posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 11:15 AM
I agree with a lot of others opinions on this show. Sure, for the most part, Jesse is doing a very good thing. And there is a substantial amount of
credible information supporting some of his theories. But lets not forget the title of this show... "Conspiracy THEORIES"
Just like any other show in the media, what pedals the program is money... which ultimately comes down to ratings. The more shock value on the show,
the better the ratings.
Specifically, regarding this episode.... I live very close to DIA, and have heard of these theories for years. I have seen the paintings and at the
very least they are definitely weird. Also, I remember a few years back when I would drive on E470, a tollway very close to DIA, that they had
massive concrete pipes/tunnels lining the road for miles... Most likely some type of oil or water pipeline, but definitely got me thinking.
Also, my father was an electrical worker at DIA during the initial construction for several years. I have asked him if he every worked on anything
usual there, or if he knew of any underground bases... From what I remember, he didn't have any recollection of any such projects. He has had high
level clearance for construction purposes on other government and military projects... But claimed that nothing out of the ordinary happened at
Plus... a lot of the points they make in this episode are flawed... For starters they suggest that because DIA is so far from Denver, it is
suspicious, and it must have been built so far away to promote secrecy. Perhaps this is the case, but I remember when it was being built that there
were some very big issues with surrounding residents at the old Stapleton airport complaining about the excessively loud airliner noises from the
And also, about the massive amount of dirt excavated... Now I am far from and expert on this particular subject, but I am very well informed of such
excavation and fill procedures/projects. Now the amount of dirt excavated, compared to the panama canal, is definitely a massive amount. But I have
traveled through DIA, and yes there is an extensive network of tunnels.... for baggage and commuter trains, and who knows what else. Plus the fact,
that several of the terminals have lower levels that are beneath the surface... Now I do know that because of the shear size and amount of these
tunnels it must have required a massive excavation... I am still on the fence with this one, but I think it is much more practical that the amount of
earth excavated is only related to specific airport construction issues. Not to mention the amount of dirt that had to be excavated just to level out
the massive footprint of the airport.
Just a few tidbits of info in my humble opinion.... I really liked some of the previous conspiracy theories episodes... But I think this one just
destroyed a lot of credibility for me. I do believe that there will be a massive solar flare in 2012, but that is not going to be enough to
exterminate all of mankind. Also, the massive pole shifts... from physics professors that I have chatted to about this, they describe this event as
something that will take place over decades or centuries.... the poles will not shift overnight. Because of information regarding 2012 that I have
seen and heard from more credible scientific sources than Jesse Venture I am beginning to question the true intent of the show...
To wake up America?? Possibly...
To improve trutv's ratings?? Yes...
To make money?? Absolutely...
But hell if SHTF... thats not to say I will not be prepared for 2012... I can assure you, if anything disastrous does happen I am going deep
underground. Screw building these large bunkers... Just go deep into a cave that is high in the Rocky's and you shouldn't have much to worry about.
Just make sure you have supplies to help you live off the land for an indefinite amount of time
[edit on 14-1-2010 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]