posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:57 AM
First of all i would just like to introduce myself, i live in manitoba canada. I have been interested in lets call them these "alternative" topics
for about 3 years now. I am currently in my last year of high school and of course am confronted with countless paths to take and am quite confused as
many are. Especially with my new out of the norm view on life and existance in general, i am finding it quite hard to find what i would call a
suitable career. I am feeling a lot of pressure from people around me to go to university get a normal job and make good money so i can have a "nice
life" blah blah. Whenever i hear that i honestly just want to cringe. First of all i dont feel or i no longer feel the need to get a "good job
that will pay well" because my view of an overall "nice life" comes nothing close to most peoples avarage definiton or even my own a few years
ago. I don't believe i would be much happier if i had more nice material things like nice cars, big tv's, and whicked dirt bikes. I can now see
totally right through and past this shallow consumerism and sex driven lifestyle that is pushed on us from birth, and it seems a little too sheepish
to me for lack of a better word and just downright doesnt turn my crank anymore.
The major thing in this society is that we all need $$$CASHHH$$$ just to survive basically. Even if we don't seek the consumerism driven lifestyle.
Some basic modern conveniences are still nice!!!
So i have a basic ideas and overall i think my ultimate goal is to get off the grid and away from the lifestyle i hate so much. If it means getting
away from western society totally i am willing to do that. I would love to go somewhere beautiful and live in nature with no worries. and that is
actually not too far of a reach, just a one-way plane ticket and a sense of adventure. ive known people who have done it and have thought about it a
lot myself.
But if i stay here in canada im going to have to get a decent job or have some sort of income. and this is where i stand.
I would love to have a perfect career that i like to do and is something i enjoy, but it is hard without university and just hard in general for most
people. I would love to ultimately have a career that has to do or can make use of my out of the norm/ esoteric knowledge and point of view. It
sounds almost like it is out of reach to me, but i dont think i can cope with a 9-5 typical robt job.
So essentially i dont really know where to start. and my parents are starting to push me into making the big choices. So far i think im going to set
up a meeting with a HADO instructor in my city. it has to do with Dr Emotos work if you are familiar, but thats all i got at the momnent, and im not
sure what kind of income it generates if any at all.
I am sure many other people that have found this genre of information feel the same as i do especially others my age. So i would like to just
have this thread as a discussion into "alternative types of carreers" or ways of saving and making money. Also any advice and experiences with
"living off the grid."
I personally am looking into building some of my own solar pannels which is quite affordable and also into growing some of my own food down the
Definately going to buy a gun, and probably start hunting.