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What made you gay or lesbian?

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Yes, i heard about this... and it really makes me wonder about what the government can do if they wanted to do something to us.

that's it! I'm not drinking any more tap water!

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by EliyahuHaNave

I don't think your spiritual being has absolutely nothing to do with what triggers that sexual desire in a human being, because that sexual desire is driven by nature.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by EnlightenLivingMultiCellO

I agree, though for some reason I am puzzled by your reply. If the sexual impulse is driven by nature, what is nature? Is nature not a great over arching principal that guides through unseen means, and who is to say if the procreative drive is not born form nature's desire for us to feel nurtured, to feel fulfilled? If this is the case, and by it's simplest terms we say that animals procreate because of an instinctive urge guided by nature, then are not we saying that the nature of the animal (the soul) is guiding its sexual exploits? In this way are not we also implying that it is one's nature to seek after that which is of greatest comfort, that which fulfills the needs of the soul (nature)? I apologize, my lexicon seems discordant with yours. Please note that I am endeavoring to learn though and wish this discussion to continue. Fascinating creatures, simply fascinating.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I have seen some of your other posts, and you clearly are set in stone about what you where told is the truth..

You really want to know what makes people gay?
I don't think your going to find an answer.. As you are asking a very ignorant question.

And your all loving faith, hates others for being different.. While you don't have to come right out and say it..
But deep down I think you get some sick kick, from thinking about all those GAYS burning in hell...

Its always amazing to me how much hate and ignorance religion can teach others..

You write this thread in a clever way.. Saying you don't want any gay bashing and you just have a simple question...

You type that it might be something in the water... LOL.. Okay...

I don't think you will ever understand it.. As you have already made up your mind..
And no matter what you are told.. You will listen and follow men like Pat Robertson...

I just say this too you.. .Learn to think for yourself..

Learn how to think outside yourself for a moment...
Instead of letting others tell you how to live your life, and what is right and wrong...

I don't want to hate on you... But you spread the hate 10 fold around here.
So bless you! And I wish you well on quest for finding out what makes people gay...

I would be willing to bet that you would be all for a cure to being Gay..

Like a pill that makes those evil gays, ungay!!!


[edit on 25-1-2010 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:24 PM
Always have been. My first thoughts on it were seven and having crushes like girls. It was not religious/male centered upbringing as my father was a deacon, Sunday School Teacher, and occasional preacher when the regular was out of town. My dad was very active in our upbringing. I was not molested nor did I know of any "gay adults" that would do such a thing.

Went through a tough time as I was in a Christian School and got a lot of teasing because I liked boy things and girl things (toys, games etc.). There were other gays my age that went through an ex-gay type thing and those people came out battered and having severe emotional distress (some were raped and beaten or subjected to distress of having to kneel hours per day to pray to God to change). Some tried to live the "straight" way but, failed. They are all dead now by suicide.

Through much unanswered prayer and pushing from the church and parents of changing something I became angry with God and left the church thinking he did not care about me. I finally accepted whom I was and just moved on. It took me many, many years to ever trust my parents enough to tell them what was going on with me.

Not the whole story but, the gist of it.
Take it as you will, doesn't matter.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by yzzyUK

What made me heterosexual? A very good question,here is the answer.
I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and turned my life over to Him.

So are you saying you were born gay, but thanks to your efforts, and divine intervention your now straight? Growing up I wished almost any thing then being gay. I coulden;t talk to my friends, Any one. Now I have no problem with being gay. Unless you had several courses of electro shock, I doub't your conversion in the biological sense. But any one can just grin and bare it. Biology is just what it is. People some times give up sex. If you want to be a monk, knock your self out.

Sexuality, and a number of other behaviours are genetic.

I'l dig up if I can a study from the University of Minnesota. Twins, who were seperated at birth, and adopted by different parents, often not knowing the had a twin . Not only was sexual preference the same betwwen any two twins, but very often they also had tthe same job type, even the same favorite color. Kind of spooky.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:53 AM
Eating cheese at night...
Oh no, sorry that made me have nightmares

It was???
Men, no women, no men, no women...

oh I dont know!!!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 10:38 PM
I feel like this was an interesting topic.
I am bisexual and I feel that this is just the way I am.
From my understanding this is caused mainly by my genetic makeup, and perhaps my hormonal balance.
To think that chemicals or hormones in drinking water could cause increasing occurrence of any trait doesn't seem too far fetched to me as our bodies are driven by delicate chemical reactions.
This definitely made me think.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 03:32 AM
I know a lot of people say "who cares," but we are naturally inquisitive species and I for one would like to understand the science behind it. If it isn't a choice then there is a scientific reason for it. I think a lot of people are afraid to find out exactly what that is because in the back of their mind there is the fear of "What if they discover that it is somethign that can actually be cured," and then they would have to deal with all the religious people out there pushing a cure on them, or that the results could push back the acceptance of homosexuality back in to the dark ages. If no one knows the actual science behind it, it can't threaten their increasing acceptance or happiness.

But I think think people who accept homosexuality are going to accept it no matter what the reason is and people who want to discriminate will always find a reason to discriminate.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by calstorm
But I think think people who accept homosexuality are going to accept it no matter what the reason is and people who want to discriminate will always find a reason to discriminate.

Very astute. But frankly, I think a more compelling question is "What made you anti-gay?" I'd be interested in knowing why anybody cares about another's sexuality. Why do folks get so het-up over what other adults are doing with their naughty bits?

Personally, I see such judgmental behavior as rather untoward and quite suspect in and of itself..
edit on 4-12-2010 by JohnnyCanuck because: of clarity

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by calstorm
But I think think people who accept homosexuality are going to accept it no matter what the reason is and people who want to discriminate will always find a reason to discriminate.

Very astute. But frankly, I think a more compelling question is "What made you anti-gay?" I'd be interested in knowing why anybody cares about another's sexuality. Why do folks get so het-up over what other adults are doing with their naughty bits?

Personally, I see such judgmental behavior as rather untoward and quite suspect in and of itself..
edit on 4-12-2010 by JohnnyCanuck because: of clarity

Are you directing that question at me? I hope not.
I think we have a pretty good understanding of what makes one anti-gay, religious beliefs and fear.
I already answered the question about people care.Like I said, we are and inquisitive spices and and I happen to be curious about the science behind what determines which sex someone is attracted to.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by calstorm

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
I think a more compelling question is "What made you anti-gay?" I'd be interested in knowing why anybody cares about another's sexuality.

Are you directing that question at me? I hope not.
I think we have a pretty good understanding of what makes one anti-gay, religious beliefs and fear.
I already answered the question about people care.Like I said, we are and inquisitive spices and and I happen to be curious about the science behind what determines which sex someone is attracted to.

No, the question was not directed at you and I apologise for it sounding like it was. Looks like you and I see things about the same. I'm talking about those who troll with an anti-gay agenda, or get all bent out of shape on the subject.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by calstorm

I don't think it's explainable through science. My belief is that your "soul" (for lack of a better word) can be predominantly male or female, throughout many lifetimes. So, if you are a predominantly male soul, and you're reborn into a female body, it makes sense you'd still be attracted to females. Likewise, some souls may have simply bounced back and forth enough to really not have a preference (bi-sexual).

Just a theory of course, and one that can't be proven really...but I think it explains why some lesbians dress and act mannish, and why some gay men are more effeminate.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by moocowman
Now seeing that your god created "Everything" then your god obviously created Satan which changes things a little. It would now appear that through Satan your god creates the impetus for my gay activities.

Actually, before Satan became Satan, he was an angel. The one most loved by God. He choose to rebel, thus becoming Satan. So, no. God did not create Satan.

Anyway, I choose to believe that everyone was born as bisexual. As we grow up, some prefer guys, some prefer girls and the rest remain bi. I think that people who insists to everyone that they are straight are in denial, though. Isn't there a phrase in Shakespeare : "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Btw, I think that since the bible was translated from many different languages and is written by men, some of the meaning might be lost in translation and/or altered by the persons writing it. Besides isn't love more important? The quote below states:

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:8-9).”

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by sliceNodice
Gay/lesbians/bisexual people have a screw loose in their head. Whether the cause was drugs, bad parenting, the symbolism of sex in advertising, or being born with the psychological disorder... They are still psychologically disturbed.

I find it disturbing that this disorder is actually considered normal these days. Do not people see what this will do? This facilitates detachment from the other sex, which will ultimately lead to lack of understanding, a failure to communicate and then conflict. To me, it is already apparent... Divorce rates, sexism, and sexual pride are just absolutely maddening now, and nobody seems to want to do anything about all of this, nor, find the culprit. I'll tell you what the culprit is.

Are you sure you're not the one that had a screw loose in your head? Homosexual is not a disorder or a disease. Neither is it caused by outside influence. There's also nothing wrong being homosexual. The only thing wrong is people like you who think that you've the right to judge. The bible stated:

“Judge not, lest you be judged” (Lk 6: 27-38)

What does being gay or lesbian had to do with all the problems you stated? For an example, the divorce problem is most likely because their spouse had affairs and/or because they lack communications which lead to misunderstandings and conflict. I'm pretty sure that most of the ones who divorce are straight couples.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Roan.A

Originally posted by mamabeth
As a christian,I am taught that homosexuality is a sin.We are all born
sinners into this world.A homosexual can say that he/she is born that
God didn't make anyone, gay/lesbian,their carnal,sinful nature did.

So basically for me not to be a sinner anymore I'd have to "turn" straight, be fake, not being truthful to myself and to a man.. cuz at the end im with him just to be with someone who has a penis cuz thats a man right. oh and unhappy.

On the other hand i could just love someone to the fullest, be truthful, be myself and happy with someone who is the same sex as me.

What would you do?

ps. not always what you have been taught is the only truth or the right way.

All you had to do is to love truthfully with all your heart. It doesn't matter who you love. And I'm saying this as a christian/catholic person. After all, God is the embodiment of love. And He doesn't expect us to be perfect.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

The most honest answer is from birth but I doubt anyone can remember that far back.

If anyone ever tells you that you pick it up along the way, is more than likely not gay.

Over a few drinks a long time ago, someone once explained their view of sexuality and it made a huge amount of sense to me. She looked at it as though it was a score between one and ten gay and straight at opposite ends and the nature of one's own sexuality could be found somewhere there. A little but crude but it explains a lot about bisexuality, which is where staight to gay and gay to straight conversions come from. They are neither - they're bisexual. They might be a five and be attracted to both sexes equally or they may be more attracted to one than the other.

I haven't read other posts yet, just the OP and I am looking forward to reading through it.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

This Alex Jones video was brought to my attention today.
I am bumping this old thread in order to add the new video.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

Thanks for the link. Do you think there is any documented evidence of this man's rantings or is he just...ranting?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 12:55 PM
Don't know if I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but while not gay myself, I did watch my brother grow up, and he's gay, so I've got some insight into this.

I don't think he was ever really straight, he simply didn't know what his inclinations were, until he started thinking that way (about sex).

He had plenty of friends who were girls all the time, and we really should have seen the signs. He always seemed to like girls as just friends though, and I don't really remember him having but one crush on a girl, and it was probably more that he simply wanted to be her, vs. be with her.

I seriously think someone is simply born with these inclinations, for the most part. There was certainly nothing I can think of in his childhood environment that would be a factor, especially as we were both exposed to the same environment.

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