were
killed and the teachings were changed and converted forever.
Celtic Christianity was the belief that all forms of life were sacred, emanating from the eternal mother and father god, and jesus.
The respect and love of all life, including our home, which is all of earth.
The mother goddess giving birth as seen earth through the flood of waters/birthing process. The father of the eternal/internal flame. The cosmic
mind and our brother jesus. Life is a grand orchestration and being can be liberated through musical tunes that sing to the creation of all things.
This is something that you feel and faith brings a whole new meaning, let me explain.
The connection of all, of the faith is done through magic, which was understood a completely different way back then than it is today. I can feel the
elements of fire, water, earth, and wind.
Fire is the eternal flame, heart
Wind is the heart of spirit
Earth is all form of life
Water is Spirit, healing, divine prayer.
This is the how you work, you are magic. That is the secret of creation.
Dark Sorceres have taken the world and turned it upon its heels collectivley through magic will and intent focuses sorcery(spells) on everyone eles
and they seemingly get away without having to conform to natures natural law. So they took and kept(held onto) the teachings of nature's law of one
from you. Good news is you can have it, its there for you if you want. It allways will be so long as you life and breath the air and drink the water
as your heart beats to the thunder of earths magesty.
Sorcerers are the spider's who weave their webs in the forest.
Everything is done through symbols and intent, that is magic. You probly do it everyday without realising it, that is the biggest secret of all
I march the song of creation, of truth. I have felt this and I know within all my core how right this is. I 'am ready for the conclaves of science
and will stand mighty of pure eternal truth and guidance of the holy ones.
Christ welcomes you and so does all life and I.
There is nothing but pure devotion and I try my best in the hopes that I may speak with little prejiduce or mistakes, as words may not allways
represent your own truth or mine to the fullest depth of curiosity and love.
They all bind together as one and make up you, everything and the universe, which can be seen by the cosmic mind by higher adepts.
As I touch my flame I am being reminded of the deepness that goes beyond space and time. The deepness which is the schism upon schism of our reality,
each with different faces through the blueprint of the soul.
As I speak, I try to express through my highest order, this as the birth rite of every living being. To do this would be my greatest honor and I
continually wish to be connected and in memory alive(awake mind).
Thank you brother jesus, holy mother and father.
[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]