posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Wanted to drop a line in here - specifically because I've had several dreams, some including spiders, again lately (one very prominent one just this
I had a spider dream sometime last week, but it wasn't very prominent...didn't really stick, but did mention it to a friend in normal conversation..
This did precede the japan earthquake, though I wont try to make any "claim to prediction" because I failed to write it down and generally just
forgot it happened.
Yesterday, I had a very vivid and surreal dream in which I was viewing a map, trying to find "safe locations". The map was of the midwest/heartland
area, specifically southern michigan/wisconsin down through illinois/indiana/ohio - oddly, the map was changed/mislabeled with north carolina and
south carolina, east to west respectively, in place of illinois/indiana/ohio..michigan and wisconsin were in their correct positions and labeled
On the map, there were earthquake magnitudes labeled - mostly in the 5 range, some 6s scattered around, plus one 7.0 or 7.2 located to the south and
east of lake michigan. In the dream, this area was "north carolina" and was nearby a city that began with the letter 'C'. Reviewing a google map,
the location would actually correlate to the fort wayne area of indiana
As I viewed the map in the dream, seeking a "safe location", I was looking for areas on the east side of hills, located near water but not too
close, high enough to avoid flooding and some distance from the labeled quakes. I focused in on an area in "south carolina" nearby a river -
location on google maps correlates to peoria, illinois. In the dream I was thinking that it looked logically like a good location, but I had a "bad
feeling" about it and didn't trust it.
I take the dream to have a slightly literal predictive meaning - that both north/south carolina and the illinois/indiana/ohio area will experience
earthquakes, perhaps simultaneously. I'm unsure if the 7.0/7.2 is an isolated event or if one happens in both areas.
Anyway, flash-forward to this morning - I had a very prominent occurrence of the spider dreams... still have the heeby-jeebies honestly. This one
sticks out among the others I've had for the amount of detail I saw of the spider. The spider was very large - small body with incredibly long and
slender legs. It was black and white, with a barred patterning, and almost iridescent. The body was actually somewhat furry or feathery, and there
were two small fluffs of feather on the abdomen that reminded me of the feathers commonly found on "dreamcatchers". The spread of the legs on it
must have been about 8" - maybe larger - with a body size of probably 1" or less - truly a beautiful spider.
As I said before, I seem to have these types of spider dreams just days before major headlines about catastrophic type events with loss of life. I
have no idea if the two dreams are related, nor if the earthquake dream will even pan out (I have a bad track record as far as storm dreams becoming
literal realities - those tend towards more metaphorical for me - and I have no prior experience with earthquake related dreams)